Corrupt Creations

Chapter 380 Repercussions

Chapter 380 Repercussions

Mr. Olsen and all the guards stationed there suddenly received a shock. They were relatively prepared to see the Elf Queen and they had even rehearsed how they would react, so they didn't appear rude. But just the glimpse of the silhouette of those two beautiful flowers, was able to shake them all.

It was like two goddesses were stepping in the mortal world; one bright and golden; one cool as ice.

The Elf Queen didn't stand on ceremonies and said: "Bring us to the teleportation array."

However, she soon frowned as she didn't receive a reply.

Seth noticed what was happening and he couldn't help but chuckle. Arwen's beauty and prestige, together with Lan Xue's strong presence, had completely shaken those poor men.

Even though Seth didn't like any other men looking at his women, he felt there were no malicious intents behind their expressions and decided to save their skins and face.

"Ehm! I heard you have a few teleportation channels inside your Merchant Guild Mr. Olsen, mind to tell us about them?"josei

Seth's voice was magnetic and pulled everyone's attention towards him.

As an experienced merchant, Mr. Olsen realized how rude was his behavior, but he fixed it quickly with his words and actions.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness. Please follow me inside, I'll make sure to tell you everything you want to know."

He bowed towards the queen, showing his respect, before guiding them towards the Merchant Guild. He was secretly thankful to Seth, since he had created an opening for him to fix what could have turned into a mess.

The trio followed him through the building, as Seth started asking him a few questions. One of them was entirely focused on sating his curiosity.

"Why would the Merchant Guild set up a teleportation array to the Purple Illusory Forest outskirts?"

Mr. Olsen heard that question, but there were no changes on his expression. It was as if he was already prepared to hear that.

"Actually, this isn't a secret or anything, it's just that we had lost a few of our caravans recently and we decided to take a few protective measures; one of them, being that teleportation array."

"Lost a few of your caravans? What happened?"

"Sigh... Young Master Seth doesn't need to bother with our small struggles. However, I will tell you everything about it, since it could also serve as a safety measure, so you could avoid unnecessary trouble."

Mr. Olsen cleared his throat and started telling his tale: "A few months ago, two of our caravans designated to trade with merchants inside the Hilkhell city, vanished mysteriously. We first thought we were being targeted by a bandit group, but soon realized that things were a degree higher than that, since another one of our caravans had disappeared. However, after sending men to investigate, we were able to easily dismiss our initial guesses."

Seth raised his eyebrows, interested on that story. But at the same time, he felt like he knew what was the reason behind what had happened. It was probably because of the corrupted beasts.

Mr. Olsen continued: "We found almost all the items we lost, scattered around the area where most probably, the caravans were passing through. However, we were not able to find anyone around them; alive or dead, there should have been traces left behind, but not even the bodies of our personnel were discovered and unfortunately, their families were left with nothing to bury."

Arwen and Lan Xue were listening to his tale, but for them, nothing of that mattered, due to the current situation they were in. They couldn't afford to waste their energies with something like that now, it was not a good moment.

One the other hand, Seth couldn't help but sigh. All those lives were lost because of his scheming dead master. The direct number of victims could be easily reaching the sixth digit and possibly growing, due to the fact that there were still many infected beasts running rampant out there.

Fortunately, most of them had already been dealt with, by the joint forces of many different empires, or else, things would have been even worse.

But since Seth was not a saint and not at fault either, he wouldn't waste his time, money and efforts to go after every single beast wreaking havoc on the continent. In this cruel world, the law was made by the strongest being, be it human or beast; and the corrupted beast riot, was just an example of that.

"So, afraid of all those strange events that were happening and hearing about the beast riot that had almost destroyed the entire Hilkhell City, we decided to create multiple escaping routes. One of them being the one that lead us to the outskirts of the Purple Illusory Forest. Sigh... We chose that place precisely because it is dangerous. Our enemies would think twice before stepping inside that forested area if they were to follow us. Oh! We arrived."

While walking and talking, Mr. Olsen successfully led the Trio to one of the most secretive underground rooms inside that Merchant Guild branch. That place was littered with formations, that could easily deal with Mana Perception Realm cultivators and maybe even Profound Mana Realm experts. But since the trio being led there were Mana Sovereign Realm powerhouses, they could feel every single one of them, just as if they were laid out in front of their eyes.

Right in front of them, there was a room which was full of spatial fluctuations, signaling that what they came there for, was hidden behind that door.

Mr. Olsen didn't stop on his actions, even when his mouth was constantly spewing out information and very quickly, the door was unlocked as the fatty merchant pushed it open, revealing the interior of that room for the guests.

Just like Seth was expecting, there was a platform in the middle of that spacious room, where the teleportation array had been constructed. However, he got impressed to see that it had already been fully charged.

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