Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 608

Chapter 608

Chapter 608

Chapter 608 Do Not Follow Me Anymore

The validity of the claim as an original work was always a controversial topic. To present the task to determine the validity of the claim had already attracted attention, more so especially when presented in a venue full of morally just designers.

The audience was chattering among themselves while the judges were arguing among themselves onstage.

After examining the works in detail for over 10 minutes, the judge with glasses picked up the microphone and announced to the audience, “We unanimously agreed that No. 01, Fiona’s work, is the original!”

“Though the ‘Cinelle’ were made with unusual materials, the design for the ‘Roman Holiday’ was much more exquisite, as much attention was given to the finer details. As expected of the previous champion, her presentation of the jewel’s charm was done magnificently here.”

“Furthermore, Fiona was already the winner of the previous competition. There is no reason for her to plagiarize the work of an unknown person.”

“All in all, the ‘Roman Holiday’ is the real winner of this year’s competition. As for the ‘Cinelle,’ it should be disqualified from the competition, and for the contestant, Frostine, to…”

“Hold it—”

A soft yet resounding voice interrupted the judge.

With everyone’s eyes on her, Elise stood up and got up the stage. She then took the host’s microphone and said in a manner that was neither haughty nor humble as she looked over the audience, “Frostine

is a friend of mine. I think it is necessary for me to show the esteemed judges and audience something in regard to this plagiarism fiasco.”

She then connected her phone to a projector and then opened up a video that she got from Joseph.

“What are you showing us right now?” the judge with the glasses asked suspiciously.

Elise smiled in response, yet there was no hint of joy in her eyes. “I would assume for someone that could come out with such deep analysis on our works, you would have the eyes to observe what I’m showing you!”

The judge was taken aback.

This brat is quite an arrogant one.

The room fell silent as their attention was on the video projected on stage. The beginning of the video was a slideshow of screenshots that showed various text messages. With curiosity, the audience began reading the texts, word by word, in silence.

As the slideshow of the screenshots was over, next came the video. It was at this moment that the audience was gradually becoming agitated once more.

The content was as follows:

“Everything’s in here with nothing being left out. Keep it safe, and make sure you put in a few good words for me when you see Mr. Saunders. I want to join the Saunders Corporation.”

“Don’t worry. Since I’ve obtained what I want, I’ll make sure to throw you a bone as well. However, I do want to ask about your reason for your wish to work for the Saunderses.”

“Isn’t it obvious? Who would not wish to join them now that the Saunders Corporation is on the frontier of the jewelry industry? Furthermore, Alexis—this midget of a company—only had about 20 staff. I can’t see how I am able to further advance my career in that place. If I want to achieve something big, I can’t stay at that place my whole life!”

“In other words, for ambition. Nevertheless, are you sure this is Frostine’s original design? Don’t you dare give me another person’s design!”

“Please hold your horses. My future is at stake here. Even if you are willing to cross the line, I am not willing to follow suit. I can guarantee you that there are no problems with what I gave you!”

The video was shot at an angle where Fiona’s face could be seen clearly.

The audience was dumbfounded as they came to a realization.

Frostine’s work was the original!

Fiona had paid Alexis’ employee to steal the design from Alexis!

“This is slander!” Fiona—who was sitting in the front row—stood up in a fit of rage, then pointed her fingers at Elise who was on stage and roared, “How dare you maliciously edit that video and slander me in public! I have never uttered those words in my life! And that person! That person was just someone asking for directions!”

Elise flashed a chilling smile and retorted in an indifferent manner, “Miss Fiona is not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside. With how far the distance between Alexis and the Saunders Corporation, you still took the time to show directions to an Alexis employee who had lost her way. You are making me feel inferior with how kind-hearted you are!”

Though both Alexis and the Saunders Corporation were located in Landred City, they were both in the opposite direction. It would be hard for both companies’ employees to cross paths with one another, and yet Fiona was claiming that an Alexis employee was just asking for directions.

Fiona’s excuse was flimsy at best, yet was still full of holes.

“Fiona was taken down!”

“I doubt even Fiona would have the courage to do this. Could there have been someone else behind this that was adding fuel to the fire?”

“Who do you think is capable of making Fiona give up even her own reputation?”

“Who else but the Saunderses? Plagiarising another’s work is what the Saunders Corporation does best. They are giving a bad name to the people of the jewelry industry!”

“That’s right! Even the jewelry from our company was being suppressed by the Saunders Corporation! I have not wanted to put up with it for a very long time!”

“Today’s incident wasn’t the only time the Saunders Corporation had committed a foul play!”

As Fiona continued listening to the crusade where the audience’s voice was getting louder one after the other, her legs gave out and she fell on her knees in despair.

Her career in the jewelry industry was over.

Soon after, the result of the competition was announced. Frostine’s work broke through the prior fiasco and became the winner of the competition. Alexis as a brand exploded in popularity as a result, for orders kept pouring in where even Tom had started to grow weary of it.

After everything was over, Elise brought the impatient Frostine backstage. Elise then knocked on the door to Clemence’s room.

“Come in.” Clemence’s voice was much softer than it was when she was onstage.

Frostine couldn’t help but take a deep breath as the image of the long-awaited reunion filled with hugging and tears came into her mind.

Elise smiled and shook her head before bringing her inside the room.

“It’s been a long time.” Clemence reached her hand out for a handshake with Elise.

“Yes, it has.” Elise then briefly shook her hand as a greeting.

“I’ve seen you appearing on TV many times. Seems like the idol star H is doing very well,” Clemence joked.

“That would mean that I have achieved the results that I wanted.” There was not the slightest hint of haughtiness to her tone as she continued to clearly state her intentions, “Would you mind granting me the honor to have a chat with you, one-on-one?”

“I know what you want to ask.” Clemence kept her faint smile on her face, yet it gave off the feeling of rejecting what was asked of her. “However, I do not wish to talk about any issues concerning my husband. So I’m afraid there is no need for what you’re asking.”

As soon as she finished saying that, Clemence then pursed her lips into a smile before making an excuse to leave. “I’m sorry but I have an interview after this. Please excuse me.”

She then walked toward the exit, though it was with Frostine following her from behind anxiously.

When Clemence realized Frostine was following her, she stopped walking and turned around. With a smile as though she was smiling at a stranger, she asked, “Why are you following me?”

“Clemence, haven’t I been following you from the very start?” Frostine replied naively.

Clemence raised her hand and gently patted Frostine on her head. “You are not only a designer but a winner of a competition now. You have graduated from your apprenticeship with flying colors. This shows that even without me, you can still live your life just as well. From now on, you no longer need to follow me. You have your own life to live now.”

Frostine had never thought that the years of waiting and searching would lead her to this outcome.

Tears were welling up in her eyes, as she stood still without knowing what to reply.

Clemence, on the other hand, was still indifferent. When she had said everything she thought that she needed to say to Frostine, she left the room in light steps.

Frostine stood still like a child that was abandoned by the road. It was a lonely and heartbreaking scene to witness.

Elise walked up to her and patted Frostine on the shoulder in an effort to comfort her. However, she couldn’t hold back from sighing herself.

It wasn’t easy to finally reach Clemence, yet the person in question did not wish to divulge any information. This was another dead end for one of her leads.

Why was Clemence so adamant to avoid mentioning her husband?

At this point, Frostine had completely drowned in sorrow as she whispered in a faint voice, “It turns out, Clemence really does not want me anymore…”

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