Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

Chapter 350

On the other hand, after Jeremy left the automobile store, he met Johan, who was also out looking for g irls. They hit it off with each other and booked a private room in a club.

Just as one of them had flipped a card, which was the Ace of Spades, the music of the room instantly c ame to a stop. After that, a group of uniformed police officers immediately switched on the brightest ligh ts and interrupted their fun.

“Damn it! Who is it that doesn‘t know the rules around here?” Jeremy swore as he placed the glass of wine in his hands down. When he saw the police, he managed to stop himself from cursing any further.

“Which one of you is Jeremy Olson?”

“I am. What‘s wrong?” he replied in annoyance.

“Bring him away.”

With that, two policemen went to subdue him. But of course, Jeremy refused to be treated in such a way as he was having a good time before this, so he shook them off an d flared up. “Bring me away? What are the reasons for that? What crime did I commit?”

“If you are innocent, would we be here to catch you? Jeremy Olson, you are guilty of sexually harrassin g Elise Sinclair and Miller Mikey. Please return to the police station with me for further investigation!”

Jeremy froze for a moment before he remembered the two girls back at the automobile store. Then, he furiously cursed, “B*tches!”

While narrowing his eyes, Johan stood in front of Jeremy and shook his head at Jeremy to indicate that he shouldn‘t be rash. After all, it would bring them no good to offend the policemen. When Jeremy saw that, he finally withdrew his hands and calmed himself down.

Johan finally turned around to smile at the officer, Kevin Summers, “Sir, we will follow you back.” Things must be very interesting with Elise around.

Half an hour later, the sirens blared in front of the police station as a group of policemen hastily shuffled

Elise‘s eyes narrowed as she steeled herself to meet Jeremy‘s enraged expression. However, she saw J

Then, Jeremy quickly walked into the station and placed his arms around Johan‘s shoulders as he spok

What is going on here? Are they brothers?

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