Convenient Marriage: Mr. Nelson's Love Trap by Hannah Baker

Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Officer Miller’s face began to grow redder and redder.

Wendy could not take it anymore.

“Dad, I am your one and only daughter, so why are you giving so much care to an outsider? Am I your offspring, or is he?” Wendy still couldn’t figure out Officer Miller’s bizarre action. She pointed at Boyce and asked vehemently.

Officer Miller clutched his chest and felt his rage consuming him. Why was this daughter of his so disobedient and unwilling to take an advice?

“Are you trying to make me so mad that I can die?” Officer Miller was breathing heavily as he said that.

Wendy cried until her whole face was covered in goo and ears, “You are always protective of him and you didn’t so much as give me half of that attention while I am your daughter. Ever since I was a child, have you ever cared for me? Don’t you think it’s too late to educate me now?”

Officer Miller was staggering backwards until his butt hit the sofa. He looked like he had just heard the most unbelievable thing in the world. He was always busy, so his daughter was raised mostly by his wife. Of course, Wendy would take after his wife in the way that both of them were pretty unreasonable.

“It’s my fault, it’s all my own fault.” Officer Miller was in so much grief. novelbin

He didn’t watch over her a lot when she was a child, now that she was an adult, it seemed that he had lost his authority to have a word with her.

He was deeply regretful.

He regretted that he didn’t accompany her in her growing days and educate her.

“Dad.” Wendy was shocked by her father’s complexion as she hurried forward to calm him down. Officer Miller had such a distorted expression that she was afraid that he would faint.

Officer Miller was beginning to enter his twilight years, and he had served as the head officer of the station for an extended period of time. He was always serious in work which made him a respected man, and even after his retirement, his former subordinates and colleagues would greet and welcome him with open arm, yet at this moment…

His own daughter was so ridiculous that he felt that he had lost all face!

With his breathing still short and ragged, he said while giving a stern stare at her daughter, “You are right. I have brought you into this world, yet I didn’t raise you up well. Now that you have made a mistake, I am actually the one to be blamed. I am the one at fault here.”

“I am your father after all, and I have some responsibility in your actions and mistakes. If you don’t want to apologize, I will do that in your place!” Officer Miller turned to look at Boyce, “I didn’t raise my daughter well…”

“Dad, don’t apologize to him. He thought that by taking over the head officer’s position he could be so disrespectful now. He is able to achieve whatever up till this point because of your help, but now just because of something so minor, he wants to find fault with you. He doesn’t know what is gratitude, and someone like that is not someone to be respected!”

“You…” Officer Miller’s face was ugly with a greenish color as if the next thing to expect from him was him passing out on the spot.

Boyce sighed secretly as he wasn’t actually that petty when it comes to his former superior. He was loathing his own daughter to the core, and that warranted Boyce’s attention now.

“Officer Miller, I am not angry.”

Officer Miller held Boyce’s hand and he struggled mightily to make himself able to speak. Only after a short while did he open his mouth, “I am sorry to you.”

Her daughter had committed more than just a single mistake.

He knew that very well.

“Wendy, oh Wendy. We must talk reason all the time. Tell me, what did Boyce do that offend you? Can you force things without any real feelings between two people? You didn’t just stop at the first mistake, and I didn’t think I had it in me to scold you. Like you said, I care for you too less so I am not worthy to reprimand you. I just feel sorry for you, and that is why I chose to turn a blind eye towards what you have done.”

His breathing continued to struggle and he was hammering his chest now. Otherwise, his breathing wouldn’t get smooth.

“To spoil a child is like killing a child! I am wrong all the while. I should not let you do as you please all the time.” The ever-dominant and prideful Officer Miller had a streak of tear down his cheeks. This showed that he was really upset.

Wendy was very startled at what she was seeing. Her father was always a towering, strict figure in her heart, but now he was actually crying in front of an underling. He was a ghost of his former glorious self. He always cared about dignity, yet now… All of a sudden, she felt empathetic towards her father and she hugged him, “Dad, I know I am wrong now…” Wendy began to wail in Officer Miller’s embrace.

Officer Miller caressed his daughter’s hair and said, “If you carry yourself well, people will see it; If you don’t do that, someday, someone will discover your ugly self too. What you need to do is to be able to live up to your own name and be free of guilt. Think carefully, since your divorce, how many things have you done wrong? If you are always faithful towards Boyce, and based on his temperament, he

would have treated you like a gem. You are the one who kept making mistakes and losing your chances, so you have no right to blame others.”

Wendy didn’t say anything to retort her father, which was an indication that some of those advice must have registered with her.

Officer Miller sighed and said to Boyce,” If I still have any weight in your heart, I should capitalize on my seniority and hope that you can forgive her this time. I give you my word that she won’t do anything to you from now on.”

Since Officer Miller had steered the conversation into such a direction, Boyce couldn’t just press his former boss further, “I won’t pursue this matter. I was at fault too last time, since I was the one going back on my own words. I was wrong too. Wendy, I am sorry.”

Wendy did make a lot of mistakes, which was an irrefutable fact. He had to admit that he wasn’t a saint without errors too, and he also hoped that Wendy could become more reasonable in the future contrary to just blaming others and biting others hard without taking a good look at the mirror herself.

He hoped that Wendy could see very clearly where her flaws were and value the good things others brought to the table.

Wendy continued to sob and cry in her father’s embrace, “I don’t want to listen to you apologizing to me. Go away now, and don’t ever appear in front of me again!”


Officer Miller let out a sigh again, “They say that children will always be a debt to their parents, and they are certainly not wrong.”

Boyce stood up, “Officer Miller, please take good care of your health. There won’t be anyone spreading nonsensical rumours about this matter, and that is because it’s you who’s in the centre of the matter. If it were anybody else, I wouldn’t have just let this go so easily. After all, this matter was a huge pain in my ass, since I was just promoted and immediately a complaint against me was filed. So many people want to see me turn into a joke.”

This was also a sign of respect towards Officer Miller and he wanted to prove using action that he wouldn’t pursue the matter with Wendy too. However, he needed to remind everyone that there were limits to him too.

Officer Miller was someone very fast on the uptake, so he naturally could read between the lines, “You don’t have to worry…”

“From now on, we won’t have anything to do with each other anymore. You will walk on your own single-plank bridge, and I will walk my own path too. We won’t interfere and indebted to each other in any way, and we won’t have anything to do with each other even until death!”

Wendy interrupted her father and roared at Boyce, “It’s not like you are the only man in this world. It’s hard to find a toad with two legs, but that is not the case with men. You are nothing so great!”

Boyce’s expression was hard and solemn, and he only looked at her calmly, “I really do hope for your best. We have known each other for a long time, and I still reserve some respect for you.”

Wendy froze for a moment as she realized that her vehement outpouring of emotion was met with his strangely calm gaze, which only made her look grotesque and ugly. For some time, she didn’t know what to say anymore.

“I’m taking my leave. Take care, Officer Miller.” He announced his departure and turned to leave.

After getting off the elevator, a whiff of fresh air welcomed him in the corridor. He stood firmly on the ground and let out a long, hard breath before finally marching forward.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn festival, Boyce brought Jasmine to the supermarket to procure some goods. Of course, that included the moon cake.

He didn’t buy it just for their own enjoyment. Those moon cakes could be used as gifts as family would gather during the Mid-Autumn festival. It was boring just for him and Jasmine to linger at home, so they brought those moon cakes as gifts and visited the old mansion.

When he and Jasmine arrived, they stumbled upon Dr. Jason at the door. He didn’t look very good.

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