Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615

Chapter 615 Guilty Conscience

As Edwin looked at David’s insistent indifference, a cold light flashed in his desperate eyes. So, this was how lowly David viewed him, to the point where he could be abandoned without any hesitation. The Saunders Family didn’t treat him like a human being at all! He had had enough of groveling like this!

Edwin’s eyes suddenly became fierce. He clenched his fists and suddenly stood up, snatching David’s cell phone directly and smashing it onto the ground.

David was taken aback for a moment, before his expression quickly changed again, and he provoked, “How dare someone like you try to hit me!”

Seeing the situation, the bodyguards behind him took a step forward as well.

Edwin suddenly laughed and mocked, “Dad, you’re my father-in-law, and I’m closer to you than my birth father. How could I hurt you? I just realized that I really am not worthy of Nana, so I’ll agree to the divorce.”

“Oh?” David looked at him in doubt. “Will you still be fine with it even if you leave this marriage with nothing?”

With a smile, Edwin shook his head gently. “Of course. During my recent stay in Saunders Residence, you and Nana have already given me a lot of care. How could I ask for anything else? I just have one last wish. I want to see Nana one last time, is that okay? You know how much I love her.”

David gradually lowered his guard. If this incident blew up, it would be akin to him announcing to the world that his son-in-law was a thief, which would ruin the Saunders Family’s reputation. It was good for everyone that Edwin was able to realize that.

“Yes, you can go now. After you see her, you don’t need to come here anymore. I don’t want to see you again. After that, I’ll ask Mrs. Woods to take the agreement to the psych ward, and you can just sign it there,” David said.

“All right, Dad, you can decide. However, can you lend me a car? It’ll take too long for me to walk over or take the bus,” Edwin asked gently.

“Give it to him.” David ordered the bodyguard to throw the car keys over, and then said sharply, “From now on, I’m not your dad anymore. Don’t call me that again! Mind yourself!”

Saying that, he left with his bodyguards.

As Edwin looked at the car keys in his hand, the smile on his face spread a little wider, and an evil light flickered in his eyes.

At school, after a few days passed, the students’ starstruck feelings for Elise subsided a lot, and they now treated her as an ordinary classmate. The last class in the morning was taught by Martin. Halfway through the class, Mason Young, the head of the physics department, suddenly knocked on the classroom door.

“Mr. Kamp, I’m here to look for the students in your class who are going to participate in the Know-All competition,” Mason said softly.

“All right,” Martin answered politely, turning his head to look at Mica. “Class rep, lead the team over.”

With a nod, Mica quickly got up from her seat and was about to call Sophie when the latter walked out by herself. Stefan exchanged glances with her before walking out.

Elise was using her phone and didn’t notice the movement in front of her. Mica whispered to her, “Elise, it’s time to go for practice.”

“Hmm? Oh, okay!” Elise was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that she had promised to accompany Mica, so she kept her phone away and walked to the door.

“Hold it.” Martin called her back. “You weren’t proactive at all when you signed up for the competition. What are you going there for? Sit back down!”

Elise stopped and shrugged her shoulders, looking at Mica for help.

“Mr. Kamp, Elise is a top student in the liberal arts and has a wide range of knowledge. I’ve discussed with her, and she’ll be a reserve member so that we will have a better chance of winning,” Mica explained.

Although Martin was reluctant, he didn’t want to embarrass his good student, so he waved his hand and said, “Go.”

It was only then that the two of them were able to leave.

As they walked to the hallway, Sophie was already chatting with Mason and Stefan. When she saw that Elise was also tagging along, her smile suddenly dropped. “What are you doing here?”

“I asked Elise to help us. She’s a liberal arts student, and she has a good memory,” Mica said with a smile.

“The competition is in groups of three. What will happen if she joins in? Are you going to quit?” Sophie quipped unkindly.

“It’s fine… According to the rules, we can have a reserve member.” Mason tried to lighten the atmosphere in a gentle tone.

Looking at Elise again, he smiled kindly and said, “You must be the top student in liberal arts. I’ve heard of you. There aren’t many top students who would choose to transfer to other departments, so your courage is commendable. I’m Mr. Young from the Department of Physics, and I’ve taught physics all my life. If you don’t understand anything, please feel free to ask me.”

“Thank you, Mr. Young,” Elise agreed obediently.

As expected, there were only a few teachers in the world who were as snarky as Martin.

Mason nodded slightly. “Liberal arts students have a huge role in this kind of competition. Although you’re a reserve member, you have to go all out.”

“I’ll try my best, sir.” Elise loved this kind of encouraging education.

“That’s good. I’ll take all of you over to meet with the other participating teams in our school now. While you’re there, familiarize yourselves with the rules of the competition and practice accordingly.”

Saying that, Mason turned around and walked downstairs. Sophie stomped her feet angrily before going after him, followed by Stefan, while Mica and Elise walked arm in arm far away behind them, walking slowly.

The training venue was a specialized lecture theater. After Mason brought them inside, he went to pick up other students who were not there yet.

Shortly after, Alexander called, and Elise went outside to take the call. As soon as she went out, Sophie secretively pulled Mica aside.

Before Sophie could speak, Mica stepped aside and looked at her warily. “What are you doing?”

Sophie instantly became upset. Was her lovable face really that scary? As expected, she had guessed right; Elise must have been speaking ill about her to Mica!

After quickly calming herself, Sophie put on a pitiful look. “Mica, Elise must have made me seem worthless to you, but you should be able to tell that I am not that bad… Elise is targeting me because I know a lot of her secrets. Don’t be fooled by her obedient act; when she’s outside, all she does is flirt with guys. I don’t even know how many men she’s done that kind of thing with… You know what I mean?”

Sophie actually wanted to say that Elise had not been a virgin since a long time ago, but she was afraid that Mica would think that she was too open, so she deliberately said it in a roundabout way.

Hearing that, Mica frowned and looked at her in surprise, causing Sophie to secretly feel overjoyed. She was about to add more to her story, but Mica didn’t give her a chance to. novelbin

“Sophie, how could you badmouth someone behind their back?”

“Huh?” Sophie was taken aback. Shouldn’t she dislike Elise by now?

“Elise never talked about you to me at all. You only slandered her because you yourself are guilty.” Mica looked at her up and down meaningfully. “Elise is my friend now, so I hope you won’t target her again in the future!”


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