Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Chapter 388 Forcefully Remove People From My House,Coolest Girl in Town

The woman whom Elise saved was actually her biological mother. For so many years, she had hoped to meet her mother and live with her, but when all of this was within reach, she suddenly became overwhelmed. At the same time, Faye also saw the real report. That woman is actually Yoona! She’s not dead; she’s actually still alive! Faye tightly squeezed the identification report until the document became wrinkled. She seriously wished to crush it as if doing this would remove the big stone weighing on her heart. In fact, she had worked so hard for so long to lay out her plans to reach this position, so she knew she must not allow Yoona to appear and affect everything.

Just as she was about to think of a solution, the office door was violently pushed open from the outside. Her secretary had stood in front of Johan to block him but that could not stop him from striding forward. “Mr. Olson, you can’t go in. Miss Anderson is…” As the secretary spoke, Johan had already walked up to Faye. The secretary lowered her head to immediately apologize, “Sorry, Miss Anderson, I couldn’t stop him…” “It’s fine. You may leave first.” Faye waved her hand to dismiss the secretary. When the door closed, Johan sneered, “Faye, you really are busy, huh?

Your own fiancé has to make an appointment to see you.” She unhurriedly returned to the chair and sat down. Only then did she slowly say, “You should know very well that we are only engaged and not married. We can break off the relationship at any time.” “I know. Even lovers will break up in the face of hardship. If I were you, I would also make the same choice,” he admitted. “Good to know,” Faye spoke in a formal tone. “In that case, please leave.” “Don’t rush to drive me away. I haven’t finished talking yet.” Johan pulled out the chair and sat down, crossing his legs with a leisurely look on his face.

At this moment, she could not hide the disgust in her eyes and said in a mean manner, “You know, I truly admire you. When everyone was fighting over the family assets, you were not worried at all, and I even had to continuously push you before you would make a move. Now that the Olson Family is facing bankruptcy, you’re again not worried at all. You have a good mentality.” “You’re right.” Johan was

not annoyed. Instead, he smiled before he placed his fingers on his chin. As he stretched his neck, he said quietly, “Well, I have a great girlfriend.” “Hey.”

Faye made a gesture of stopping him. “That was long before; I have nothing to do with you now.” “Oh…” Johan laughed dryly as he revealed a calculating smile. “Faye, do you really think you can get rid of me? I did many dirty things for you and retained all that evidence. If you drive me away and make me unhappy, I might make a mistake. We will all be suffering by then!” Silence fell in the room. Narrowing her eyes, Faye stared at Johan across the table. She had underestimated this man whom she had thought only knew how to drink and be merry and did not expect to actually be countered by him.

Those matters that couldn’t be brought to light would cause her to lose her position in the Anderson Family and even get herself imprisoned if they were leaked. As Faye thought of these, her expression changed and she instantly smiled again. “Then, it seems that we can’t dissolve our relationship in the near future. In that case, let’s endure each other’s presence for a while.” “Of course.” Johan reached out and took Faye’s hand in his before he kissed it gently. “I knew it, my dearest. You wouldn’t watch me die without lending a helping hand, right?”

The smile on Faye’s face gradually deepened, but what she thought in her heart was that she wished nothing more to tear him apart. … That afternoon, Faye took Johan and a few policemen to knock on the door of Sinclair Residence. “Is anyone there?” The leader of the police in charge shouted loudly. “Is there anyone?” “Who is it? What’s so urgent?” Maureen hurriedly went over to open the door. She had only just opened it when all five people barged in. “Hey, hey, hey, who are you looking for?” She hurriedly blocked their way. “Are you Jeanie Gray?” the policeman asked. novelbin

She shook her head. “No.” “Then, who are you?” the policeman asked again. “I’m the mistress of the house!” Maureen exclaimed; it was only a matter of time before the old woman’s life was over anyway. “Then have Jeanie come out, please. We need to take her to the station.” “I don’t know her,” a resentful Maureen commented. “You guys are weird. Why are you here at the Sinclair Residence looking for

someone with the last name of Gray?” “If you don’t know her, why are you delaying us?” With that, the police headed inside. She looked at the man’s uniform and did not dare to stop him, so she just trotted all the way to the front and walked in front of them. Jeanie was walking with Laura in the courtyard.

When Faye came in and saw her, she feigned distress and ran up to hold Jeanie’s hand. “Mom, what are you doing? You are Mrs. Anderson of the Anderson Family. How can you behave like a servant and take care of other people’s elderly?” Johan also followed suit and echoed, “Yes, Mrs. Anderson, just come back with us. Faye has been talking about you all day and she can’t sleep well.” As Jeanie heard those words from the two of them, she stood still. They then looked to the police and said, “Officer, we’ve found her.” “In that case, bring her back.”

Before coming here, Faye had informed them that Jeanie was a mentally ill woman who did not usually behave like herself. She had gotten lost, only to be detained by the Sinclair Family. Thus, this time, they were here to bring her back. After all, mentally ill patients did not have the right to make their own decisions and their guardians had to either make the decision to keep them at home or admit them to the mental hospital. In any case, it was not possible for them to stay in the homes of outsiders. “I’m not leaving! I’m not going back!” Jeanie resisted and shook off Faye’s hand, but she was grabbed by the bodyguard Faye had brought and was dragged out in the next second. “Stop!”

At this point, Alexander and Elise entered the courtyard and saw this absurd scene. “What are you doing?” Alexander asked coldly. “How dare you forcefully remove people from my house!” “What? I’m bringing my mother back to my own home. Do I have to tell you that in advance? Alexander, you’re way too full of yourself.” Faye rolled her eyes at him. Then, she said to the police, “Officer, we’ll take her away first!” The police nodded.

“Go back and be reunited with your family!” “How dare you take her away from here!” Elise suddenly spoke up, her voice icy. The policeman stiffened and said angrily, “What are you talking about? The daughter wants to bring her mother home, so how can you stop her?

If her family does not agree to her staying here, you’re illegally abducting and detaining her, which you’ll be sentenced to prison for! Do you understand?” “Are you sure her family doesn’t agree?” Her face was cold. “Where is her family member who agreed to Jeanie staying? Why do I not know about it?” The police officer spread out his hands as if he had heard some big joke.


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