Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 598

Chapter 598

Chapter 598

Chapter 598 Apology

Betrayers were the most despised. Sophie’s words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the other classmates.

“So, according to what you have said, we should be like a robot that only knows how to study and nothing else?”

“That’s right. Shouldn’t he be more fair and just if it’s for the benefit of the entire class? Elise couldn’t have caused such a commotion on her own, and everyone was involved. It’s either all of us or none of us get punished. No one should be excluded!”

“How can that be?” Sophia refuted angrily. “I’m not like the rest of you, who acted as if you’ve never seen an artist before. What exactly is the big deal? She merely knows how to produce one or two songs and get close to men in front of the cameras to attract attention. Standing by someone like her is beneath my dignity!”

As soon as she finished her words, everyone’s expression went through a subtle change.

Seeing this, Elise shook her head contemptuously and smiled.

Sophia indeed impressed her by getting into this Elite Class, proving that she had exceptional logical thinking skills when it came to physics. However, she lacked emotional intelligence. The word she just said was aimed at Elise, but she had unintentionally offended the entire class.

She thought she was superior to everyone else, but in fact, she had become everyone’s common enemy.

But she was still immersed in her own thoughts, convinced that she was unique and untainted by the people around her.

“First and foremost, I thank you for not wanting to be close with me,” Elise said graciously. “However, I don’t think that requesting an apology from someone who has done me wrong and holding him accountable for his actions are overboard. You said I was unreasonable, Sophie, but what are you doing now?”

“That’s right.” Sheldon continued in a hostile tone, “What’re you doing with such a fallacious argument? Aren’t you also being unreasonable? Furthermore, Elise has reason on her side. Your argument is nothing but sophistry!”

“Y-You two!” Sophie was so mad that she had no idea how to respond.

At this moment, an articulated hand stretched into the classroom and knocked on the door.

Knock, knock.

The knock on the door interrupted the debate in the classroom, and everyone looked toward the source of the sound. They saw Kenneth standing by the door dressed in a full suit, a hat in his hands. He was smiling, but those who knew him would be able to tell that it wasn’t a genuine smile.

“Excuse me, everyone. Please give me a few minutes.” With a faint smile on his face, he turned to face Martin and said, “Mr. Kamp, please come out for a moment. I need to speak with you privately about something.”

After finishing his sentence, he turned and walked to the corridor, where he waited for Martin.

Martin, on the other hand, noticed Kenneth’s curving lips dropping the moment he turned. That caused Martin to start having chills.

With his teeth clenched, he raised his legs and walked out nervously.

Kenneth stood in the corridor while leaning against the railings, his head slightly tilted up. Looking at him from afar was like admiring the tranquility of the rising sun.

Martin approached him and came to a halt half a meter in front of him. Casually, he asked, “Mr. Bailey, what do you want?”

Hearing his voice, Kenneth turned around, lowered his head while smirking, and slowly removed his white gloves.

Then, out of the blue, he gave Martin a hard slap.

Martin was unable to react. He could only feel numbness on his face and a bloody taste in his mouth.

He raised his hand to touch the corner of his mouth and brought it before his eyes. Indeed, his mouth was bleeding.

“Kenneth Bailey!” Martin was enraged. “You’re assaulting me! Believe it or not, I’ll sue you!”

However, Kenneth couldn’t care less about what Martin said. “What? You can’t even stand this? Did you feel like you were humiliated?”

His voice turned colder as he continued, “The force I used to slap you earlier wasn’t even a tenth of what you used to slap Elise. What’s there for you to be upset about?”

“Nonsense! When did I slap Elise before?” Martin disputed.

“You should be thankful that you didn’t do so.” Kenneth’s eyes were tinged with malice. “If you did lay your hands on her, I wouldn’t just slap you. As the homeroom teacher, you humiliated a female student in front of everyone with your vicious words. Do you know that the loss of reputation and dignity is far more serious than any physical injury for a lady?”

“I merely gave you a slap and you wanted to sue me. That being the case, the hurt you inflicted on Elise should be paid for with your life. She was kind enough to merely demand an apology, but you said she was unreasonable. Who is the one being unreasonable here?”

“Of course, if you don’t think that you’re wrong, I too, need not be guilty about slapping you just now.”

“So, Mr. Kamp, do you want to hear me apologize, followed by your apology to her after you go in, or do you prefer to admit your lack in morality, which makes you unfit to lead the Elite Class, and thus fired by the school?”

Martin was rendered speechless, but he unconsciously clenched his fists that were hanging by his side.

It was no surprise that Kenneth was a successful businessman. He could talk so well that Martin felt dizzy from all he said.

Then again, Martin himself was a big shot in the academic field. What rights did Kenneth have to teach him how to educate his students?

In the end, he was only doing all of these for Elise.

It was unfortunate that the culture in this country was such that the wealthy could do whatever they wanted. A wise leader could submit or stand tall. Thus, he would give in to Kenneth this time.

After today, he would request the principal to set up a prohibition and to lock the entrance of the building to prevent outsiders from entering during class.

He wanted to know how Kenneth could stand up for Elise then!

“Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Bailey. I know what to do now,” Martin swallowed his anger and said.

Hearing that, Kenneth heaved a long breath and said nonchalantly, “I was too desperate earlier that I used my authority. Please do not take it to heart, Mr. Kamp. If there’s nothing else, you may return to the class.”

Martin grinded his teeth harshly and cursed Kenneth for the umpteeth time in his heart before he turned around angrily and stormed back into the classroom.

His fists were clenched and his expression was awful. The entire class fell silent as he entered.

“Everyone take a seat.” He tried to keep his rage under control and his tone of voice calm. He then took a deep breath before turning to face Elise, summoned his courage, and said, “I’m sorry, Elise. I apologize for my inappropriate words earlier. Please forgive me.”

“I accept your apology,” Elise said, not wanting to drag out the issue any longer. She sat down right after that.

Martin was furious looking at her indifferent expression, but at the same time, he was also afraid that he might lose his temper when Kenneth was still around. Thus, he immediately looked away.

“Okay, let’s get down to business.” Composing himself, he continued calmly, “The Nationwide High School Know-All Competition is approaching. The principal ordered that Elite Class form a group to participate in it, for the glory of the school. Who would like to be the representative?”

“Mr. Martin, I would like to be the representative!”

Sophie would, of course, not let go of an opportunity to be in the limelight.


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