Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 335

Chapter 335: Gone Home.

Jen had zoned out as she looked at the road ahead of her. She had been fine the whole day until it was time for them to go for dinner. She had gone out for lunch with Lucas earlier and spent time with her siblings since it was the last day that she was going to be around.

After she had gotten ready for the dinner she was going to have with the rest of her family, that was when she started getting nervous.

She thought she was ready, but she got even more nervous the more they drove to her house. Lucas glanced in her direction and wordlessly reached out to hold her hand. Jen was finally startled out of her thoughts and turned to look at Lucas with a nervous laugh.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine," Jen said to Lucas, but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself rather than him.

"Mmh," Lucas responded and tightened the hold he had on her hand. Jen used both hands to hold his hand and felt comforted when her hands were slowly warmed up by his. They soon arrived in front of the gates of their house and the feeling of nostalgia returned to Jen.

She had bought back their house as soon as she could afford to do so, she had left the task of repurchasing her grandfather's house to Alex but she kept hesitating to ask her about the progress, and Alex did not volunteer any information.

The front gates slid open, and she took in a deep breath as Lucas drove into the large compound. He smoothly parked the car and went to open the car door for her. He then opened the door to the back seat where he took out the items he had bought earlier.

"Let's go," Lucas said as he held out his hand to Jen who had been staring at the house in a daze. Jen nodded and wrapped her hands around Lucas' arm, and the two of them slowly made their way to the house.

Jen looked at Lucas as they stood in front of the house and felt herself calm down before she rang the doorbell. They soon heard someone approach the door from the other side before the door opened. Jake���s smiling face appeared before them and he smilingly took the things that Lucas was holding before inviting them in the house.

Lucas let Jen lead the way into the house and followed her inside afterwards. Closing the door behind him. Jen walked into the house and couldn't but feel a sense of nostalgia as nothing had changed from the day she had left.

"You've arrived?" A voice said from up the stairs before the sound of heels was heard rushing down the stairs. Jen looked up and saw Alex carelessly run down the stairs in her high heels and felt nervous for her. Alex quickly greeted Lucas and hugged her sister before taking them both to the living room. 

"Why were you standing on the foyer like you were some abandoned guest?" Alex asked Jen as she sat on the couch next to hers.

"I was feeling a bit nostalgic," Jen answered sheepishly. She didn't know what to expect, it wasn't like she had left for decades, it had only been a few months since she left home but she couldn't help but feel like it had been a few years.

"I've been away from home longer than you you know?" Alex commented in amusement.

"I know, where is-" Jen started to ask as she looked around. Alex knew who she was looking for and had to hold back from smiling.

"She's in the kitchen. She's personally making dinner tonight," Alex said and failed to hold her smile when she saw Jen's wide eyes.

"Really?" Jen asked as she gulped. She was very familiar with her mother's culinary skills. One thing she could never deny was how good her mother was at cooking. She had been the one to learn from her, anyway.josei

"Yes," Alex answered with a chuckle. Lucas silently watched Jen, who suddenly looked excited for dinner and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Dinner's ready!" a feminine voice said from the opposite side of the house. Jen held Lucas' hand as she stood up with him and went to the dining area. Alex silently walked behind the two, trying to minimize her presence as much as possible.

When Jen walked into the dining area, she was met with the sight of a table full of food. Even Lucas felt his appetite get stimulated once the scent of the food greeted his nose. At this moment a tall blonde-haired and blue-eyed woman walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron and mittens while carrying what seemed to be chicken.

Jen made eye contact with her mother and they both stared at each other. Jen felt her heart race and the hold she had on Lucas' hand tightened. Diane set down the chicken and smiled towards Jen.

She was at a loss for what to say to her, but she couldn't hide that she was happy to see her. She removed the mittens she was wearing as she walked towards her and before Jen knew it, she was enveloped in her mother's hug.

"Welcome home," Diane said as she tightened her hold on Jen, and Jen felt her eyes sting from the emotional overload she was experiencing. She came thinking that her mother still blamed her for what happened, so she was completely thrown off by the way she was received by her mother.

When her mother pulled away from her, she held Jen's face in her hands and inspected her face carefully.

"You've gotten prettier," Diane said and smiled when Jen opened and closed her mouth repeatedly without being able to say anything. Jen was at a loss of what to say, especially since Diane did not react the way she thought she would.

"This is?" Diane asked as she looked at Lucas while feigning ignorance. She did not want to be presumptuous and make everything awkward.

"Ah, this is my boyfriend," Jen briefly introduced while still dazed. Lucas smiled as he extended his hand to shake Diane's.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Larson. I'm Lucas" Lucas introduced himself politely.

"Oh, nice to meet you," Diane answered with a polite smile. She then returned her attention to the still dazed Jen.

"Come on, let's have dinner, I made all your favourites," Diane said as she ushered her to one of the chairs. Alex quietly watched all of this happen with wide eyes. Why did she not know that her mother could be so sweet? She was satisfied with the fact that she was trying to make Jen as comfortable as possible.

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