Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Chapter 805

Chapter 805 You Should Look for Another One

“Really?!” Narissa squealed in excitement.

“Narissa, have you always been that unreserved?” Jamie couldn’t help but mock her.

“Would being reserved get me Swift’s signature? I think you’re jealous of me,” she replied.

“Jealous of you?” Jamie got up on his feet and looked toward the kitchen before dashing over to Narissa’s side.

“I’d be over the moon if you managed to get a boyfriend. Since I’m your friend, I’ll give you some advice; when selecting a boyfriend, both of you having similar interests isn’t everything. You should also consider whether he is capable of taking care of you. Reporters are so busy that they won’t even have time to cook their own meals. Do you want to be the one who takes care of him for the rest of your life?”

Just then, Jayden walked in with three plates of desserts.

“Try some of these desserts that I’ve made. I used less sugar to make it less fattening.”

“You know how to make desserts? They look as pretty as the ones we get from restaurants.” Narissa was impressed.

“Since I attended college overseas, I missed the food back home a lot and would normally cook my own meals. After a while, I learned to cook a few dishes.” He smiled as he passed her a plate.

Meanwhile, Jamie kept quiet and sat at the side when he saw the beautifully plated desserts on the table. He wanted to pick on some flaws at first, but after tasting it, the flavors were pretty good. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel joy at all as he ate the delicious dessert.

“Yummy! It tastes great!” Narissa was at a loss for words after savoring it, nodding profusely with her eyes wide.

“Haha, Narissa, if you like it that much, you can come over to my house anytime,” Jayden responded enthusiastically.

“Sure! I’ll come over to have free food in future when I’m broke.” She made an ‘okay’ gesture as she spoke.

“My pleasure.” Jayden grinned.

Soon, both of them started chatting incessantly, but Jamie found it hard to join into their conversation. Both Narissa and Jayded even exchanged contact numbers before leaving.

Halfway through the car ride, Jamie was annoyed at how Narissa was constantly typing on the phone and scoffed. “Why not just stay over at his place? Isn’t all that typing to reply to his messages tiring?”

“What do you mean?” She tilted her head and looked at him.

“What else would I mean?” He pretended to act casually and placed one of his elbows against the car window before continuing, “I’m just reminding you to not forget about your friend after meeting another man.”

“Got it.” She grinned and said, “You’re jealous, aren’t you? Instead of being sarcastic, you can just let me know if you are.”

“Me? Jealous? Pfft! Who am I jealous of? Is there a reason for me to be jealous?” Jamie denied. “Well, you’re not my only friend, so I can alway hang out with my other friends. I understand that you wouldn’t let go of this chance now that you finally have an admirer, and as a friend, I don’t want to make things hard for you. Just let me know if both of you are going out so that I wouldn’t be third wheeling.”

The more he said, the angrier she got. He seemed to want to make himself look considerate, but his words were sarcastic.

“Alright, I’ll try dating him then,” she answered angrily.

“Whatever.” He stopped talking after that.

After that, Narissa intended to say something. Seeing that he was quiet, she immediately turned her body to the other side with her back facing him. No one spoke throughout the car ride.

In the middle of the night, Jacob was half awake when he heard sounds coming from the outside. Before he could open his eyes, he felt a finger pressed against his lips.


He was instantly wide awake and was able to tell that the blurry silhouette standing next to him was Elise. After making sure that he was awake, she retracted her finger and squatted down cautiously.

“Master, what is it?” he whispered.

Hearing that, she lifted her chin while pointing at the balcony without speaking. Jacob got up, looked out at the balcony, and noticed a figure moving outside. Just as they were speaking, the person pushed open the glass door and entered the room.


Before he could call for help, he was knocked unconscious. Noticing that, she got a silver needle out and held it in her hand, slowly stepping back under the cover of darkness.

Soon after, that figure stood up and walked toward her. His big and tall figure had blocked off all of the moonlight that was being casted in through the glass door. Elise held her breath as she prepared herself to attack. Just then, she heard a familiar voice.

“Ellie, it’s me.”

It was Alexander. She instantly let her guard down as her heart calmed down. He bent down to pick her up, and before she made sense of the situation, she was pulled into his arms. In the silent darkness, the warmth from his body warmed her thin figure, and their longing for each other was conveyed via their silent embrace.

The pretense that she had been putting up was being shed, and she didn’t push him away. However, she was well aware that he shouldn’t be there. After some time, he finally spoke.

“Don’t worry, I used Valerian incense to put everyone to sleep so no one would find out.”

It was as if he knew what her thoughts were and was able to easily address her concerns.

He then slowly let go of her and placed his palm gently on her bulging stomach. “Thomas mentioned that you are almost seven months pregnant. I’d love it if the baby is a girl who resembles you.”

Upon hearing that, Elise was quiet as she felt a sense of hopelessness. What can I give him? A treacherous environment, a bleak future, or a ruined face? The only thing she could give him was the dreamy and pleasant memories.

Based on the treacherous situation they were in, being able to think of each other was considered a luxury; she didn’t dare to ask for more. She knew that she might lose something after obtaining

something, and she couldn’t stand the blow of losing anything anymore.

“If living under the name of Anastasia White makes you feel at ease, I’m willing to play the role for the rest of my life. However, our family will eventually be reunited.” Alexander suddenly paused before he lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

“After this, I won’t be visiting you that often anymore. I might be acting absurd, but do remember that I will think of you every single day. Besides, remember to take good care of yourself and don’t believe in anything you hear from others. I will tell you everything personally when I’m back.”

She couldn’t see his expression very clearly at the moment, but she could feel the deep affection from his gaze.

She agreed to his request in her heart but remained quiet in front of him.

Finally, he caressed her face gently before walking toward the balcony.

“You should look for someone else,” she called out to him.

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