Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 630

Chapter 630

Chapter 630

Chapter 630 Dim-Witted Creature

Elise glanced down and reached out to retrieve the gaming equipment.

It wasn’t that she hadn’t played similar games that required physical equipment before, but upon holding it in her hands, she was still surprised by its weight.

However, her expression was still calm when she promised. “I’ll make sure to play it well.”

“Ms. Jennings, it’s time.” the assistant reminded her.

Wendy nodded, then left with the help of her assistant.

When they were quite a distance away, only then did Mica dare to come over and ask in excitement, “What did Miss Jennings say to you?”

As she asked the question, she was still looking in Wendy’s direction from time to time.

“She asked me to play this game,” Elise answered solemnly.

“Huh?” For a moment, Mica was taken aback. “Shouldn’t she be asking you to study well and score well academically?”

Elise shrugged. “Who knows? Perhaps Miss Jennings’ mind works differently from that of ordinary people.”

“That’s possible,” Mica agreed. “If anyone can guess what a fellow in academia thinks, then everyone can be one of them.”

After a while, her previous excitement returned, so she happily pulled Elise and added, “After being inexplicably suppressed by Mayweather Polytechnic for so long, we can finally hold our heads up high.

So, let’s go to Snack Street to celebrate!”

“Okay.” Elise agreed since she didn’t have anything planned anyway.

At this moment, a sincere sounding male voice came from beside them. “Excuse me, miss.”

Mica froze for a moment, then turned and pointed to herself before asking, “Are you talking to me?”

She recognized him. He was Sebastian—Mayweather Polytechnic’s contestant number two during the finals.

“Yeah.” Sebastian nodded and said sheepishly, “I think you’re very cute. Can I have your number?”

“Oh…” Mica was flustered and bit her lower lip shyly, but she dared not look directly at him.

Elise nudged her with her elbow and teased, “What do you mean by ‘Oh’? He wants to get to know you. Don’t you want to get to know him?”

“Of course not!” Mica blurted. After that, she realized that Sebastian hadn’t left yet, so she hurriedly took out her phone and quickly exchanged phone numbers with him.

“Thank you.” Sebastian smiled shyly. “I’ll send you a message. You girls carry on. Goodbye.”

“Bye.” Mica waved her hand and watched as the other party left.

Up until Sebastian boarded the Mayweather’s school bus, Mica’s hand was still shaking like a Lucky Cat’s paw.

Elise was sincerely happy to see Mica experiencing love at first sight in university and for having such a romantic encounter.

After a while, Mica finally recovered her composure, and when she saw Elise grinning, her face flushed crimson.

“Stop grinning!” Mica grabbed Elise’s sleeve and gave it a reproachful tug.

“Hehe… Who’s grinning? I’m not.” Elise grinned like a Cheshire Cat, as that was how best friends behaved when they saw each other getting romantically involved.

“You’re still doing it! It’s so annoying! I’m ignoring you!”

The two of them immediately began their mock fight.

“Elise!” Sophie suddenly rushed over to interrupt them aggressively. “Just because you have a good memory, do you think you can go around humiliating others? You’ve gone too far!”

Mica’s face hardened as she said coldly, “Sophie, don’t act innocent after taking advantage of the situation. If Elise hadn’t given you the chance, could Mayweather have gotten first place?!”

“Bah! Anyone can be the champion for all I care!” Sophie spoke as though she was restraining herself from using any vulgar words. “Do you think I don’t know? Did she truly give me a chance? She deliberately wanted the entire country to think that Mayweather only got its glory because Tissote University gave it up, not because we earned it with our own abilities. That chance you said you handed me on a silver platter was nothing more than a honeyed trap!”

“So what if it was?” Elise admitted candidly. “Even a moron would know to err on the side of caution, but you impulsively made a decision without thinking twice. Who is at fault here?”

“How dare you call me an idiot!” Sophie felt so furious that it felt like a physical weight against her chest, and her heavily dolled up eyes were widened in her rage, which made her look like a terrifying hag.

“You said it yourself,” Elise said in an unhurried manner. “I’m talking about you being…”

She deliberately trailed off and looked at Mica.

“A moron?” Mica answered knowingly as they exchanged looks and smiles with each other.

“This is outrageous! Both of you are such b*tches!” Sophie clenched her fists and stomped her feet before rushing toward Elise.

However, Mica stepped in front of Elise, so Sophie crashed into her before bouncing off and landing on her butt after falling off.

“Hiss—” Rubbing her painful butt, Sophie pointed at Mica and snapped, “You fat hag! P*ss off, this has nothing to do with you!”

“I’m fat, but I’m not yet old enough to be a hag. But it has to be said: even if I am old enough, I’ll unite all the grannies in the world and make sure they go on a strike just to refuse to have a daughter-in-law like you.”

Mica placed both hands on her waist and said confidently, “Also, this has everything to do with me. Elise is my friend, so her business is my business. If you try anything else, I won’t mind making you my human-bed and squash you flat!”

“You disgraceful peasant! You’re the only one left! Hurry up and get on the bus!” Malia shouted from a distance when she saw how embarrassing Sophie was before turning and walking toward the school bus.

What were the school leaders thinking by accepting such a dim-witted creature?

Apparently, embarrassing herself on live TV wasn’t enough, as she even went and chewed the other party off in private. Ugh, she’s so trashy.

Sophie was a little intimidated by Malia, so she hurriedly got up from the ground and chased after her, perfectly portraying what it meant to flee after being defeated.

“Hmph…” Mica snorted coldly as she stared at Sophie’s retreating back.

“Well done.” Elise patted her on the shoulder and praised, “You know, Mica, you’re so beautiful when you’re confident. No wonder that boy can’t help but ask for your number.” novelbin

At the mention of Sebastian, Mica grew shy again, so she hurriedly changed the subject. “Oh, we should go look for the others. Mr. Young and the others must have been waiting for a long time!”

After all the commotion, the two of them walked toward the meeting point at Tissote University.

However, when they went to the place, in addition to the school bus, there was a black multipurpose vehicle parked next to it.

Elise had a bad feeling about it as she looked at the car from a distance. Then, sure enough, when they approached closer, the door opened and Kenneth got out of the car.

She hadn’t seen Alexander in the past few days, and of course, she wouldn’t pay any attention to Kenneth. She wanted to just get onto the school bus, so she pretended not to see him, but he saw through her thoughts and walked over first, stopping her in her path.

“All your fans are outside. If you take the school bus, no one will be able to go back,” Kenneth said dispassionately.

Elise shot him an icy glare. “You did this.”

The news of her participation in the competition wasn’t announced in advance, so even if her fans saw her on TV, it would be impossible for them to rush over so quickly.

Kenneth didn’t do it, but he didn’t deny it either. “I just want to talk to you. I promise to only talk about business and nothing else.”

Elise hesitated for a while but eventually entered his car.

The school bus drove in front while they followed behind.

Just as he had said, as soon as the school bus left the gates, a group of fans suddenly rushed out and surrounded the bus.


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