Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Chapter 581 A One Way Experience to the Cremation Ward

Sophie recovered from the brink of fainting with a shine in her eyes.

After all, only the strongest would survive in Mr. Kamp’s class. During each monthly exam, only students who scored above the average mark would be retained, and the ones below it were forced to drop out.

Moreover, gathered in Elite Class were the smartest science students in the university; even Sophie did not dare to say that she would be first in class every single time.

Elise, a liberal arts student from the countryside, can only be placed above the average grade unless a miracle happens!

The thought of this made Sophie feel more comfortable since she was certain that Elise would be kicked out of the class in no time.

When that happens, Kenneth’s money will go down the drain. By then, he’ll certainly think that Elise is a useless person and no longer spend more effort on her!

Sophie’s mocking face was so obvious that Elise couldn’t ignore it even if she tried.

After sweeping her gaze calmly across Sophie, she then said to Martin, “Don’t worry, Mr. Kamp. I know all the rules already, and I’ll do my very best.”

Since he didn’t believe that a liberal arts student who got in using the power of money could be placed above the average grade, Martin grew even more dissatisfied at her due to her confident demeanor.

If she wasn’t capable yet willing to learn, he wouldn’t make it too hard on her. However because of the attitude that Elise currently displayed, Martin was going to pay extra attention to her!

Ignoring Elise once again, Martin turned around and gently reminded Sophie by saying, “You should go back to class since the paperwork has been sorted out. I’ll hand the form to the administration later. The exam will be starting in a while, with the seats being sorted according to grades. Pay extra attention when answering the questions later.”

“I understand, Mr. Kamp!” Sophie raised her voice on purpose, wanting to show off how much Martin doted on her in front of Elise.

But when she looked over, she noticed that Elise was playing with her phone and giving her zero attention!

As anger bubbled in her chest, she quickly bidded the principal farewell and left huffily.

Just you wait, Elise. When the exam starts, I’ll make sure that you know our levels clearly!

After seeing Sophie leave, Martin switched his gaze onto Elise and immediately became stern again. “Are you deaf? I said that the exam is about to start, yet you’re still here on your phone.”

Elise looked up at him expressionlessly and suppressed her emotions. Then, she quietly put her phone away.

Hearing this, the principal finally realized that something was amiss.

Considering the fact that Elise was somewhat under his wing, wasn’t Martin humiliating him by not giving him face at all?

“It’s currently break time, Mr. Kamp. It isn’t that appropriate to be speaking to Elise in such a way, don’t you think so?”

Just as Martin was about to rebuke, Elise mediated the situation by saying, “It’s fine, Mr. Haas. Mr. Kamp was only saying it out of worry for me. I’ll be going to the classroom now and stop disturbing you.”

As this wasn’t the first time that Elise had faced such old-fashioned teachers, she did not take his words to heart. Rather, she was afraid that Mr. Haas and Martin might even argue because of her. If that happened, she would have to owe him another favor then.

Although he was surprised that Elise would say such a thing, Martin did not want to accept her words, so he just turned around and walked out.

Sighing, Leon told Elise somewhat defeatedly, “The foreign lecturers can be quite proud at times. Actually, it’s not just them; all capable lecturers have a certain proudness to them. You need to learn fast to prove yourself. This is the only way he’ll stop finding faults with you.”

“Thank you for the tip, Mr. Haas.” After sincerely thanking him, Elise then rushed over to the small white building.

Since she didn’t know when the exam would start, she walked faster than normal. Hence, she was able to catch up to Sophie within a few minutes.

Since she did not know the exact location of the classroom, Elise slowed her pace down and quietly followed Sophie from a distance.

Yet, being the attention maniac that she was, Sophie would turn back to look every two minutes. So, upon discovering Elise after a while, she stopped to mock her.

“Here I was, thinking about which stalker had been secretly following me. It’s only Miss I-got-into-the- elite-class-because-of-copious-amount-of-money.”

Not wanting to argue with her, Elise simply passed by her and continued walking.

Now that she was behind the woman, Sophie suddenly felt anger surging through her. She caught up with Elise’s pace and said, “Do you really think that you’re all that great? Just because you grew up in

the countryside, does it mean that you don’t need to have any manners at all? Did anybody teach you basic respect for other human beings?!”

“First off, you have to be a human being,” said Elise while walking.

Angered to the point of being flushed, Sophie then sneered upon remembering Martin’s warning. “I don’t think that you can pass the monthly exam, so why don’t you back off now and save yourself some dignity?”

Elise could no longer withstand it, so she stopped and turned around to face Sophie.

When she was silent, there was a certain sharpness in her gaze.

Upon seeing this, Sophie gulped subconsciously while her neck shrunk back. “Y-You, what are you going to do?!”

She felt that Elise was about to strike her. These barbarians from the countryside are the worst!

However, Elise only raised her eyebrows and smiled lightly. “A friendly reminder that the last person who kept pestering me like this is now lying in a cremation ward. I estimate that in a few days, that person would be in cinders. So, do you want a quick experience at the cremation ward as well?”

Hearing this made Sophie feel a chill run down her spine with a hint of fear flashing across her eyes. Putting on a calm facade, she then said, “How dare you threaten me. Come on, do you think I’m afraid of you? I’m not that easily scared, you know!”

After retracting her smile, Elise returned to her icy demeanor. “Actions speak louder than words. If you’re not afraid, you can most certainly try.”

With that, Elise walked away without leaving any time for Sophie to retort.

Then, she recalled that the designated classroom was B201. All the classrooms nearby started with ‘B’, which meant that she’d eventually reach the right classroom if she continued to walk straight.

As she puffed her cheeks, Sophie followed closely behind while hypnotizing herself again and again.

If the others aren’t angry, I shouldn’t be so riled up either. Think about who would stand to profit the most if I were to die from sheer anger.

After all, she did not want to let such sc*m as Elise get her wish.

By the time they approached the classroom, Sophie’s anger had mostly subsided when she noticed that Elise had stopped in front of the classroom door.

Meanwhile, Elise had fallen into deep thought while looking at the strange classroom door.

Since she had done some research on Elite Class prior to joining them, she knew that the class was using the highest level of teaching equipment in the university. Even the classroom door was custom made, so the likelihood of the door not shutting tight was almost impossible.

But now, she could clearly see the slit from the door.

Something is definitely wrong here.

At that moment, she saw Sophie coming.

At once, she put on a smile and said sincerely, “I’m so sorry, but I just remembered that I need to make a call. You can go in first.”

“Country bumpkin.” As she said that, Sophie only assumed Elise was scared at the thought of facing a class filled with geniuses.

After tidying her hair up, she then turned the knob and went in.

“Hello, every…”



Before she could even finish her sentence, a bowl of flour had rained down upon her. Sophie was instantly drenched in flour, and the noise of students’ roaring laughter echoed throughout.


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