Corrupt Creations

Chapter 220 - Intoducing

Chapter 220 - Intoducing

"Senior Brother Seth, why are you here? Who are these people accompanying you? Who is this girl you're carefully carrying? How were you able to enter the Glazed Lake Sect? I thought men were unable to enter here." Jiayi looked at him with a glitter in her eyes, asking lots of questions to sate her curiosity.

"Jiayi, long time no see you. Slow down girl, I can only answer a question at a time." Seth shook his head after seeing how worked up she was.

At that moment Xiurong and Ruolan arrived as well. They heard Jiayi's voice talking with a male and many doubts rose inside their heads. When they saw Seth standing at the main hall, they were not able to understand what was really happening. Their Master didn't tell them anything.

"Hello there, miss Ruolan and Miss Xiurong." Seth greeted them with a bit more of cordiality than how he treated Jiayi. That was because he and Jiayi were already friends, while with Xiurong and Ruolan, he had a less friendly relationship.

They were a bit harder to approach than Jiayi due to their conservative personalities. As for Jiayi, she was the definition of a curious cat. Way easier to approach and talk. Seth only had to raise her curiosity and she would come to ask him things.

"Hi there. What are you doing here?" Ruolan asked in a mild tone. She was always elegant, as if she was born a natural princess. But in reality, she was a simple lady that had that serene personality. That could be noticed by the way she dressed, with elegant but really simple clothes.

Xiurong was more of an amazon, the only difference being that she didn't dress like one. Impressively, her body muscles grew at the right proportions, making her look feminine yet valiant. She stood by Ruolan's side, curious by the story Seth was about to say. Both she and Ruolan, noticed he was carrying a girl, but they expected Seth to include her in his explanatory story.

"Well... Actually, I'm here to ask your sect for a small favor and at the same time, help your Master, Lady Yushui, with something she needs. I don't know what it is, but I will do the best of my ability to accomplish it."

Yushui was standing in that hall together with everyone, but Seth had turned into the center of the attention. That's why she decided to go to a certain place and let Seth talk with her disciples.

"Girls, I will take my leave to resolve some important things. Seth, when I return, we will discuss about what that thing is. Ruolan, make sure you set the guests in some on those comfortable guest rooms we have inside the palace."

"Alright, Master."

After her disciples acknowledged her words, she left the palace, going to a certain place.

"Please continue Senior Brother Seth." Jiayi was eager to hear everything he had to say.

"Let me introduce you the people I brought with me. First this girl here is Chun Meiyi, a very lovely girl that unfortunately cannot wake up. Why she can't wake up, is one of the reasons that brought me here today, so I won't be able to satisfy your curiosity regarding that."

The girls from the Glazed Lake made an expression of confusion and sadness.

"This woman right here... Is my mother-in-law." Seth said while putting his hand on Chun Meihui's shoulder.

"Hello girls. My name is Chun Meihui and I am Chun Meiyi's mother. I hope we can become good acquaintances."

"Don't worry, I'm certain everything is going to be fine with your daughter." Jiayi said, already familiarizing with her.

When Seth said she was his mother-in-law, they already knew what that implied. If they didn't know that Seth was someone really powerful and had a high status, they would certainly fight off against him right now, for Caizhi. But even though they didn't do it, Jiayi, Ruolan and Xiurong got preoccupied about how Caizhi would feel about that.

Seth noticed their countenance changing, realizing how they were really good friends for Caizhi, since they were preoccupied while thinking how she would react.

"Don't worry. Caizhi knows everything about it."

After hearing his words, the girls returned to their normal semblance.

"Now, let me introduce to you, someone you've already seen before. At least you've been near her before, even though you probably didn't see her face."

Seth approached Rina, holding her hand and showing everyone how close was their relationship.

"Hello. I'm Rina, the current Elf Queen's only daughter. This is the first time I come to another territory, so I hope you teach me the right customs and how to socialize better with humans."

"Eh??? The Elf Queen's daughter? Are you really that girl people call as "Fairy of Nature"?"

"Fairy of Nature?" Rina seemed confused while looking towards Seth. She hadn't heard of that title, even though she was always referred like that by everyone.

The girls looked at how they were holding hands, realizing the possibility of Seth being the boyfriend of one of the three most beautiful females on the entire world. None of them even had words to describe the shock that revelation brought them.

"Are you... Are you really the Fairy of Nature? Can you please show us your face?" Even Xiurong and Ruolan got interested on seeing her real appearance. They wanted to see how beautiful was the face of a woman considered to be on par with their Lake Goddess in terms of beauty. Actually, none of them had seen the Lake Goddess face, but they were able to tell she was stunning just by the tales they heard about her.

Rina didn't understand what was all that talk about being a Fairy of Nature, but she turned towards Seth, trying to see what was his opinion about her showing them her face. The thing is... Rina herself, didn't feel bothered by having to show her face. What really bothered her, was the unnecessary attention it would attract towards her; however, it wouldn't be that bothersome for her to show them her face, since these girls were bound to be her future friends.

Seth nodded towards her and Rina decided to take her hood off.

When she took it off, showing her flawless face in font of everyone, the whole environment suddenly turned silent. Jiayi, Ruolan, Xiurong and even the "hidden" Jiang Yi were speechless. There were no words to describe how perfect her golden hair and green eyes, coupled with her delicate nose and cute cherry lips were.

Seeing Rina's face was akin on having your beliefs turning upside down, all at once. She would destroy how a person's perception of beauty worked, introducing them to new heights. Those girls were just experiencing those changes on their perception right now.

"Sh-She... She is really a Fairy of Nature." The first one to talk was actually Jiang Yi. The devious imp had always thought she was one of the most beautiful women, since men and women had always been at her feet. She thought that she was really on par with a woman like the Lake Goddess, and their only difference being the strength and resources. However, this time, she took a huge blow right at her ego, realizing she was not at all on par with them.

Siang Yi felt defeated, accepting it almost as if instantly. She was not a sore loser, but a person that hadn't suffered defeat before encountering Seth and now Rina.

Rina and the Lake Goddess were on another level. It would be better to say they were in another dimension. They were real goddesses and no mortal beauty could reach them.

Rina felt it was already enough, putting her rood up once again. But the whole environment was not the same anymore.

However, that made Seth suddenly realize Jiang Yi was still in the middle of them. She had silently followed their group here, invading the Eleventh Palace Master's palace as a guest, even though she was actually not among Seth's initial group.

After Rina hid her face, the girls were finally able to concentrate on Jiang Yi's voice, noticing there was one more girl to introduce herself.

No one dared to ask Seth if he and Rina were really on a relationship, since they didn't want to think that a goddess like her was already taken by someone. So, they concentrated on Jiang Yi, a very peculiar blue haired young lady. Her hair was as blue as the ocean waters, passing a fresh and clean breeze feeling. josei

"Hi girls. I'm Jiang Yi, the daughter of Duke Jiang that recently got admitted inside the sect. Actually, I am a really good friend of Young Master Seth, so I hope we can become friends too." Jiang Yi was actually using Seth to gain some respect once again.

Seth didn't say anything, letting her do what she wanted to do, but inwardly, he was adding that in her cart. He would charge her later, since her account with him was getting bigger. However, he had to admit her courage.

Lexi suddenly said inside his head: "Don't you think you and her are too much alike? She is practically a feminine version of yours. I've never seen people with such thick skins like the both of you before."

Seth's eyebrows twitched. How was Lexi comparing him with a degenerate like Jiang Yi?

However, he forgot to notice he was a degenerate as well, just like her.

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