Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Chapter 566

Chapter 566 Getting What You Deserve

Hustled by the several people, Faye was soon locked up in the staff room.

“Celina! Let me out!”

Thud! Thud! Thud! Faye slapped at the door with all her might. Some of the hotel staff who came for a change of clothes gathered outside the room, but they dared not offend Celina’s two female friends who were standing guard outside.

Pulling her cap down, Elise sneaked up behind the staff, quietly enjoying the exciting show.

“…Is anyone outside?!” Faye got tired from slapping at the door, but there was no answer from the outside. Dejected, she exhaled and turned around to sit down and have a rest.

However, right after she walked a few steps, the door behind her swung open. The instant she turned her face around, she had a bucket of ice-cold water splashed onto her right away. In an instant, she was soaked to the skin from head to toe like a drowned rat.

“Gosh!” Faye growled between clenched teeth while shivering with cold.


“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Celina threw the bucket onto the floor arrogantly. She threatened, “This is just the beginning. I’m telling you, as long as I’m still alive, I’m gonna f*ck you over until the very end of my life! Come on, girls, let’s go shopping!” With that, she swaggered off with her best friends.

It wasn’t until the group of ladies had disappeared out of sight that some staff members sneaked into the room and asked Faye if she was fine. “Miss, are you alright?”

Faye had to close her eyes and exhale deeply to refrain from losing her temper. Still, she couldn’t help but say sarcastically, “Do you think I look like I’m fine?”

“Well, uh…” The staff members were too frightened to speak. In reality, they indeed had to take responsibility for this. However, since both Faye and Celina and her circle of friends were very well- dressed, they dared not offend either of them.

Unable to stand the sight of how stupid these people were, Faye urged, “What are you waiting for? Hurry and get me a change of clothes for me to change into!”

“There are clothes in the locker behind you, only that I’m afraid you need to bear with them. They’re all clean uniforms that have never been worn by anyone.”

Faye rolled her eyes. Despite her reluctance, she had no choice but to accept their offer. “Got it. Get out first, all of you.”

“Okay. We’ll be outside, so call us if you need anything,” the staff members said respectfully. With that, they left the room and closed the door.

20 minutes later, Faye left the hotel through the back door. As she stood at the entrance and waited for the chauffeur to pick her up, she couldn’t help feeling that her body smelled of cheap fabric. She sniffed at herself every now and then, looking uncomfortable all over.

Just then, a voice approached her from behind. “How do you feel today?”

Upon hearing the voice, Faye turned around to see a woman wearing sportswear and a baseball cap who walked toward her before coming to a stop a meter away from her. “Who are you?” Faye warily picked up her handbag and searched for the taser inside.

As soon as she said that, the baseball cap rose slowly, revealing Elise’s pretty and delicate features. She curled her lips slightly with a hint of ridicule in her eyes, saying, “How does it feel to become me for a day

and experience the trouble you’ve caused me?”

Faye was confused upon hearing her words. “What nonsense are you talking about? Are you nuts as well?”

“Ah… Seems like there was no mirror in the staff room. What a pity,” Elise said with regret.

Mirror? Become her for a day? Instantly figuring out what had happened, Faye took out the small makeup mirror in her bag and aimed it at her face.

“This can’t be possible!” Faye looked at “Elise’s” facial features in the mirror; every inch of Elise’s skin was on her face. Frightened, she threw the mirror away and slapped her cheeks with both hands. She could feel the pain when her cheeks were slapped, only that it didn’t hurt as much as she imagined.

Faye’s expression froze. Then, she recalled with hindsight that ever since the moment she woke up in the guest room, she had been feeling that her face was somewhat stuffy. “What have you done to me?!” She looked at Elise across from her in horror. “You wanna turn me into you? You want to use such a mean trick to make me lose the opportunity to get all of the Anderson Family’s fortune? Ha ha! Elise, you pretend like you don’t care about the worldly things, but you’ve got a scheming mind!”

Elise let out a sneer of ridicule. “Look at you. It’s only been half a day, and you can’t stand it anymore? Did you forget why this face of mine was disadvantaged in the fight you cared about? It’s you who have built a reputation for me step by step! Now that I’ve let you understand deeply how I felt, aren’t you supposed to thank me for that?”

“You were the one who asked for it!” Faye yelled hysterically as though she were insane. “Since you don’t want the Anderson Family’s stuff, why come back and show up in front of me?! My life was plain sailing without you. It was all because of you; it was you who ruined all of this!”

“Plain sailing, you say?” Elise let out a contemptuous scoff. “By ‘plain sailing,’ you mean to clear away everything in your path, including my family, who taught you and brought you up. You bite the hand that feeds you and are devoid of humanity. You’re the one who’ll be getting what you deserve, not me!”

“I didn’t! You’re talking nonsense! They were the ones who forced me to do all this! They brought me out of the impoverished and awful orphanage, showing me the rich’s extravagance and telling me that it was my home. I really thought that I was part of the family… But before my coming-of-age party, they insisted on searching for you and even willed half of the family’s fortune to you. Did they ever think of me as a member of the Anderson Family?! I could’ve been content with my lot at the orphanage, but they showed me the glamor of money and planted a demon inside me! They only have themselves to blame! What the hell does that have to do with me?!”

Faye was so infuriated and panic-stricken today that she spoke her mind without caring about whether this was Elise’s trick. That was right; she never thought it was wrong to fight or rob anyone. To her, Austin and Jeanie were to blame for bringing her back to this home. Wanting to find their biological daughter while having an adoptive daughter as a substitute, huh? How could such a good thing possibly exist in the world? There’s always a price to pay for that!

“Your mind’s twisted.” Elise shook her head. “If what you said is true, then should everyone who does good be regarded as a villain? The Andersons made you the outstanding career woman you are today by bringing you up and giving you such a comfortable life in childhood. Would you have enjoyed all these if you had stayed in the orphanage?”

“I would!” Faye replied stubbornly. “I’m no less clever than you are. If they hadn’t taken me away, I could have joined a childless family. That way, my parents would’ve at least loved me with all their hearts instead of treating me as a substitute!”

“You’re simply beyond redemption.” Elise finally realized that she shouldn’t have had expectations for Faye. Once a person gets greedy, they’ll never be satisfied. When they’re well-off, they’ll crave for

something better; when they’re badly-off, they’ll put the blame on their surroundings without ever trying to find fault with themselves. Letting out a sigh, she went past Faye and crossed the road before walking away.

However, as soon as she reached the intersection, she suddenly heard the vroom of a car engine, which was followed by the sound of something getting hit violently. Realizing what had probably happened, she looked back to see Faye being knocked flying in the hotel staff uniform. Landing a few dozen meters away, the lady died on the spot.

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