Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Chapter 574

Chapter 574 Are You Sure That Such Dark Humor Suits You?

“Isn’t this something that I should take into consideration?” Elise blinked her eyes innocently.

“Now that we’re married, shouldn’t your problems become mine too?” Alexander spoke matter-of-factly.

“That makes sense too.” Elise revealed a silly smile. Oh no! If I continue being together with Alexander, I’ll surely become useless.

She felt a sense of threat at that point, but she was mostly content. After all, it was great to have someone respond to her requests and to pay attention to her. She paused and turned to look at Heather before asking, “How do you plan to deal with her?”

“I’ll release her, of course.” Alexander suddenly turned solemn.

“I won’t leave!” Heather was on guard, and she immediately lifted her head and glared at them with a disgusted expression. “You guys think that I’m clueless about your plans, huh? You’re going to release me and then make use of me to locate Matt, and I won’t let you have your way!”

“You seem to regard him too importantly.” Alexander’s expression darkened at that point. “I’m releasing you so that you can go back and let Matthew know that his hopes have been dashed. Before even realizing the truth, I’ve already signed the marriage papers with Elise. As such, he’s overestimated his own destructive abilities and underestimated my love for her. From now on, we should steer clear of each other’s paths. As long as he stays away from us and no longer disrupts our peaceful life, then I can spare his life. However, if he chooses to continue making foolish moves, I’m quite ruthless in my ways too.”

“You’re just talking high and mighty. If you were in his shoes and had become an illegitimate child, you might not even have a life as good as Matt’s.” At that moment, Heather spoke willfully and refused to

admit defeat.

Meanwhile, Alexander had expressed everything that he wanted to say, so he no longer bothered to waste time on her. He lifted his head and spoke to Cameron. “Escort her out of the place and release her in the outskirts of town.”

Instantly, Cameron went forward to do so.

“Let’s leave this place too.” Alexander looked at Elise and spoke tenderly. He then continued, “The news has gone out, so there will definitely be more than one small fry that gets drawn here. This time, our enemies will be exposed while we hide behind the scene. We can have fun waiting for them to turn up.”

At that point, Elise saw Alexander’s look as he spoke about the conspiracies. She suddenly found him quite comical and couldn’t help teasing him, “Darling, are you sure that such dark humor suits you?”

As soon as she called him that, it instantly triggered a reaction in him as he reached out to wrap his arms around her slender waist. Then, he exerted force and pulled her into his arms forcefully.

Their bodies molded against each other, but he intentionally lowered his head and inched his face closer to her while speaking in a gentle and tender voice, “I love this term of endearment, so keep addressing me this way from now on.”

“Address you in what way?” Elise widened her eyes innocently and after she’d said that, for she suddenly realized what she had said. With that, her face blushed red up to the tip of her ears.

Meanwhile, Alexander burst out laughing as he dived in for a passionate kiss.

After exiting the hospital, Alexander brought Elise back to the courtyard house. He had planned on mentioning their marriage to the two elders of the Sinclair Family the next morning.

However, as soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw from afar that Jamie was waiting in front of the entrance to the courtyard house. Furthermore, Jamie took a few steps forward upon seeing them come back.

“Phew! Boss, you’re fine after all!” Jamie heaved a sigh of relief. “I was right! We were drinking together right before this, so how could you have gotten into an accident, huh?”

As soon as Alexander and Elise heard his words, they instantly realized that he had rushed here as soon as he heard the news circulating around in public.

“You’ve gone through so much trouble to come here in person so late at night,” Elise responded. “Later on, create a group chat and inform Julius and Arthur about this too.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. You don’t have to remind me about such a trivial thing.” Jamie waved at her. “I’ll be on my way then.”

After Jamie said that, he walked past the two of them and exited the alley.

Meanwhile, Elise couldn’t help taking another look at him. Indeed, Jamie’s the one who’s most concerned about me.

“He’s a great subordinate.” Alexander couldn’t help teasing her.

“Are you jealous?” Elise responded with jest.

“Yuppppp,” Alexander purposely dragged his reply. “I’m jealous of everyone by your side, regardless of their gender.”

“It seems like you’ll be jealous all day and every day. Aren’t you afraid of being tired?”

“Yes, I am. That’s why I’ll need plenty of kisses from you to energize me. Come on, let me exercise my right as your husband.”

The two of them fooled around with each other and entered Alexander’s courtyard house.

The following day, Elise had slept in and did not wake up until quite late in the morning. She bumped into Maya as she opened the door and walked out of her room.

Maya looked like she was about to enter and clean the place, so she was significantly stunned upon seeing Elise.

“Why haven’t you left?” Elise remembered that she had purposely instructed Maria to assign plenty of menial jobs to Maya so that the woman would leave by herself.

Unexpectedly, she’d gone overseas and come back, but Maya was still around. Furthermore, Maya had even taken over the job of cleaning Alexander’s house.

“I said that I wanted to stay here to atone for my sins, so where would I go?” Maya appeared to be quite calm on the surface, but in reality, her heart thudded frantically.

Elise is such a b*tch! How dare she sleep with Alexander before getting married to him? She’s shameless! She’s such a wanton woman! I knew it! Alexander must have been seduced by her flirtatious ways, and that’s why he’s so against the suggestion of a marriage union with my family. She’s

indeed a country bumpkin! She must have resorted to underhanded tactics to win his heart. Let’s wait and see. I’ll definitely keep everything that happened in mind, and I’ll seek revenge in the future. I’ll definitely uncover her true personality and let everyone know that she’s a wanton woman!

“Miss Sinclair, if you have nothing to say, could you step aside? I need to enter the room to clean.” Maya spoke up with a hint of displeasure and then she attempted to squeeze through sideways.

“Hold on.” Elise reached out to stop her in her tracks. “From now on, this room is out of bounds. You don’t have to clean this area.”

“Why?” Maya revealed an unhappy look.

Even after finding out Elise’s embarrassing secret, I didn’t spread the news publicly. I’m merely here to clean Alexander’s room, so why does Elise have to make things difficult for me?!

“No specific reason,” Elise replied. “Right now, I’m the lady of the place, so I don’t like any other females entering the room. Is this reason good enough?”

“But this is Alexander’s room.” Maya spoke up discontentedly.

“What’s mine belongs to my wife too.” Alexander suddenly walked in from the outside. Then, he placed his arm around Elise’s shoulders as he pledged his loyalty by saying, “We’re married now, so Elise is my wife. She has all the right to decide who gets to stay or leave.”

“You guys are married?” Maya’s mouth was wide open, and she had an incredulous look on her face. She unconsciously loosened her grip on the broom in her hands, and it fell to the ground.

She hastily picked it up and she kept her head down as she was lost in her thoughts. Alexander actually married Elise just like that. Why did he rush into it so eagerly without even giving me a chance?!

Elise was a woman too, so she could obviously see through Maya’s thoughts.

Maya had already been taught a lesson, so Elise didn’t want to add insult to Maya’s injury. In the end, Elise merely reminded Maya out of kindness by saying, “We don’t need you to atone your sins. The both of us have a legally binding relationship, so you should also lead your own life and leave this place. If you leave by your own accord, you would be able to maintain some dignity. Don’t look back, and let’s not make things difficult for both parties.”

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