Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 481

Chapter 481: What are you wearing? (Unedited)

The company car came to receive Lucas at the airport. Although he did not plan to go to the office, Martin still came with the driver and was briefing Lucas about the things that had happened at work in his absence.

Lucas was listening to his assistant as he fiddled with his phone. Martin was being diligent with his work until Lucas raised his hand as if telling him to be quiet for a second. Martin had to be quiet because Lucas raised his phone to his ear to make a call.

"Hello?" Lucas said when the person on the other side responded. His voice was so warm that goosebumps rose on Martin's skin.

"Hi," Jen answered, unconsciously smiling just from hearing voice. 

"I've already arrived," Lucas informed as he looked at the driver and assistant who were sitting in front actively avoiding his gaze.josei

"Mhm, you must be tired, you should rest a bit before going for your classes," Jen said her voice filled with concern.

"I'd love that, but I was bombarded with work from the moment I landed," Lucas said and Martin guiltily pursed his lips together as he looked outside the window like he was not the guilty party.

"Then make sure you sleep early after you are done with your classes. You don't have to call me later," Jen said with a slight frown. She was borrowing Lucas's office to study and unlike her boyfriend, she had come straight home after having lunch with Michael that afternoon, so she was well fed and rested. 

"I'll call you later, I'm on my way to the university at the moment," Lucas said and a small smile appeared on his face as he looked at the passing scenery.

"I'll wait for your call then, make sure you eat something," Jen reminded and Lucas laughed happily because of how concerned for him she was.

"I ate in the plane, don't worry about it," Lucas said in response and after some more small talk, he finally ended the call.

Martin cautiously looked at Lucas while wondering whether he should continue or just wait and do the briefing the next day.

"Continue," Lucas said when he saw how nervous Martin was being. With such a prompt, Martin continued his briefing until the car stopped in front of Lucas's university. 

Lucas shrugged off his suit jacket and took off his tie. After opening a few buttons, he felt more comfortable before picking up his briefcase and stepping out of the car.

"My classes will end at 10 pm today," Lucas said to his driver who had opened the door for him and the driver nodded in understanding. Lucas let him know this so that he can go out to at least have some dinner because he would sometimes be on standby waiting for him for the whole duration of his lectures.

Lucas put on his glasses as he walked to his faculty building and accidentally met Claire who was also on her way to the lecture. She greeted Lucas and he responded but did not say anything after that. She could not help but look at the ring that he was wearing on his ring finger and the feeling of everything being unfair almost consumed her. Unfortunately, Lucas had not even noticed her change in expression because he had walked ahead of her with his long legs. She did not even try to catch up to him because she knew that he would not slow down for her.

Lucas who was completely oblivious to what the person he had just left behind was thinking. Was already mentally reviewing the material he had gone through on his own when he had to do self-study when he was away. 

He was twenty minutes early for the lecture so he went to the school website to see what topics they were going to be addressing that day. He couldn't do it last night or that morning because of the obvious. He was also busy with official matters in the plane so it had slipped his mind.

He got carried away with what he was doing and soon, the professor arrived in his class and the lecture began. As usual, he put everything aside and attentively listened to the lecture. He did not even bother with taking notes. After the class ended, he made a beeline for his next class and just like that, he killed four hours at the university.

He slowly walked to the school gate as he enjoyed the night breeze and wished he had also just started university so that he could attend classes with his girlfriend. They would have going to the library together and also go out for lunch together. On the days they finished late they would have also walked home together. Now forget about studying in the same year, they weren't even in the same country anymore. Was there anything more depressing than this? Lucas lamented as he took a deep breath. The cold air calmed him down and brought him back to reality.

When he got to the gate, the driver was already parked there and was patiently waiting for him. He got into the car, throwing his briefcase to the seat next to him before pressing his fingers on his forehead and tiredly sighing.

The driver glanced at the tired young man through the rearview mirror and said nothing so as not to disturb him. He drove carefully as Lucas had fallen asleep at some point and in another thirty minutes, they had arrived at the hotel.

"Sir, we have arrived," the driver said hesitantly before he got out of the car and opened the door for Lucas. Lucas gathered all his things before getting off of the car.

He squinted his sleepy eyes as he looked towards the bright lights that came from the hotel lobby. He thanked the driver and walked into the hotel. He absent mindedly nodded at the staff that was greeting him and got on the elevator to his floor. He wanted to fall asleep as soon as he got home but he still had to go through some documents he had received from Martin earlier that day.

He made a beeline for his room and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After a quick shower, he felt refreshed and more awake so he called hotel service to order his dinner before going to the living room. After sitting on the comfortable sofa, he finally video called his fiancée. It was already 11 pm, he was worried that he would wake her up. But after two rings, the call was picked up.

Lucas looked at the sleepy eyes that were staring back at him and a lazy sile appeared on his face.

"Did I wake you?" he asked as he looked at Jen who was rubbing her eyes.

"Mmmh, I had fallen asleep while studying," she confessed and Lucas chuckled.

"Oh, you are in my study?" he asked as he noticed the familiar background.

"I figured it was better than working on the floor or the bed. I would have definitely falled asleep then," Jen answered as she closed her stuff and stood up to go to the bedroom. 

"I guess it didn't work out as you hoped," Lucas asked as the smile on his face became wider. The angle with which she was holding the phone now allowed him to see her cleavage.

"You tired me out last night," Jen complained and low chuckle rang out through the corridor. When she looked down at her phone screen she almost face palmed at the expression on his face.

"I want to tire you out tonight too but I cant," Lucas teased and her cheeks reddened. Why was he like this? She complained to herself but did not discourage him. It was obvious she did not hate it.

"Aren't you too tired for that?" Jen asked and Lucas shook his head to say no, how can you be too tired to be with a beautiful woman.

"Have you eaten?" Jen asked as she threw the phone on the bed and started changing into her pajamas so she could sleep after talking to him.

"Not yet, I'm waiting for room service," Lucas said, his voice normal now that he was looking at their bedroom ceiling.

"Make sure you have your dinner," Jen said before Lucas got a glimpse of her thighs. Before he could admire the view, the phone was picked up and he was looking at her slightly flushed face once again.

"Mmmh, so what are you wearing?" Lucas asked and Jen laughed loudly. She was not expecting to hear such words from him.

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