Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 484

Chapter 484: Nervous Husband (Unedited)

It took them a little over thirty minutes to arrive at the hospital that Leanna normally went to. Fortunately, her contractions were still spaced out so she had not experienced another one on the whole way there.

Ethan jumped out of the car the moment Jen stopped at the car and went to open the door for Leanna. Rather than wait for her to get off the car, he just carried her out of the car and closed the door. Jen also picked up her purse from the passenger's seat and got out of the car too and ran after Ethan.

She was so thankful that she chose not to drink. She was also astonished with how Ethan was able to walk in a straight line after drinking like a fish earlier. She didn't know that Ethan had gotten scared in sobriety. When they walked into the hospital, the nurses recognized Ethan who was already speedwalking to the escalators.

"Doctor Blackwell!" a male voice shouted, making Ethan stop in his tracks before turning around. Leanna who was laying comfortably in his arms also looked at the other doctor who was bringing a wheelchair over.

"Put her here, use the elevator," his colleague told the panicking Ethan. Ethan placed the silent Leanna on the wheelchair and wheeled her to the elevator. No one had ever seen Ethan look so panicked so most of them were just surprised with how he was behaving. Jen who could barely catch up could only helplessly follow.

The three people made a beeline to the obstetrics department while the rest of the group rushed into the hospital. When they saw the large group of big shots rush into the hospital, they knew they were there for Ethan and his wife so they were directed to head straight to the obstetrics department. Nathan worked at the hospital so they got there in no time.

When they arrived, they were told that Leanna was in a VIP ward and they all filed in. Fortunately the room was very spacious so it did not become crowded despite the large number of people who were in the room.josei

Unexpectedly, Leanna was not laying down in bed as they thought she would be, but she was slowly walking around the room. As expected, Ethan was hovering over her as she was walking while trying to calm him down.

There was a bunch of sofas inside where everyone was sitting, and some of them were sitting on the carpeted floor, watching the couple switch roles. 

James looked at them with eyes filled with amusement as Laura was falling asleep while leaning against him. The other girls found them to be cute, until Leanna suddenly stopped and held on to her stomach.

Ethan felt his heart rise to the throat and almost rushed out to call the doctors, but he was conflicted about leaving his wife alone so he only supported her as she went through the contraction and she was fine again. 

He wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and tried to take her to rest on the bed only to be denied.

"Leanna, just rest for a while, you don't have to make things difficult," Ethan tried to persuade her but Leanna shook her head. 

"It hurts me to see you in pain, I wish I could do this for you," Ethan continued as he accompanied her to continue walking around the room.

"Really?" Leanna asked with a laugh and Ethan nodded without hesitation.

"You should have been more careful then, this was not meant to be easy, we just have to deal with it now," Leanna said and gave him a happy smile. Although she was having a hard time with the contractions, she was already tired of being pregnant and just wanted to get it over with.

As time went by, her contractions got worse and their friends became more and more worried. Her water broke just when their parents arrived. Everyone was kicked out of the room leaving on Ethan inside who had completely refused to leave.

At this point everyone was wide awake, Jen had Lucas on a video call talking to him about the situation. The ward Leanna was in was sound proof so they did not even know what was happening inside, and the only time they heard anything was when a nurse rushed in and out of the room when they would hear Leanna shouting inside.

Everyone was anxiously waiting in the private waiting room, they had thought it would be quick but that was not the case. It was only a few hours later that the doctor in charge came out to give them the news.

"Doctor how is she?" Leanna's father asked anxiously. He was not expecting to experience such a thing so early in life. He only went through this once in his life and promised his wife that he would not make her go through that again. He had never anticipated feeling an even greater level of anxiety from his daughter's delivery.

"The mother is fine, and so is the baby," the doctor said with a smile that calmed down everyone that had been anxiously waiting for any news.

"Congratulations, she just had a baby boy, you can go and see her once they are done cleaning up," the doctor said and left them. All three parents were so happy and relived that they almost cried from joy. Well, only Ethan's mother ended up crying.

Ethan who was still shaking from the experience, was holding on to the just cleaned son that was handed over to him by the nurse. Ethan was awkward as he held the child and Leanna laughed lightly when she saw him hold their son so preciously.

"I want to see him," Leanna said, and Ethan handed the baby over obediently. The baby's eyes were still closed and he looked to be asleep. Leanna placed the child on her chest and her eyes became warm as she looked at him. She felt like he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. 

"You worked so hard, I don't wa-," Ethan started saying and Leanna blocked his mouth.

"I'm having more babies," Leanna said with a smile and Ethan became speechless from her conviction. She grew up with only her father, she wanted to have a big family.

Not too long after, their parents walked into the room. They surrounded the mother and son on the bed and Ethan found himself pushed away from his own wife as everyone circled around the tired woman.

He helplessly stood at the side as he watched his family fuss around her. They were all trying to make her comfortable. Ethan's mother even took a few photos of her new grandson in her excitement.

They were all too excited and Ethan noticed that Leanna was trying not to fall asleep so he chased his parents away. After his mother promised to bring her foods to nurse her back to health, she was already out of the door.

When Ethan made eye contact with his friends who had been waiting outside all night, he felt guilty about chasing them away.

"She is resting, so be quiet," Ethan said, as he gave up on his thoughts of chasing them away.

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