Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Chapter 588 Purple Flower Bed

The two brothers rarely had such a harmonious moment. Feeling gratified, Jamie turned around to hug Elise’s arm and said in a childish manner, “Boss, please set up a class. If my dad knows his rebellious second son has cleaned up his act, he’ll surely call you his boss!”

Elise cast a side glance at Jamie with a resigned look. “Both you and your father become my underlings? Don’t tell me you wish to become brothers with your father.”

Immediately, Jamie let go of Elise and straightened his back. “Forget about it then. That would screw up the family tree!”

Meanwhile, back in Saunders Residence, Edwin was sitting dumbfounded in front of his computer as he stared at the gaming page which failed to log in.

Damn it! I’m hired to play games using this account. If it is blocked, I’ll have to compensate the worth of the entire account!

Besides holding the highest VIP rank, this account also had the entire set of skins in addition to vouchers worth tens of thousands.

Adding up all the miscellaneous worth, it would total up to at least 500,000.

He had only earned less than a hundred thousand after playing the game day and night for two months. How could he afford to pay the compensation?

Just as Edwin thought things couldn’t get any worse, the hacker company called.

“Damn it you motherf*cker! You actually turned on the hacking tool while playing on a national server. Now, our entire company is forced to close down for investigation. You have to compensate for our loss.

2 million and there’s no room for negotiation. Transfer the money to me in a week or I’ll cut off one of your legs!”

Edwin put down his phone in despair. 2 million on top of 50,000—he would not be able to fork out the sum even if he sold himself.

Leaning against the gaming chair, he stared at the ceiling and had a dizzy spell.

Moments later, an idea came to his mind blue as he stared at the magnificent crystal chandelier.

He had no money, but that was exactly what the Saunders Family had the most.

There were so many luxury items in this house, so Edwin reckoned he wouldn’t be discovered even if he secretly stole a few.

After coming out from the internet café, Elise and the others went for supper.

While she was eating halfway, Alexander called.

“Wifey, did you have a good time? Do you want to come home with me?” Alexander spoke in a tone as if he was the big bad wolf coaxing an innocent rabbit.

Elise laughed in amusement and said, “Come on. I’ve only stayed one night in school.”

Alexander heaved a sorrowful sigh. “If you were me, you would know how miserable I feel. Come home with me and I’ll send you back again tomorrow.”

Elise blushed and did not reject Alexander. “Come and pick me up then.”

“I’m at the entrance of Snack Street. Come out when you’re done, and you’ll see me,” Alexander replied.

“You mean now?” Elise instinctively glanced at the entrance.

“Yeah,” Alexander hummed nonchalantly. “There’s no hurry. Have a good time socializing with your classmates.”


Despite saying so, Elise packed her stuff immediately after hanging up.

When Alexander saw Elise walking toward him from afar, he quickly got out of the car and opened the passenger seat’s door for her.

“How long have you been waiting?” Elise asked with a smile.

“I just arrived.” Then, Alexander teased Elise in return. “But you came out immediately after hanging up. It seems like you miss me much more than I miss you.”

“Not at all!” Elise refused to admit it.

After getting in the car, Alexander started the engine and departed.

As Alexander drove, they chatted for a while before Elise realized they were not heading home.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m bringing you to catch dreams.” Alexander remained secretive and said, “You’ll know later.”

Although Elise was curious, she decided to keep the air of mystery and did not continue asking.

Alexander drove all the way to the outskirts of the town and entered a manor which looked like an agritainment park.

There were two red brick houses in the yard with some warm yellow light bulbs hanging on the porch. The entire building appeared to be like a heritage from the last century in Tissote, where prices of land

were soaring.

The door of one of the brick houses was opened. An old man, who wore a straw hat, was standing in front of the entrance with a lamp in his hand to welcome them, and it seemed like he had been awaiting them for some time.

Holding Elise’s hand, Alexander walked up to the old man and greeted him. “Sorry for disturbing you at this hour, Mr. Charlie. Thanks for having us.”

“Not at all,” Charlie said kindly. “This is my job after all.”

Then, he cast a glance at Elise and said, “This must be Mrs. Griffith. What a lovely lady. You guys are indeed a perfect match.”

Elise became a little shy as she hummed, “Thank you.”

“I shall not disturb you guys then.” Charlie passed the lamp to Alexander and said, “Hope you enjoy.”

With that, he walked back into the brick house.

Meanwhile, Alexander turned to look at Elise and said gently, “Close your eyes, Ellie.”

Elise frowned. “It’s so dark here. Do I still need to close my eyes?”

“Yeah.” Alexander held her hand and coaxed gently, “Trust me.”

Perhaps it was because Alexander’s voice was too attractive, or it was because Elise would naturally feel happy when being around Alexander, she closed her eyes obediently.

Thereafter, she walked forward under Alexander’s guidance.

After taking a few steps, Elise stepped on a wooden floor. As the night breeze blew, she could smell a faint fragrance.

“Elise, lift up your foot. We’re going up some stairs.” Alexander’s voice was so gentle that one’s heart could melt listening to it.

Following Alexander’s instruction, Elise finally reached a flat ground again after ascending around 10 steps of stairs.

She could hear Alexander put down the lamp and walk to stand behind her.

Gently placing his warm palms on her eyes, he then removed them slowly and hummed, “You may open your eyes now.”

Sensing a weak stimulation from the light, Elise opened her eyes slowly to see a bed of purple flowers.

Even the light that was shining on the flower bed was purple too.

Besides the spot where they were standing, the surroundings, as far as they could see, were covered with lavenders.

Elise had an urge of shedding tears as her heart almost melted. She turned around to gaze at Alexander and asked, “How did you know I love lavender?”

Alexander smiled brightly and stared at Elise with his eyes filled with affection. “Your bookmark is made of dried lavender. The top and middle notes of the only few perfumes that you have are the fragrance of lavender too. Your theme of your first debut song was lavender… and there are many many more. Shall I say it out one by one?”

“You remember all of these?” Tears welled up in Elise’s eyes, and she sounded as if she was about to cry.

Alexander cupped her face with his hands and lifted it slightly. “Please don’t cry, Mrs. Griffith. This will not be a sweet dream anymore if you cry.”

With her tears turned into laughter, Elise mumbled in amusement, “But I can’t control it…”

“Come on, I know you can. My wifey is the best.” Alexander coaxed Elise as if she was a child.

“You’re so annoying!” Elise hit Alexander’s chest gently with her fist. “You did this on purpose! You deliberately made me cry!”

Alexander couldn’t take it in anymore as he encircled Elise with his arms and embraced her.

“Ellie, I love you.”

“I know.”

“No, you don’t.” Alexander said in a stubborn manner, “You’re still young and inexperienced. It’s selfish of me to keep you for myself, but I’ll do my best to make your life complete. I know you’re not in the mood of preparing for the wedding ceremony yet, so I present this flower bed as a gift for you first. Let this purple night replace our wedding ceremony for now.”

“I know you’re busy and you sometimes get very tired. I don’t want you to stretch yourself too thin.” Elise sniffled and leaned against Alexander.

“Work is work. No matter how busy or tired I am, you’re the most important one. I won’t let those hustle affect the quality of our life. You’re currently at the age to enjoy the sweetness of love. I’ll give all my romance to you without holding back even a single bit of it.”

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