Confinement King

Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Takasago Legendary Scene


Ui-chan gritted her teeth as she looked at the two of them taking a commemorative photo across the water aquarium.
I can’t help but chuckle.

I averted my eyes.
As I’ve already had a date with Kijima, this is very awkward.

When I was taken aback, Ui-chan showed a sudden sign of thinking.

Then, Ui-chan raises her eyebrows and on her face look like there is the word “I don’t know” written in bold gothic letters.

Ui-chan looked surprised and pleased for a moment, then looked troubled.

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Ui-chan gritted her teeth as she looked at the two of them taking a commemorative photo across the water aquarium.
I can’t help but chuckle.

I averted my eyes.
As I’ve already had a date with Kijima, this is very awkward.

When I was taken aback, Ui-chan showed a sudden sign of thinking.

Then, Ui-chan raises her eyebrows and on her face look like there is the word “I don’t know” written in bold gothic letters.

Ui-chan looked surprised and pleased for a moment, then looked troubled.

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Ui-chan gritted her teeth as she looked at the two of them taking a commemorative photo across the water aquarium.
I can’t help but chuckle.

I averted my eyes.
As I’ve already had a date with Kijima, this is very awkward.

When I was taken aback, Ui-chan showed a sudden sign of thinking.

Then, Ui-chan raises her eyebrows and on her face look like there is the word “I don’t know” written in bold gothic letters.

Ui-chan looked surprised and pleased for a moment, then looked troubled.

Two updates…
Thank Ayx for the support…
Inside the show pool, dolphins jump one after another in a rain of lights formed by glittering lasers.
This is the aquarium’s main attraction. A dolphin shows. And in front of us, there are Kijima and Moribe-san.
Moribe-san seems reserved but excited.
On the other hand, Kijima watches her with fondness.
Occasionally, they talk to each other and smile at each other.
Looking at the two, Shiratori-senpai let out a dismayed voice.

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There, too, the case of the mysterious disappearance is being treated with great interest, and many people are saying that Fumio Kijima is suspicious.
It is no wonder that some people are following the case like Detective JK.

And so, at the ticket counter, I bought the tickets for the three of us together.
However, I notice Shiratori-senpai peeking into my wallet.

Well, it’s not surprising that she’s concerned.
But thanks to the fact that I’m in charge of all the living expenses, I have more money in my wallet than a student should have.
And when we entered the aquarium…

Takasago-senpai was stopped at the entrance.
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At the end of the dimly lit blue corridor, Saori-chan, who saw a water aquarium that resembled the North Pole, rushed out.
She turned to me, sticking to the glass.

I don’t really know what Saori-chan is saying, but I can only say that Pen-san, one of the four mascots, is the best, since this quiet girl is so excited.
By the way, the other three are Panda, Koala and Kei-chan.

There, too, the case of the mysterious disappearance is being treated with great interest, and many people are saying that Fumio Kijima is suspicious.
It is no wonder that some people are following the case like Detective JK.

And so, at the ticket counter, I bought the tickets for the three of us together.
However, I notice Shiratori-senpai peeking into my wallet.

Well, it’s not surprising that she’s concerned.
But thanks to the fact that I’m in charge of all the living expenses, I have more money in my wallet than a student should have.
And when we entered the aquarium…

Takasago-senpai was stopped at the entrance.
◇ ◇ ◇
At the end of the dimly lit blue corridor, Saori-chan, who saw a water aquarium that resembled the North Pole, rushed out.
She turned to me, sticking to the glass.

I don’t really know what Saori-chan is saying, but I can only say that Pen-san, one of the four mascots, is the best, since this quiet girl is so excited.
By the way, the other three are Panda, Koala and Kei-chan.

There, too, the case of the mysterious disappearance is being treated with great interest, and many people are saying that Fumio Kijima is suspicious.
It is no wonder that some people are following the case like Detective JK.

And so, at the ticket counter, I bought the tickets for the three of us together.
However, I notice Shiratori-senpai peeking into my wallet.

Well, it’s not surprising that she’s concerned.
But thanks to the fact that I’m in charge of all the living expenses, I have more money in my wallet than a student should have.
And when we entered the aquarium…

Takasago-senpai was stopped at the entrance.
◇ ◇ ◇
At the end of the dimly lit blue corridor, Saori-chan, who saw a water aquarium that resembled the North Pole, rushed out.
She turned to me, sticking to the glass.

I don’t really know what Saori-chan is saying, but I can only say that Pen-san, one of the four mascots, is the best, since this quiet girl is so excited.
By the way, the other three are Panda, Koala and Kei-chan.

And It’s funny. I thought I was following a devil pawn and a girl suspected of being a devil(Akuma), but what I saw is a scene that made me feel dismay, like a typical scene from youth…

I don’t want a boyfriend either, but… would my brother(Onii-chan) come with me if I asked him?
Anyway, no luck so far. The sunglasses group, which I thought was following Kijima, was sitting far away from us, enjoying the dolphin show.
From this point of view, the most excited people were two model-like figures.
If I look for them later on social networking sites, I may be able to find out who they are.
Finally, the dolphins make a series of jumps, and the hostess announces the end of the show, and the lights are turned on and the surroundings become bright.
After a round of applause, the audience started to leave their seats, and Kijima and Moribe-san also started to move toward the exit.

Moribe-san’s hand, which had been holding the hem of Kijima’s shirt until a moment ago, was now grasping Kijima’s fingertip.
Her face was red, and I could see that she was very nervous just by watching from the side.

As I looked at their backs, I felt as if I could see my brother and myself in the same image.
There, too, the case of the mysterious disappearance is being treated with great interest, and many people are saying that Fumio Kijima is suspicious.
It is no wonder that some people are following the case like Detective JK.

And so, at the ticket counter, I bought the tickets for the three of us together.
However, I notice Shiratori-senpai peeking into my wallet.

Well, it’s not surprising that she’s concerned.
But thanks to the fact that I’m in charge of all the living expenses, I have more money in my wallet than a student should have.
And when we entered the aquarium…

Takasago-senpai was stopped at the entrance.
◇ ◇ ◇
At the end of the dimly lit blue corridor, Saori-chan, who saw a water aquarium that resembled the North Pole, rushed out.
She turned to me, sticking to the glass.

I don’t really know what Saori-chan is saying, but I can only say that Pen-san, one of the four mascots, is the best, since this quiet girl is so excited.
By the way, the other three are Panda, Koala and Kei-chan.

There, too, the case of the mysterious disappearance is being treated with great interest, and many people are saying that Fumio Kijima is suspicious.
It is no wonder that some people are following the case like Detective JK.

And so, at the ticket counter, I bought the tickets for the three of us together.
However, I notice Shiratori-senpai peeking into my wallet.

Well, it’s not surprising that she’s concerned.
But thanks to the fact that I’m in charge of all the living expenses, I have more money in my wallet than a student should have.
And when we entered the aquarium…

Takasago-senpai was stopped at the entrance.
◇ ◇ ◇
At the end of the dimly lit blue corridor, Saori-chan, who saw a water aquarium that resembled the North Pole, rushed out.
She turned to me, sticking to the glass.

I don’t really know what Saori-chan is saying, but I can only say that Pen-san, one of the four mascots, is the best, since this quiet girl is so excited.
By the way, the other three are Panda, Koala and Kei-chan.

Probably, it was so long ago that I have to go back to elementary school. Thinking so, I felt very jealous.

Minami-onee-chan is a childhood friend of my brother and I, who live next door to each other.
To be honest, it was complicated for me when they started going out, but I thought it was okay if it was Minami-onee-chan.
There were times when their relationship seemed to be tense, but they had been together for a long time, so I thought it was just a case of boredom.
However, their relationship definitely deteriorated after my brother shut himself away.
Minami-onee-chan, who came to see him because she was worried about my brother, ran out of the room crying.

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But then one night…
On my way home from the convenience store, I saw her sneaking out of the house.
I had been feeling bothered for a long time, so I decided to follow her, though I knew it was wrong.
But it was rare for serious sister to sneak out of the house at this hour. And after a few moments, she went to the back of the station, where she met a man with a hat on his head.
It was dimly lit, so I could not tell his age, but he did not seem to be the same age.

Inside the show pool, dolphins jump one after another in a rain of lights formed by glittering lasers.

“Wow…” cries of admiration could be heard from all over the audience, and the wetsuit-clad woman hosting the show puffed out her chest proudly.
This is the aquarium’s main attraction. A dolphin shows. And in front of us, there are Kijima and Moribe-san.
Moribe-san seems reserved but excited.
On the other hand, Kijima watches her with fondness.
Occasionally, they talk to each other and smile at each other.
Looking at the two, Shiratori-senpai let out a dismayed voice.
As I hid behind a vending machine and listened to the conversation, I could hear fragments of his words.

And then I watched as she was taken to a hotel with a sobbing face.

I don’t know what to do anymore.
So, that morning, I consulted Claudia-san, who had just started working with my brother, for help.
However, on Sato-chan’s recommendation, I consulted Shiratori-senpai, and the next day she was able to find out the identity of the person I was dealing with.

It was like magic. I thought she might be making fun of me by saying something random.
But Shiratori-senpai’s face was still sullen as ever, and she said in an indifferent tone.

But it’s the only clue.
From that point on, I continued to observe Kobayashi-sensei’s movements.
Gradually, I came to understand that this man was an unbelievable devil.
Despite the fact that he had a young wife and a child who had just turned one year old, I found out that he had poisoned not only big sister but also the chairwoman of the public morals committee.
During the two weeks I was observing him, he went to a hotel with the chairwoman of the public morals committee once, and with big sister five times.
Three of those times were early in the summer vacation.
And the last time I saw her, she must have lost her mind. She acted as if she was leaning on the teacher.
At this rate, it’ll be too late.
I’ve got to do something… I thought.

Inside the show pool, dolphins jump one after another in a rain of lights formed by glittering lasers.

“Wow…” cries of admiration could be heard from all over the audience, and the wetsuit-clad woman hosting the show puffed out her chest proudly.
This is the aquarium’s main attraction. A dolphin shows. And in front of us, there are Kijima and Moribe-san.
Moribe-san seems reserved but excited.
On the other hand, Kijima watches her with fondness.
Occasionally, they talk to each other and smile at each other.
Looking at the two, Shiratori-senpai let out a dismayed voice.

Before I knew it, Shiratori-senpai was peering into my face.
I shouldn’t have brought this up. It made me lost in thought. When I came to my senses, there were few people in the audience and there was no sign of Kijima or Moribe-san.

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When we were stopped at the entrance, we decided to wait for Takasago-senpai to finish eating her crepe.
However, as soon as she finished her crepe, Takasago-senpai took out a pack of warabi-mochi from her bag without pausing.
Therefore, Shiratori-senpai and I gave up and decided to leave Takasago-senpai behind.

But, I am interested in the kind of family environment she grew up in, and how she can live without worrying about others.
However, when I asked this to Shiratori-senpai, she said with a wry smile.

Indeed, it is horror enough when a 0-year-old child moves by herself.
But Shiratori-senpai’s point of view was different.

But, lesbian skull. It’s a word that I’ve never heard before, but I can almost guess what it’s about.
Oh, man.
It’s going to change the way I look at Takasago-senpai.

Shiratori-senpai, the content is so shocking that I really don’t care about its conclusion.

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