Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 435

Chapter 435

Chapter 435

Chapter 435 I’ll Wait for You

Meanwhile, a conflict was brewing in Russell’s house. Previously, Daniel had confidently promised Elise to look for the hyacinth serum. After they got home, both Daniel and Russell did their research to find out that the hyacinth serum was more valuable than all of the most treasured items in their possession. They couldn’t even purchase the serum in any of the markets or herbal stores in Tissote.

Although they heard that the serum was available in the black market, it was too much work. Firstly, they didn’t know anyone that could get them into the black market, and secondly, the price of the serum itself already made them tremble in fear. They couldn’t even afford a single one, let alone a hundred of the serums.

“It’s your fault! How could you be so uneducated? You don’t even know what the hyacinth serum is! Now that you’ve made a promise, that brat will no longer trust us if we don’t give her the items! Do you think she’d be willing to change her perceptions toward us if we failed her this time?!” Russell smacked his palm against the table. He was harsh and aggressive—the complete opposite of the polite and respectful man he appeared to be in front of others.

“What’s the use of scolding me now?” Daniel didn’t look like he was sorry at all. “If I knew what it was, I would’ve had to admit that I couldn’t get it for her on the spot. I’d be embarrassing myself one way or another. What difference does it make? Now, at least we managed to protect our dignity. We can continue to drag this promise—that brat won’t ask us for the items as long as she doesn’t have the money to pay us,” Daniel uttered.

“I guess that’s the only thing we can do now,” Russell said with a sigh. He gazed out into the distance as he spoke in a solemn voice. “We’ll just have to pray that everything’s going well on Tania’s end.”

Russell had just finished speaking when a petite figure walked through the entrance. Russell’s face darkened immediately. Tania went over to them, but before she could voice her complaints, Russell

began shouting at her. “Didn’t I tell you to stay with the Sinclairs? It’s only been a day! Why are you back here?!”

Tania had to force her tears back down as she bit her lip and eyed her father with a pitiful look. “It’s not that I don’t want to stay there, Dad. I simply can’t do it anymore! Alexander is a pedantic man who doesn’t allow anyone else close to him, and Elise… She’s just too terrifying! You guys didn’t see how she used a tiny needle to paralyze the young lady of the Dahlen Family! That woman’s head was crooked when she left their house! I’m afraid I might lose a limb if I stayed there any longer!” Tania cried.

When Daniel heard what Tania said, he looked down and began to chuckle.

“What are you laughing at?!” Tania shot him a side glare.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just recalled something funny.” Daniel parted his arms and stood up to walk over to Tania with an undaunted look on his face. He patted Tania on her shoulder as he spoke in a neutral tone. “You can just tell us if you can’t handle the harsh conditions there. I’m sure Dad will allow you to come home if you whine to him for a while—he’d still feed you and allow you to continue being a useless brat at home. You don’t have to come up with this nonsense of a story.”

“You’re the useless brat!” Tania blurted, but she gasped and forced a smile after that. “Fine. I’m the useless one. Since you’re so amazing, why don’t you take up this duty to get closer to Elise?” She paused for a while before she turned to Russell. “I admit that I’m useless, Dad. I’m sorry. From now on, I’ll stay at home so that I don’t cause you guys more trouble. I believe Daniel can be the one to realize your amazing plan. I’m tired, so I’ll go to bed now.”

Russell parted his lips as if he were about to say something, but Tania didn’t give him the chance to speak—she turned and went upstairs immediately. Daniel seized this opportunity to step forward and flatter his father. “Don’t worry about her, Dad. She’s a girl—what help can she be? We just need to

make sure that she gets married to a good man so that she doesn’t continue spending our money. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to settle things with Elise, and I’ll make sure to do it well.”

“Does that mean that you have an idea on how to deal with this?” Russell asked.

Daniel smiled in a confident manner. “Tania said that things didn’t work out with Alexander, right? Since a pretty woman can’t do the job, then we’ll use a handsome man to do the same thing. I have a friend who’s great with women…”

It was in the wee hours of the night when the lights above the door of the surgical theater went off. Claude walked out of the room without any expression on his face. Thomas, who had recovered his energy by then, charged over to grab Claude’s shoulders before shaking Claude. “How was it? The man’s not dead, is he?” Alexander and Elise gathered around them as Thomas spoke.

Claude tilted his head sideways to give Thomas a tired smile. “What happens if the man is alive and awake?” he asked in a playful tone.

“That’s impossible.” Thomas pulled his hands away. “For this patient’s case, God would have to create a miracle to allow you to perform a craniotomy and keep him alive at the same time.”

“I don’t believe in God,” Claude uttered with a smile still on his face. “Go in and take a look. If I’m telling the truth, you have to be my disciple. How does that sound?”

“Bring it on!” Thomas threw his hands up before he strode into the surgical theater. Claude turned to look at Elise then. “I’ve done all that I can—you’ll have to do the rest. I need to go home and sleep for a few days,” he said weakly.

“Thank you for the hard work,” Elise replied. She had just finished speaking when a figure charged out of the surgical theater. Elise, Alexander, and Claude turned around to find Thomas with a pale and dumbfounded look on his face as he stood by the door.

“Why do you look so shocked?” Elise grumbled. Claude, on the other hand, wasn’t surprised by Thomas’ reaction. “I’ll wait for you to come to me, okay?” Claude said in a seductive tone as he raised an eyebrow and winked at Thomas.

Both Alexander and Elise felt goosebumps forming on their skin. Claude didn’t seem to notice anything odd about his own actions and merely stretched his limbs before he headed to the lounge. Soon enough, the nurses pushed Joseph out of the surgical theater. Thomas only came to his senses when he felt one of the roller trays bumping against his leg. He hastily got out of the way while Elise followed the patient to the ward. Alexander had been about to go with her when he turned back and stared at Thomas. “Snap out of it!” he ordered.

Thomas felt like he only recovered from his shock then. He patted his chest as he thought, This world is just too scary. Elise and her friend are too scary. Judging by the current medical technology, that patient shouldn’t have stood a chance of survival. But that guy… I can’t believe he did it.

When Thomas charged into the surgical theater just now, he found Joseph with his eyes wide open. Thomas felt as if his soul had been sucked out of his body when he saw Joseph breathing on his own, like any other normal human being. Learning has no limits, huh. I finally understand how the same principle can be applied in medicine. There is no illness that’s too tough to be cured, only doctors who aren’t good enough to cure them. Thomas shut his eyes and thought about it for a moment before he followed behind them to Joseph’s ward.

When Thomas entered the ward, he saw that the rest of the doctors and nurses had already been chased out of the room. Joseph’s bed had been adjusted so that he could sit upright, and it was clear

that they were about to have a talk. Thomas could tell that they wouldn’t want others to be there, so he locked the door after he entered the room. Then, he positioned himself by the side of the room.

Joseph looked a little hesitant when he saw Thomas, but Elise quickly reassured Joseph. “Don’t worry, he’s one of our own. He’s Aldric’s disciple.”

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