Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 483

Chapter 483

Chapter 483

Chapter 483 Tables Turned

Faye screamed so loud that it sounded through the entire building.

At 9 in the morning, police officers flooded in and out of the bungalow.

At that moment, one of them was recording her testimony. “Miss Anderson, are you sure that you’re the only person who knows the passcode of the safe?”

“Yes.” While swinging her wrists, Faye replied irritably, “It’s the third time you’ve asked me that same question. How many times do you expect me to repeat myself?! I told you that the jadeite stone I bought using 10 million was kept in the safe. It was still there when I was up last night. When I looked into the safe this morning after waking up, the jadeite was already gone. Why are you all wasting your time by asking me so many questions instead of catching the thief?! Is this how you spend the people’s tax money?”

“Apologies, Miss Anderson. We’re only doing this to hopefully solve the case as soon as possible. That’s why we have to keep looking into details. Please cooperate with us!” The one who recorded her testimony was a newbie, so his way of speaking didn’t sound authoritative enough.

Knowing that he was just a rash fellow, she simply ignored his words before calling out, “Who is the person in charge?! Is there no one who calls the shots here?!”

Just as she said that, a man wearing plain clothes came over from the direction where the safe was located.

“Miss Anderson,” the man greeted her expressionlessly.

“Are you their superior?” Faye glanced at the man with a dissatisfied look before ordering him, “I want you to send people to search every inch of this bungalow and its surroundings. Find my jadeite stone

back, or I will make a complaint about your delay and negligence at work. You will have to be responsible for my loss!”

“Pardon my straightforwardness, Miss Anderson. Your room and its surrounding showed no signs of intrusion at all. The safe was even opened using the passcode…” The man trailed off as a troubled look was formed on his face.

“What do you mean? Are you suspecting that I stole it myself?!” Faye said angrily. “I don’t think you’ve grasped this situation yet––I’m the daughter of the Anderson Family. Do you think I’ll steal from my own family?!”

The man lowered his gaze before saying in an indirect manner, “I don’t mean it that way. I just wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you left the jadeite stone somewhere else and forgot about it?”

Hearing that, she crossed her arms before replying in a hostile tone, “Do I look like I have dementia?”

The man didn’t want to argue with her either. So, he simply shot his colleague a look as a sign for the person to bring over the safe.

“Miss Anderson, may I ask what’s inside?” the man questioned.

“My prized possession, of course.” The raise of her voice was a little awkward. “I asked you to come and find my jadeite stone, not to question me. Why are you trying to touch my things?!”

The man acted like he didn’t hear her complaints and took the safe into his hands. “Miss Anderson, what is the passcode?”

“I don’t know.” She turned away in anger. She really didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

“Since you refuse to cooperate, we’ll just try ourselves.” After he said that, he put the safe onto the table before attempting to crack it.

Frankly, she wasn’t worried that they might open the safe and see Elise’s stone. After all, they didn’t know the passcode, and the police had no right to damage a citizen’s property.

What she was more worried about was which string to pull to find her jadeite stone back.

Suddenly, the sound of the safe unlocking could be heard.

Turning over, she could see that the safe had already been cracked.

At this moment, the man scanned through the items in the safe before turning to look at Faye. After that, he turned the opening of the safe to face her.

“Miss Anderson, take a look. Is this your jadeite stone?”

At once, she was so shocked that she put her hands over her mouth which was hung open.

How is that possible? The safe was supposed to be containing Elise’s stone. However, she was now seeing the jadeite stone that she bought!

She couldn’t say that it wasn’t––she didn’t have the guts to.

Looking at her hesitant look, the police officer made a decision.

With a dark expression, he stood up before chastising Faye. “Since your item has been found, we will leave now. Hopefully, you will check things through next time. Don’t waste police resources time just like that! Landred City isn’t like Athesea. We would always plan before doing things. We don’t have the time to fool around with you, Miss Anderson! We’re done here. Head out, boys!”

After saying that, he didn’t wait for a reply from her before leaving with the other officers.

On the other hand, Faye was so furious that she clenched her teeth.

This fellow was obviously prejudiced toward her as she came from Athesea. Why was he so arrogant? Landred would be just a third-liner city if it wasn’t because of Kenneth. Did he think that he could look down on outsiders because of that?”

After half a day, she finally calmed down. It was only then did she turn around to look at her stone.

She was sure that she never opened the safe, so how did it get inside?

Did she do that while she was sleep-walking?

If that was the case, where did Elise’s jadeite go?

At that thought, she suspiciously picked up a jadeite stone to check if there were any problems with it.

Just as she was about to lift it up, cracks suddenly covered the entire stone, and it shattered into pieces of various sizes the next second before falling into the safe. Outside the cracks, there were still hints of green from the jadeite. The truth was… they were all rocks!

Almost immediately, she phoned the male police officer from earlier.

“What is it now?” the officer said impatiently.

“My jadeite stone has shattered into pieces. That jadeite earlier was not a jadeite at all––not even a gram of it. Someone stole my jadeite away for real!” Faye explained anxiously.

“Alright, Miss Anderson, cut it out. Everyone in Landred City knows the rules of stone gambling. After buying the stone, it’s your own luck if you get a jadeite or not. If there isn’t any inside, it’s your fate. Why do you keep troubling us? Are you such a sore loser? Don’t call over again or I’ll sue you for obstruction of law!”

“But––” Before Faye could finish her sentence, the call ended.

The male officer didn’t even give her a chance to say anything and ended the call.

With her eyes trained on the page of the phone call records, she was so angry that she flung the phone away. “A bunch of *ss!”

After letting off some steam, she supported herself against the table before looking at the shattered stones in the safe. It was only then that a sudden realization fell on her.

The safe was not locked at all, and the guy from last night was not here to deliver Elise’s stone. He was here to get the passcode when she opened her safe to get the money.

“D*mn it! It must be Elise Sinclair!”

At this moment, she had her teeth gritted and her fists clenched tightly.

Not only did her plan backfire—she even lost what she originally had and more!

B*tch, I will end you sooner or later!

Meanwhile, Elise, who was cursed, sneezed right after she got off the plane.

“Who’s talking behind my back?” As she was rubbing her nose, her phone suddenly rang, so she picked it up and placed the phone by her ear.

“Boss, it’s done. The jadeite stone and 50,000 in cash are all here. When should I send it over to you?”

“There is no need for that.” Elise continued, “Just sell it off. You can draw a part of it and donate the rest to welfare centers.”

“I don’t need to be paid when I’m lending you a helping hand. Oh, and, the eavesdropping device that I left in the woman’s house has recorded a conversation where the police thought of her as a dumb person. Should I send it to you so you can have a good laugh?”

“Sure. This number connects to your WhatsApp, right? I’ll add you as a contact so you can send it to me.”


After hanging up the phone, both of them continued their conversation on WhatsApp.

After that, the recording was sent over in no time, and there was even a sticker showing a sneaky expression.

Seeing that, Elise replied to him with a funny smile as she hadn’t really listened to the recording, but she changed the name of his contact to ‘Earthbender.’

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