Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 59 - Ladies Manners (2)

Chapter 59 - Ladies Manners (2)

Chapter 59 - Ladies' Manners (2)

Lady Elisabeth moves her cold eyes on me, and I can't help but grin. She thinks that I will back off just because she doesn't like me?

?I didn't know your highness was a close friend of lady Elisabeth,? I comment. ?I met the lady during my first tea party, and we had an interesting chat after the other guests left...?

?I don't remember her staying behind,? the Princess notices. ?Did she come back??

?The lady forgot her purse, so she came back to look for it, and we met. I also found out about the talks of marriage between her and my husband. I have to admit that I was curious about her, back then.?

?Back then? Not curious anymore??

?What I wanted to know, I've found out.?

?Well, I can't say we're friends,? Princess Lyland points out.

I tilt my head, feigning confusion.

Lady Elisabeth Grahm started a conversation with the Princess without being a close friend of her. She has no manners, right? It must be because of her born arrogance. She thinks that she can do what she wants. All because she was once said to become the Archduchess of Kyre.

Now that I think about it, her sister will be presented to the Emperor soon. The Grahms are aiming at having an empress with their name no matter the outcome of the crown's struggles.

Now that my Duke can't take another wife, though, they'll focus their efforts in maintaining the Emperor on the throne. Unless something goes wrong with the marriage proposal.

?Kyre is the larger territory of the Empire,? Lady Elisabeth utters. josei

What does she want, now?

?Alexander of Kyre was an Archduke before taking in a prisoner as his wife. He should have been awarded instead of punished: he won a war! Why does he have to stand down just to save this one's life??

After a short while, two girls walk to lady Elisabeth. They stand at her side and nod at her words.

?We think that Duke Kyre was unfairly treated, your highness,? one of the ladies voices. ?We're not discussing his majesty's decisions, we wouldn't dare to. However, we think that the Emperor was counselled by someone with ill intentions.?

Oh, this one is smarter. The friend understood that lady Elisabeth was asking for trouble, and she smoothed her words and rephrased more acceptably.

?I agree with you, lady,? I state. It really was unfair to the Duke who won the war. Both the penalties: marrying me and losing his title.

However, this marriage is what keeps me alive, so there's no way I'll stay silent while these chickens throw mud and dirt at me.

?Also, his majesty is still very young. It's not his fault for being innocent. However, this woman can't be a counsellor to the crown: she's the enemy!? Lady Elisabeth starts. Gosh, she doesn't know when she's lost.

?Enemy?? I repeat dumbfounded. ?Polis is now part of the Empire, and I am a subject of his majesty. Whose enemy am I, now? Are you referring to lady Elisabeth's childish dreams??

?They're not dreams!? she exclaims.

?I'm not even your competitor, lady. I don't know what relationship you had with my husband, nor what are your delusions. I know only that now I'm the Duchess, Duke Kyre's wife. His majesty ordered me to marry the Duke, and I'm following that demand wholeheartedly.?

I curl my lips in a cunning smile, while lady Elisabeth's face turns red of rage.

?You're just a witch from the south!? she shouts. ?What right has a loser like you to be next to the Duke??

This hurts, but I don't let them notice. I sigh, crossing my arms and waiting for the girl to calm down. She needs to be herself when I answer to her provocation.

?I did lose a war,? I admit. ?But I've ruled a kingdom for eighteen years.?

It's not really accurate. I've ruled for six years with full powers. Before, my guardians helped me. The first time I actually sat on the throne, I was three, and I just had to stay there and stare at the people that came greeting me. I think someone from Ethiro came as well, but I was too little to remember.

?What have you done, though? Have you administered the contents of your purse? Have you managed your allowance by yourself? Have you taken care of a little animal or flower, if not of a whole nation??

She drops her jaw and stares at me like at a ghost. She couldn't believe that someone this shameless could exist.

Still, she's already prepared to counterattack.

?Whatever I've done in my life, I didn't cause the fall of a city. Have you already met the slaves you sent us as an offer of peace? One is working at our residence, you know? Shall I ask him what he thinks about his former Queen??

?I already know the answer,? I whisper.

It was part of the youngsters' training: they were told to hide that they were volunteers and to profess their hate for this Queen whenever asked. It was a trick for survival that wasn't supposed to trouble anyone since I was going to die before facing them.

Will they hate me for real, though, if they know that I've survived?

?You should spare us the trouble and kill yourself while you have time. It will be less painful, and your dignity will stay intact,? the lady finishes.

My lips tremble, itching to say something, while Princess Lyland gets up from her seat. I bow my head and hold my breath, confused by the situation.

I was planning to look pitiful and trigger these old ladies' motherly instinct. However, I didn't think that my sister-in-law would get this furious.

?Who do you think you are to talk like this?? she yells, crooking her little mouth in an angry grimace. ?Do you think you have the right to decide about a Duchess's life??

?Martia, what's happening?? Alexander's voice intrudes.

I lift my head and look in his direction. There is a horse a few metres from us, and I wonder how didn't we notice when it arrived. Horses are quite noisy animals.

I get up from my seat and walk to him. It was damn time he arrived.

?We were discussing your marriage,? the Princess shrugs.

?And what is there to discuss? I thought everything was already ready.?

?I'm not talking about the ceremony, but the Emperor's orders. Some of the ladies here think that you're unworthy of the Duchess.?

Alexander reaches out for my hand and interlocks our fingers. He kisses the back of my hand, looking at me with shining eyes.

?I agree,? he utters, and then he kisses my hand again.

Does he have to be this clingy? It's embarrassing with all these eyes following us.

I was the one that requested it, but I've overstated my capabilities.

?But I'm working on it. One day, I'll match my dear wife,? he exclaims. ?How are you doing, ladies??

?Are you alone, Duke Kyre?? Duchess Prim inquires, glancing at the Duke's back in search of her own husband.

?The other gentlemen are still busy. I couldn't stay longer without seeing my wife, so I came here earlier.?

Lady Elisabeth is suddenly so silent. I am too, but for a different reason. The glance that she throws at me is so amusing. She would kill me on the spot if only she could.

?Oh, my! You're still young, dear Duke,? the Duchess continues. ?You have all the time in this world to stay with your wife.?

?I had some commitments during these last weeks. I couldn't see my Duchess as often as I wanted,? he declares and walks forward. He doesn't even glance at lady Elisabeth while passing by her side.

Princess Lyland walks back to her chair and sits down as if nothing happened. The spot next to her is already taken by one of her girlfriends. They're happily chatting about who knows what.

?You should have focused on the hunt, your grace,? a countess adds from the side. ?Your wife would have liked this year's prize.?

?You think, Duchess Prim?? he murmurs, glancing at me for barely a moment. ?My wife is rather difficult to please. I don't know what to try anymore.?

?You just have to show your feelings sincerely, and she will understand.?

They're talking of me as if I was on the other side of the Empire, and not at the Duke's arm.

?I've brought home a set of diamonds from the most exclusive shop in the capital, yet my Duchess didn't wear it,? he sighs.

This is precisely what I wanted to avoid. Why is Alexander showing off wealth? Haven't we agreed to show affection rather than economic transactions? Where has my hard work gone all of a sudden? All the soothing and pleasing... it turned into nothing!

?I've hurried the artisan with the realisation to have it ready for today,? the Duke continues as if anyone can be interested in his adventures. ?I went to the shop twice in three days, all so that my Duchess could wear the purest of the diamonds... And she didn't want to!?

I glance at him sarcastically, and I notice something that I didn't think possible.

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