Convenient Marriage: Mr. Nelson's Love Trap by Hannah Baker

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Pushing open the door to the study room, she caught a glimpse of a dark figure at the desk.

The room was lit with a white lap. The room was deadly quiet, and a wide desk was placed in the middle of the wide room.

There were brushes, papers, ink and inkstone on the top of the table where Jayden used to practice his calligraphy on the table

However, the man who used to hold the brush and bow down to practice calligraphy in front of the table was no longer there.

The black ink inside the inkstone which was placed on the table had already dried up. The fragrance of ink had filled the room.

She then walked over and looked at the man who was standing in front of the table. She hesitated several times as she didn’t know how to speak to him at that moment. So, she went over to him and embraced him.

After a long time, she said hoarsely, “Someone will come in the evening, you have to adjust your emotion as soon as possible.”

Matthew looked around the room which made him feel two contradictory feelings. The room was familiar to him but also unfamiliar to him at the same time. He then said in a low and hoarse voice, “Lola, I’ve lost another family member.”

He had lost his mother and now he had lost his father.

A lump came into her throat, so she hugged him tightly with her arms. She was choking with sobs, “You still have me and our children. We'll always be with you…”

Matthew wrapped her in his arms as he was pushing too hard, Dolores’s body almost crashed in. He buried his face in her chest and his body was trembling lightly.

Dolores could not find any words to comfort him and what she could do was merely keep him company quietly.

After a long time, Matthew released her until the sky outside was turning brighter.

Dolores looked at his calm face and knew that he was hiding all his sorrow and sadness at that moment as it was not the time for him to grieve.

Since Jayden had passed away, he must take care of the funeral well so Jayden’s soul would be allowed to go in peace.

Knock, knock…

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Matthew said, “You may come in.”

Coral pushed the door open and said, “Someone is coming and crying in the room.”

Coral had previously met this person who seemed to be the one and only clan member of the Nelson family.

“I know.” Matthew stood up. The two children didn’t really rest well at night, so he asked Dolores to look after the children while he went to the room.

Before he could enter the room, he heard a cry which was loud but without any sad emotion.

He was just doing some superficial actions.

When Matthew walked into the room, he saw a man who was dressed in a Mao suit, lying on the bed, and crying.

Although Matthew had never seen him before, he still could recognize he was Jayden’s cousin.

He was Matthew’s uncle.

He didn’t get along with people much due to his handicap.

The man was thin and slender, he had combed black hair mixed with white hair. His skin was white and there were some age spots on his face. Overall, he looked quite spiritual.

He was surprised to see him here so soon.

“Matthew, why didn't you tell me about my brother’s bad health? I missed seeing him before he left. How can you do something like this as a son?” He was questioning Matthew.

This person must have come to their house with some other intentions once Jayden had passed away as he normally wouldn’t contact them.

What did he want to do?

Matthew slightly narrowed his eyes and said calmly, “Why are you free to come?”

“I…” Benjamin Nelson was speechless for a moment.

In the past, he also didn’t like to come here, even though he brought his relatives with him.

“My family surname is also Nelson and I’m not an outsider. Your father has passed away, shouldn’t I come?” his voice was stern.

Matthew looked at him in silence, whether he came today sincerely or with other intentions, he could not argue in front of Jayden. As the deceased was the greatest, he had to let him go with peace of mind.

"I know a good funeral service..."

"I've already arranged it." Matthew interrupted him.

Benjamin looked slightly embarrassed as he felt that Matthew didn’t show respect to him and be polite towards him.

In fact, Matthew didn’t want to confront him. After all, Benjamin was still his relative. If he was a person who connected with them regularly, he could get by with a good attitude. But when a person who normally wouldn't greet him suddenly became “warm and passionate” toward him, it would only make him think more.

If he had come over during the day, Matthew would not have thought anything of it.

He couldn’t stop thinking about the reason behind why Benjamin knew Jayden’s death so quickly and pretended to be sad.

As the saying went, when things were not normal, there was always an issue!

Benjamin grunted and left the room in disdain.

Matthew didn’t say anything, but he took a glance at the bed. There were some emotions in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. He had hidden all his emotions to the deepest level within his heart.

He took out his phone and dialled a number out. After a few words, he hung up and put the phone back, slowly walking over to the bed.

Dolores went to the room upstairs to look after the children where Jessica was taking care of them. Joshua was awake but he wasn’t crying or making a fuss.

Jessica told Dolores that both Andrew and Amanda had been crying for a long time and had only gone to sleep when they were tired of crying. However, they didn’t sleep very well as they would wake up sometimes and look for their grandfather once they’re awake.

She watched the children for a while and saw that none of them had woken up. Therefore, she was initially planning to go downstairs and see who was coming, but when she pushed the door open, she saw Matthew sitting on the chair at the end of the bed.

She gently closed the door behind her again.

This might be the last moment that Matthew could spend his time with Jayden, and he could never see his father again.

As the dawn broke, the other would be coming shortly, the last moment he had with Jayden was running out, so she didn’t go in to disturb him.

At nine o’clock, the funeral service came to take Jayden’s body away. Matthew went together with Boyce while Dolores was staying at home.

Once the news was out, people would visit their home. Dolores had to accommodate the guests at home. According to their custom here, the family had to hang white clothes.

However, Matthew had already decided on that. The funeral service would come over to make arrangements and to be in charge of all the matters. What she needed to do was to accommodate the


There would not be too many people coming as that day was not Jayden’s Memorial Day.

“Why is the house so deserted?” A woman in a black dress entered the door.

Dolores didn’t know this woman, but she thought that this woman must have had a good relationship with them. If not, she wouldn’t have come over today. No matter what, she was feeling uncomfortable about what she had said.

What did she mean by “deserted”?

Did she think that people should celebrate cheerfully for the loss of a family member?

She was nonchalant, “Who are you?”

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