Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 115 - The Wine From Last Year (1)

Chapter 115 - The Wine From Last Year (1)

Chapter 115 - The Wine From Last Year (1)

I spend the rest of the day with the villager girls. They show me how they stomp grapes, and they propose me joining them.

I look at the must with a grimace, and then I simply decline.

First of all, no matter how careful I am, my dress will turn bloody if I accept. Also, I don't really like getting dirty.

I just look from the side, curiously.

When a little girl offers me some food, I grab a bun from the platter. It's still warm and scented. And also, rather dark. I have never tried wholemeal flour.

Is the whiteness of the bread they cook in the palace kitchens really worth the long process to get the pure flour?

I bite the bun and moan at the taste.

They don't have olive oil here, so they use larch to fry the buns. The dough isn't as delicate as the one I'm used to, and I can sense the fibres of the wholemeal flour.

It's an interesting flavour. There isn't any salt, I guess, or maybe very little. However, it's very scented. It made me turn from a few metres away when the girl brought the plate.

When I decide to go look for Alexander, the girls have almost finished their task. Before finding my husband, though, I make a detour through the woods.

I guess they don't have chamber pots around here, so I'll have to relieve myself under a tree. I've drunk a lot of water with the girls.

Just when I'm going back, finally empty of all that water, I sigh and turn around a hut. Before I can step around the corner, though, I hear some of the girl's conversation.

?The new Lady is so pretty,? one of them is saying. I stop midstep and ponder on what to do. It would be awkward to appear in the middle of a conversation concerning me. josei

The girls would feel even worse than me, actually.

I'm not staying hidden because I want to hear what they think. That's not the reason at all.

?She is, but I'm sure there are even more beautiful ladies in the court. I'm sure the Lord chose this one because of her kindness...?

Oh, what a sweetheart!

?She's a bit dumb, though.?

?She didn't seem dumb to me. And I've talked with her for quite some time.?

?Haven't you seen that she doesn't know how to get off a horse? She needs the Lord's help.?

?I think she does know, but she wants the Lord's attention all on her.?

?You think so??

?Mh-hm. The Lord was clearly going to greet the chief when she asked him to help her off.?

?Are you sure that's what happened??


?Oh, I didn't think she was actually so calculative.?

I can't believe it! I didn't ask it for me. I knew it, every time I try to make my husband happy, it ends up weirdly.

?I was surprised that the Lord helped her, though. Last year, Melinda tried to attract his attention by tripping on a root. She fell down with all the cups and spilt all the good wine. She also got a stain on her new dress, yet the Lord didn't get up to help her. He just glanced at the show and returned to talk with the other men.?

Who is this Melinda, now?

?Well, you can't attract such a man's attention by making a fool of yourself.?

?The Lady succeeded.?

?She's his wife. That's why he's careful around her.?

?If you say so... However, it's a pity.?

?The fact that he's now married doesn't mean a thing, girls. Neither of us has ever approached him with the real hope to become the Duchess. Just being his mistress for a night should be enough for a lifetime. A single jewel of those the nobles carry on should be as expensive as a house.?

?But the Lady doesn't have any. She only wears a ring and earrings.?

?She is a bit plain. But her dress is nice. I've never seen one like that...?

No, no! Why are you commenting fashion now? Get back at the previous topic, please! What are you intending to do with my Duke?

I turn around and walk towards the other end of the hut, once I'm sure they won't talk about the real issue anymore. However, some men have reunited there. Some of them smoke from a pipe, while the others are just sipping wine from wooden glasses.

?Have you seen the new Lady?? one of them asks.

I step back, already knowing that they didn't notice me.

?What a piece of...?

Before they finish the sentence, I turn around and run back at the other end. The girls are less free in their comments, at least.

When I reach the corner, though, they've already walked away.

I return to the central square, and I sit on a bench lost in thoughts. A girl brings me a cup of wine, and I gladly accept.

?Last year's, right?? I ask.

?Right,? she nods, smiling.

I sip and curl my lips when I sense the sweetness. It's just a bit different from grape juice! However, it's fresh and flows down the throat like water.

Soon after emptying my cup, I'm served another one. I get up, deciding to search for my Duke.

Not because of the conversation I eavesdropped... I mean, accidentally?heard by chance a few minutes ago.

Alexander is talking with some of the men. I understand they're discussing something about the vineyard because they're looking in that direction. One of the men points at it with his forefinger and explains the situation.

My Duke listens carefully and nods from time to time.

When I arrive at his side, his eyes land on me and don't move away anymore.

?Are you tired?? he inquires, ignoring everyone else for a moment.

?Not really,? I shrug. I reach out for my Duke's hand and hold it, hoping he won't reject me in front of all those people.

In fact, my Duke just accepts the contact and smiles tenderly.

I secretly glance at the girls running around in the village. I'm sure they noticed. I hope this is enough to keep them distant.

Just when I start to relax, a girl comes our way with a single cup on a trail. I gulp down all the wine in my glass, already knowing what she's trying to do.

She'll offer the wine to my Duke in front of me!

Her dress is clean and pretty, even though simple. The cleavage is quite deep, showing a glimpse of a well-formed bosom.

I've never felt lacking, in that matter, but I've never thought about it too much. Till now, I was satisfied with my breasts because they weren't too heavy. Bigger ones would have caused backaches and went in the way of ruling.

However, now that I don't have anything to do, that isn't a problem I should consider.

Rather, what if my Duke notices the difference? Shall I ask him when I find the time?

When my Duke grabs the glass with the wine, I lean my head on his arm and pout, showing him my empty cup. He takes a sip, and then he passes me the glass.

I grin and gulp the sweet wine, drinking from the same spot he leaned his lips on. See this? Only a wife is allowed to do so.

At least, in public.

?The weather has been so nice,? I comment. I just need a few words to show those girls that there's no point in trying anything, that we get along very well.

My Duke just nods, probably thinking about the conversation he just had with those men. He's lost in his considerations, sweeping his gaze over the vineyard.

Why is he looking at something that isn't me?

I feel my eyes filling with tears, and I curl my lips downwards. I bite the lower lip, hoping to stop a sob. Yet, it doesn't help.

?What's the matter?? Alexander inquires, fixing his gaze on me.

?Why aren't you looking at me?? I ask while a single drop slips from my left eye.

My husband, at first, observes me curiously. He analyses my face, and he finally sighs. He wipes the tear and pecks my forehead.

?Sorry,? he murmurs. ?I got distracted...?

Oh, is that so?

?Don't do it again,? I require, and his eyes are crossed by a sudden warmth.

He nods convinced, and I gasp relieved.

?Don't ever get bored of me,? I whisper.

?I couldn't get bored of you even if I wanted, Thea. Every time I think I know you, you surprise me.?

?But you do know me, so it's not like I can continue surprising you forever...?

?You don't need to do that. You don't have to live just to make me happy. You should have your own objectives,? Alexander reveals while moving a lock of my hair behind my ear.

I tilt my head and lean my cheek on his palm.

?Can I do that??

?Of course. I would be happy to help, though.?

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