Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 308

Chapter 308: Want some wine?

Jen had tried to make her day as productive as possible but staying in school in her condition when she didn't need to felt uncomfortable. So, she went back home halfway through her study session in the library.

Since she had gotten home early, the house was empty as expected. She went to take a shower before wearing comfortable clothes and going to Lucas' study.josei

She was planning on using it to study as she knew that if she studied in the living room, she would just end up falling asleep. Just like that, she killed the hours until she noticed that she couldn't see what she was writing anymore.

Jen stood up from the comfortable office chair and went to turn on the lights as she walked out the study. She turned on all the lights that were in her route to the kitchen. After she had eaten at university, she hadn't eaten again and now that she was in the kitchen; she realised how hungry she was.

She opened the fridge to see what they had available and began removing ingredients that she had planned to use to cook.

An hour into her cooking, she heard the front door unlock and Lucas walk into the house. Lucas was not expecting Jen to be home, so coming back to the bright house was a pleasant surprise. He loosened his tie and took off his jacket as he walked into the house and draped them on one of the living room sofas before making his way to the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart," Lucas said as he hugged Jen from behind before kissing the side of her face. Jen closed her eyes as she felt herself get enveloped by his warmth and placed her hands on his.

"Hi babe, you're home early today," Jen said as she relaxed into his body.

"I should say the same, are you okay?" Lucas asked as he slightly pulled away from her and turned her around so they were facing each other. Jen looked up at him and nodded, but her expression was not reassuring in the least.

"Tell me what's going on," Lucas demanded, leaving no room for refusal. Jen felt like she was going to cry when she looked at him and started to inwardly curse at herself. She was always hormonal when she was on her period, and sometimes even she thought she was being too much.

Lucas continued to wait for her to talk to him patiently and didn't say anything to rush her. He did not know that his silence alone provided enough pressure for her to talk. She was not planning on hiding it from him, as she thought he should at least know that he shouldn't worry about a pregnancy. But at the same time, she couldn't help but feel reluctant about her situation.

"It's nothing, my period finally came, so I was just a bit uncomfortable," Jen said as she bit her lower lip and looked away from Lucas. Lucas felt a bit complicated at the news, but he did not overthink it. It was not like they were trying to have children in the first place, so there was no use to feeling disappointed.

However, as he continued to look at Jen, he realised that she looked a bit disappointed. He was expecting her to feel relieved, especially from how she had reacted when she had noticed that her period was late.

He had to admit that even though he did not enjoy seeing her in a mood like this. The current situation made him feel happy that she was in a mood. Fortunately, he had enough sense to know not to show his happiness too blatantly, so he just hugged her once he determined that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from smiling any longer.

"I'll just go and freshen up then I'll come down to help you out soon, okay?" Lucas said after he released Jen, his expression looking serious. Jen nodded as she looked at her feet to avoid his eyes, and Lucas kissed her forehead before smiling and leaving to freshen up.

Jen's chest felt lighter after Lucas left. It was as if he understood her without her having to bluntly talk about her feelings. She watched as Lucas' back disappeared on his way to the bedroom and a trace of a smile appeared on her face.

She was oblivious of how happy Lucas was because of her reaction. She expected that he would have had been more disappointed, but that was not the case. It seemed that both of them had managed to surprise each other.

Jen continued to cook and after approximately thirty minutes, Lucas walked down the stairs towards the kitchen while towel drying his hair.

Jen had planned to make a simple meal, so by the time Lucas had come down from his shower, she was almost done with preparing dinner. Lucas helped her finish preparing dinner and helped set the table before the two of them sat together for dinner.

Jen did not have a large appetite and was actually just fatigued. Lucas, on the other hand, was diligently observing Jen because he was curious. However, he couldn't help but feel that if he probed more on the situation about having babies, he would get a bad reaction because it did not look like something that Jen had acknowledged in the first place. She would probably just feel attacked and lash out at him. If his previous experience of being around her when she was so sensitive was accurate, the last thing that he should be doing was addressing the topic that had seemingly made her feel sensitive the whole day.

The two of them ate in relative silence and after Lucas insisting on cleaning up, Jen went to take another shower. By the time she came back downstairs, Lucas was already drying the dishes that he had just finished washing.

"Do you need any help?" Jen asked as she looked at the clean kitchen. She couldn't find anything to do even if she forced matters, so she just looked at Lucas who put the last dried dish in the cupboard before putting away the dishrag he was using.

"Do you want some wine?" Lucas asked as he turned to look at her. Jen looked at him suspiciously but couldn't tell what he could be thinking about. She had the nagging feeling that she should decline the offer, but just from the way Lucas was looking at her, her resistance was reduced by half.

Jen nodded, and Lucas smiled brightly after seeing her response. He was obviously plotting something, but Jen did not know what exactly it could be. She just thought she could use this time to loosen up a bit since she had been so tense and stressed all day, but Lucas' reaction had started giving her second thoughts.

Lucas went to take out a bottle of wine from the wine cooler and even brought out two glasses of wine before leading the suspicious Jen to the living room. If he had the choice, he would have prepared the hot tub because the ambiance that was provided made Jen open up more easily. However, he did not think it would be something that she would enjoy in her current situation, so he decided to compromise.

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