Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 97 - All Out

Chapter 97 - All Out

Chapter 97 - All Out

I play the following three hands like a professional, even though I don't get too much of a reward from it. My Duke doesn't raise the stakes, so he takes off a single piece of clothes at a time.

Even if he wanted, he can't raise stakes. I only have a chemise on.

At least, I'm lucky with cards.

When the fourth game starts, I realise that playing with a light, relatively short gown is like playing naked. I can feel Alexander's stare, even if he tries to avoid gazing for too long. Still, it's embarrassing.

When the cards are delivered to me, I regret not accepting the Duke's offer for a blanket. I would be less exposed, right now.

I don't even look at the cards and withdraw from the game.

?Why?? Alexander asks, confused.

?Because playing is worse than losing, in this condition,? I confess. I grab the rim of the chemise, while my fingers start trembling. I haven't done anything like this, yet. I haven't undressed in front of my Duke in a long while. Not entirely, at least.

It has always been Alexander that got rid of the clothes that bothered him.

Last time I did this was also the first, and I thought I was going to die. I don't know how come it didn't bother me so much, back then, while now it's almost unbearable.

I bite my lower lip and lift the cloth over my head. I let it slip from my hand and sit back.

?Sa... Satisfied?? I stutter, looking down with a red face.

Instead of saying something naughty or making me stand up again, my Duke covers my shoulders with the blanket he has been using. The cover is warm and has his scent on.

It's like a caress, and I can inhale after a long time.

?Very satisfied,? my Duke whispers while crouching in front of me. He grabs my hands and kisses my fingers.

?I thought I was going to lose without much of a struggle,? he chuckles. ?Yet luck gave me a chance, this time.?

Well, I guess he didn't let me win the first hand on purpose.

When my eyes meet the Duke's, I realise that he's still half-naked, while I have just a blanket on me.

My cheeks blush for the umpteenth time, and Alexander chuckles amused.

?Don't stare at me like that,? I breathe.

His lips land on my fingers again. Then, he moves his mouth on my palm and the inner part of my wrist. His tongue just touches my skin before retreating, and I don't feel cold anymore.

?I'd like to look at you some more,? he whispers, but he doesn't make any move towards the blanket.

He wants me to do it.

?Yet,? he continues, ?I don't want my Duchess to feel awkward. I guess that mine will stay a dream...?

?At least, don't make any weird comment,? I mutter while letting the blanket slip down. I expose myself to my Duke once again, while blood rushes in my body like never before.

Alexander's pupils contract while he stares dumbfounded at me. He clearly wasn't expecting this. Yet, his lips were rather convincing on my wrist. Why is he so surprised that I accepted to uncover my body to him? He already saw everything many times.

I bow down and kiss him, hiding my figure at least in part to his sight.

?Don't stay down, it's cold on the floor,? I mutter when I notice his knee on the carpet.

I wrap myself again and pull him to the bed by hand.

?Here, it's better,? I add. I stand on tiptoe and press my lips on Alexander's, tasting the sourness of my loss.

I let the cover down again, this time for good. I drag my husband on the bed and cuddle with him under the sheets. His hands are already touching everywhere, so his arms aren't restraining me.

He's not afraid I'll run away, this time, so he can focus on me with less demand.

I sit on his lap and press my bare chest on him. I split from his mouth just to check his expression, and I find him extremely satisfied.

I swiftly get back at kissing without even a word. After looking at Alexander for so long from the other side of that lower table, I finally can get my hands on him. I won't run away so readily, now.

I sink my fingers in Alexander's hair and pull lightly. His silky locks flow through my hands, and he breathes heavily before starting to kiss my neck. He moves down with unbearable slowness, and I sigh when his mouth lands on my breast.

His lips are burning, and his breath is making me thrill. Everything feels so intense that I moan in pleasure and move my head back.

I startle when his teeth pinch me, and my throat lets out another naughty sound.

Before I have time to notice or make any resistance, Alexander reverses our positions and presses me on the mattress. He resumes where he stopped, and he nibbles my skin. He licks and kisses and bites, and I twitch under his touch just the way he wants me to.

I close my eyes and clench the sheets, while Alexander's tongue caresses the small scar on my inner thigh. In the end, he did notice it. He bites me there as well, and I shout in between ecstasy and complaint.

?Thea,? he whispers and stops teasing me all of a sudden.

I open my eyes and look at his solemn face.

?What?? I inquire.

What's the matter, now? Has my Duke seen something? What made him stop? Is it because of the scar? Or maybe, there's something else...

He stares back at me for a while. In the end, he decides not to talk. I won't ever know what was on his mind, but the way his black eyes analysed my face tells me enough.

He didn't stop because of something I've done, nor because of my appearance. He just wanted to tell me what's on his mind.

Unfortunately, it looks like his mind is too naughty even for him. He couldn't bring himself to voice his thoughts.

?Is my Duke too tired, tonight?? I tease, grinning amused. ?This Duchess won't press you if that's the case. I'm very understanding as a wife, aren't I??

?I'm not tired,? he shakes his head. ?On the contrary, I was wondering if my Duchess has rested enough today.?

?Are you saying you want to strain me for the whole night?? I inquire while narrowing my eyes. ?No way. I won't allow you. I have things to do tomorrow.?

?Like what??

?Finishing this month's budget. You left it at a half, Alexander.?

?Oh, well, you don't need too much energy for that, do you??

?I said: no!?

?It will be fun,? he tries, and I try to turn away. It would be a bit easier if he wasn't half-leaned on me. Not to mention his elbow on one side of my head and his arm around my waist. When did he circle me like this?

?So, you stopped just to ask permission for something you know is unfeasible?? I whine.

He's really unbelievable.

?You think you can go on for the whole night? Fine, show me your prowess, then.?

I would even cross my arms, but his chest prevents me to. josei

When I look at my Duke's face once again, his grin goes from ear to ear.

?Wonderful,? he whispers before pushing me back with a kiss. His tongue invades my mouth, and his hand reaches my thigh. ?I'll show you everything I've got.?

Ah, he can talk like this, but I already know he will fall asleep soon after satisfying his needs. That's how it worked, in the beginning, and it didn't change much through the days.

My Duke certainly is exceptional, but he's still human. How long can a man go on before exhaustion?

At least, my husband is quite thoughtful of me. He dedicates a lot of time just to my pleasure, so I can't find a reason to reject his proposals. Also, an extra round doesn't sound too bad, once in a while.

In the end, if we do it once we can do it twice. As long as my Duke doesn't come up with any weird idea.

?This night, I'll make you scream no matter what,? he whispers to my ear. His voice is so low, and it sends shivers in my spine. His hand guides my leg around his hip, while his tongue returns to draw a path on my neck.

?It sounds like a threat, my Duke,? I reply.

I'm surprised that I can speak, given the turmoil in my belly. It's as if a thousand insects are furiously flying in my stomach, and my skin burns and blushes wherever Alexander's lips reach.

?I've never said it wasn't,? he murmurs.

He won't bite me if I don't scream like he wants me to, right?

?Just don't hurt me,? I plead.

His evil smile becomes even more merciless.

?At least, don't make it too painful,? I add, trying to tune down my requests.

?Wife, you're not required to talk this much,? he sighs.

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