Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 386

Chapter 386: Sending a Text.

After talking to Jason, Lucas realised just how anxious he was feeling about leaving. After a brief chat with his brother, Jason yawned tiredly and blinked his watery eyes.

"Yo, I'm going back to my place," Jason said as he stood up. After two beers and a full stomach, it was understandable that he was now sleepy.

"Should I walk you?" Lucas asked as he too stood up.

"Who are you talking to? Besides its just a five-minute walk," Jason said as he picked up his phone and wallet and put them in his wallet.

"I'm going now," Jason said and walked towards the front door. Lucas followed him there, and after they said goodnight Lucas closed the door behind Jason. 

He returned to the kitchen to clean up a bit and went to the mini theatre to check on Jen. He found her comfortably folded on her chair as she happily laughed at a joke someone on the screen said. When she turned her head, she noticed Lucas and waved him over. 

Lucas sat down next to her and Jen squeezed herself next to him, resting her head against his chest. She rubbed his stomach with her hands, with a smile on her face as she was enjoying the feel of his abs as she was doing so.

Lucas adjusted his sitting position as he wrapped an arm over her shoulders so she was cradled against him. 

"Is Jason gone?" Jen asked.

"Mmmh," Lucas answered and scooted lower in his seat and half of her body was lying on top of his. 

"Did you have a pleasant chat?" Jen asked and turned her face up to look at him.

"Mmmh," Lucas answered and kissed her forehead.

Jen hugged his waist and snuggled even more against him. The two of them continued to watch the movie with Jen occasionally bursting out in laughter which in turn made Lucas chuckle as he played with her hair.

Not long after, the movie ended and as they watched the ending credits, Jen drowsily lay against Lucas. It was already a little past midnight, their day felt very eventful to the point it felt like it had been going on forever.

Rather than talk, the two of them just stayed there in the dark room that was so silent that all they could hear was each other's breathing. Jen was silent as she listened to his steady heartbeat, soon it also turned to steady breathing.

Jen slowly looked up and noticed that he had fallen asleep and smiled helplessly. It was one thing if she fell asleep wherever, she could still be carried, but Lucas was a completely different issue. Combined with the fact that it was so difficult to wake him up, she might as well give up. josei

She fumbled with the buttons on the seat and the back of the seats reclined and the footrest also rose; she noticed Lucas let out a relaxed breath and almost chuckled in amusement. It seemed that she had helped improve his sleep quality.

She slowly got off the comfortable seat and left the mini-theatre. After putting the dishes that she had been used in the kitchen, she went to look for some light blankets. She found them stacked in the cabinets next to the sliding doors that led to the garden.

She carried the blankets and went back to Lucas. She found him still sound asleep and couldn't resist touching his soft curly hair. She then unfolded the blanket and covered him with it before sitting back down next to him. After she covered herself, she snuggled over to the heater that was laying next to her and even in his sleep, Lucas unconsciously pulled her body close to his in a half-hugging position.

"Goodnight," Jen said and leaned forward to kiss his chin before she too quickly fell asleep.


After Jason left his young brother's house, he decided to take a leisurely walk around as the cool breeze was refreshing, and he wasn't feeling too keen on going back to his large house just to stay in there by himself.

He shoved his hand in his pocket and played with the box of cigarettes inside before he took it out and stuck one in his mouth and lit it up. 

He took a long drag and held it in for a bit before blowing it out. His eyes immediately took a relaxed haziness, and a smile appeared on his face. He stood next to a tree and leaned on it as he pulled out his phone and went through his contacts.

Laura had told him that she would introduce him to a hard-working junior and although he did not agree with her, she still did it anyway. He did not expect to see a familiar face and as much as he had wanted to talk to her, he remained silent as he was not sure if it was okay for him to act like he normally did before her.

He had seen her at the company event that Lucas had hosted in place of their father. She had been with one of Lucas' staff, but from how similar they looked, he just figured that they were relatives. But her eyes had been the first thing that caught his sight.

He looked at her contact and tapped on it to see the empty messaging interface. After his talk with Lucas today, he figured that he could at least try to get close to her, even a bit. After a lot of hesitation, he finally wrote the message and before he hit send, he noticed the time.

It was almost midnight. What were the chances that she would see his message? And wouldn't she think he suddenly texted her because he was drunk or something?

After a few seconds, he decided to send it, anyway. If he did not send it now, he knew that he wouldn't get around to sending it anytime soon. So with those thoughts, he sent the message and immediately locked his phone and slipped it in his pocket. 

He breathed in the cool night air and took another drag of his cigarette before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He froze for a few seconds before he pulled out his phone from his pocket. He unlocked it and checked the notification and saw that he received a message from Sofiya. He opened the text and smiled when he saw the reply.


Jen woke up completely embraced into Lucas' body. One arm was under her shoulder and the other was holding her slim waist while one of his legs was tucked between her thighs. She sighed heavily once she realised her position. It was going to be hard to detangle herself from the mess she was in.

She looked up and looked at his sleeping face. She gently brushed her fingertips across his cheek as she marvelled at how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping. When she touched his forehead, he furrowed his eyebrows and caught her hand.

"Sleep some more," Lucas said, and trapped her hand between their bodies before putting his hand over her waist once more. Even though she didn't intend to, but out of boredom, Jen fell asleep again until she was woken up by Lucas' fidgeting.

"Awake?" Lucas asked her as he watched her rub her sleepy eyes. She squinted a bit as she looked up at him. Fortunately, it was still dark in the theatre so her eyes were not attacked by any bright lights.

"You've made me sleep myself into laziness," Jen said and hugged his torso tightly.

"You don't want to get up?" Lucas asked with a chuckle. His voice was hoarse from sleep, so he sounded so sexy that Jen kissed his chin from her position. Lucas caught her own chin and pecked her lips.

"We should get up first," Jen said brightly. She was already put into a good mood.

"Mmmh," Lucas agreed and sat up before stretching his arms above his head. Jen could hear his joints pop before he let out a sigh of relief. Jen continued to lay down and watch how the muscles in his back flexed with his movements.

After drooling for a few seconds, she shook her head as if she was telling herself to come back to her senses. She also stretched as she sat up and looked at the love seat they had spent the night on. 

"It's surprisingly comfortable," Jen commented as she stood up.

"It was worth the splurge," Lucas said, referring to how expensive the seats were when he had bought them. 

"Let's go wash up," Lucas said, and before Jen could respond his momentum already swept her away and found herself already walking up the stairs to their room.

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