Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

Chapter 524

Chapter 524 It’s Not Too Late to Admit Defeat

Sophie closed her eyes and readjusted her mindset. She had already figured out a solution to deal with Elise after studying the video recording of Elise during the match, in which she decided to use the Malta Tactic. That was the highest level of chess skill she had learned from Mr. Reynolds. It was a move that he created during his chess match in Malta against a reclusive hermit who was a chess master.

Initially, Sophie had planned to use that on Mr. Ross but in order to entirely defeat Elise and show everyone that she was miles ahead of Elise, she had to bring out the skill that she was most proud of. It was despite the fact that it would be a piece of cake to defeat Elise.

At this moment, she opened her eyes once again and calmly made a move. Meanwhile, Elise went after her without considering anything at all.

In the past, when she played abroad, she had to watch the clock and rush to finish the game because each game was worth a thousand. She was so broke then that in order to earn more money, she had already mastered the skill of swiftly reacting to each move.

Sophie snorted with disdain upon noticing Elise’s move without the slightest consideration. She is indeed a simple-minded buffoon. She didn’t even make a perfect first move, so how would she be able to continue the rest of the game well? She’s way too stupid!

She initially felt that it was a waste to use the Malta Tactic on Elise. She’s not a worthy opponent to use the Malta Tactic on!

Even Mr. Reynolds hadn’t figured out the way to overcome the Malta Tactic, so using this on Elise was equivalent to asking a junior high student who had just started studying Physics a question on the study of matter.

However, as Sophie considered the situation, the battleground had been set. So, she could only continue to make her move despite her reluctance for this skill to be revealed just yet.

Meanwhile, Elise didn’t realize that something was amiss, but it suddenly dawned on her after ten rounds and her eyes sparkled with knowledge. She recalled that she had used this method in Malta before. It looks like Sophie has learned quite a bit from Old Reynolds.

Elise stared calmly at the chessboard in front of her. As she swayed her head slightly, she found the game to be quite interesting.

Meanwhile, Sophie, who had been swiftly making her move, noticed it and retracted her hand from the chessboard. She glanced at Elise with a disdainful look in her eyes and taunted, “You must be out of moves, right? You look like you’re quite lost in your next step. Too bad, though. It’s too late for you to give up now. Prepare some bandages to wrap your forehead after you’ve paid homage to me!”

However, Elise smiled nonchalantly at Sophie. In fact, Elise had already figured out every single move that Sophie was going to make.

Elise was about to say something, but she noticed Sophie’s arrogance and decided not to say anything. At this moment, she silently lowered her head to continue the game.

Sophie noticed that Elise had gradually taken each step into her trap, so she smiled mockingly. “I said you were stupid, yet you refused to admit it. Don’t blame me for not warning you. If you keep going on like this, in less than two moves, you’ll definitely be defeated. Well, but there’s nothing much you can do because you can’t change your past move. I would be happy to take whatever you offer me.”

At this moment, she lifted her hand and made a move on Elise’s knight. However, Elise merely smiled and calmly moved her chess piece.

“You’re still maintaining pretenses even up till now? You’re such an unrepentant person!” Sophie rolled her eyes and continued to make a move according to what Warren had taught her.

Then, Elise looked at the resurfaced tactic that he had created while calmly glancing at the timer.

Four minutes and thirty seconds.

Old Reynolds used half an hour to arrive at this step in Malta then. Sophie’s quite talented to be able to perfectly make every move in such a short time.

Elise glanced at Sophie and calmly lifted the corners of her mouth. “If you admit defeat now, I can still cancel our bet.”

She repeated the same words that Sophie had said earlier and directed them back at Sophie. This was all purely because she didn’t want to make their relationship too awkward for Alexander’s sake.

However, Sophie refused to take Elise up on the offer and even reckoned that the latter must be crazy to say such words at this point. “You must be unaware of your current circumstances! Once you make another move, you’ll get the taste of losing every single piece.”

Elise directly changed the topic. “I’ll give you one last chance. If you admit defeat now, you won’t need to pay homage to me.”

However, Sophie merely found those words a joke and refused to even acknowledge her words. With a sigh, Elise turned to look at the chessboard with a serious look and thoughtfully mentioned, “Actually, this tactic isn’t difficult.”

At that point, Sophie snorted. “Elise, you’ve lost the game. Stop coming up with excuses. This is the first time I’ve ever seen someone with such poor manners.”

Then, Elise lifted her eyes and coldly glanced at Sophie. Subsequently, Elise lifted her Queen and calmly caused Sophie to checkmate by following the path that the black piece had created.

Sophie was just about to deal a deathly blow with her piece, but after carefully studying the chessboard, the expression on her face instantly stiffened. What’s going on?!

Elise had completely turned the tides with just a single move and Sophie was now the one in danger!

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