Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 103 - 103

Chapter 103 - 103

Title: Negotiations results.

"Oh, coming out so soon, it seems to be over." ​​

Uzumaki Mito lightly said with a smile seeing the Daimyo opened his eyes.

The Daimyo, who is not in a good mood, coldly snorted, and did not answer.

The Third Hokage muttered for a moment and asked: "Your Excellency Daimyo, what have you met?"

Illusory Domain, except for Akabane and the people who have experienced it, it's difficult to understand what happened inside it.

"Yes, grandfather, what happened to the Fifth Wave?"

Erika is also very curious.

Daimyo opened his mouth, feeling a little hard to speak.

Since if he explained that only one man was needed to eradicate his army of ninja's he would surely lose face as a Daimyo.

Also what he hated the most was the last sentence of mockery he heard before he died!

Fifth Wave?

The Third Hokage awkwardly ends the topic when he hears Erika and smoke on his pipes like he didn't ask anything in the first place.

Although he doesn't know the details but judging from his expression alone, it seems that Daimyo has lost miserably.

'How can this kid not know how to make concessions…' The Third Hokage curses Akaba.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still doesn't know how to comfort him.

"Hiruzen, can Virtual Games be used again?"

Daimyo asked since he was unwilling to suffer a loss just like that.

"Using an Illusory Domain on such a large scale, do you think we can use it as many times as you want?"

Uzumaki Mito said coldly after hearing it.

The Third Hokage immediately explained after Uzumaki Mito since he didn't want to complicate things. "Your Excellency Daimyo, Illusory Domain with this large scale, using it once is the limit."

"so that's how it is."

Daimyo sighed, then pondered and said, "Sorry, I don't know much about ninja."


Uzumaki Mito's eyes widened hearing an apology she didn't expect and thought ' Unbelievable! This stubborn fellow even knows how to apologize!'

"The talent of Your Excellency Daimyo is not to fight in Ninjutsu, but to rule and manage the entire country."

The Third Hokage sighed and continued, "In comparison, we ninjas are just a tool for war."

"War is a very profound knowledge that only you ninjas can master. And even if I study it even when I was young, I wouldn't master it even if I used it all my life without being on a front line."

Daimyo said while laying down his tired body.

With a blow, his interest in the game dropped rapidly.

"It's good if you have this consciousness."

Uzumaki Mito said with a mockery in her voice, no trace of politeness at all.

At this time, Akabane, Jiraiya, Sakumo, and Murasaki came to the stands, and the four were about to salute Daimyo…

"Forget it!"

Daimyo's face is very ugly seeing them, especially when he saw Jiraiya's idiotic face.

'This white-haired boy is very similar to that nasty guy in Illusory Domain!' He thought, with hate filling his heart.

"Lord, this is the end of the Comic Exhibition, do I announce it now?"

Akabane asked after bowing.

"Akabane, you consume a lot of chakras earlier, I will do it so you can rest now."

The Third Hokage said with a slight smile.


Although he didn't consume that much Chakra due to his upgraded physique, Akabane will certainly not disagree when someone gives him free time to laze which he happily agrees to.

The Daimyo wanted to stay for a while at first but his intentions waned when he saw Jiraiya's face, and the words "rookie", "Wooh", and "Good fight," that was full of mockery echoed on his head. 

"That's it, Erika, we should go back."

He beckons with his hand and lets his people support himself.

Erika is a little bit reluctant, but the show is over, and they must return to Daimyo's Mansion.

The subordinate guard pulled the carriage over, while Erika and another subordinate supported Daimyo and walked to the side of the carriage step by step.

But when the Daimyo was about to enter the carriage, he suddenly halted his step and said without turning back.

"Mito, after this time, maybe we won't meet again."

Life is short. Especially for normal people like him.

Just like they said, a start also has an ending.

The Daimyo raised his head, he looked at the clear sky and whispered, "About the Land of Uzumaki…I'm sorry."

"Go away."

Uzumaki Mito waved her hand and her tone clearly was not good.

Tsunade who also heard it did not speak.

It seems that the negotiation is not going well…

Akabane thought to himself.

When Daimyo got on the carriage and gradually disappeared from the mountain road, Uzumaki Mito sighed sadly.

Their generation will eventually come to an end.

"The comic show has ended, everyone returns to the village to rest."

The Third Hokage uses his Chakra to amplify his voice and said.

The audience in the rest of the stands heard his voice, and then looked around and found that Daimyo had already left, and one by one knew that the comic show was really going to end.

"It's over like this?"

"It feels so short, I haven't played for long!"

"Waiting for the next time, I am afraid it will be a long time for it to happen…." josei

Many people are reluctant to leave, including the ninjas.

It's just a short and rough comic exhibition, but for those who have very little entertainment in their life, it is already an activity worthy of nostalgia.

"The Comic exhibitions are not only held during important times like this if you want to start an exhibition yourself, but you can also do it without a problem."

Akabane stood up and said.

"Holding a comic exhibition ourselves?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment hearing it, although some people were excited, some still had doubts since they all thought that the Exhibition was made for the Daimyo to watch.

"Cough… what Akabane said was right, the show can be Big or Small and I will not do anything to stop it."

The Third Hokage explained while coughing awkwardly.

If he hadn't contributed to inviting the Daimyo, this comic show would indeed be a small and spontaneous performance.

"so that's how it is."

After listening and while having the Hokage consent, everyone's eyes shined.

They just think that this kind of event, like Chunin Exams, will become a large-scale official event.

So I can hold it myself…

"Very good, grandma, I want to play Lady Mito."

A little girl yelled happily.

"idiot, Lady Mito is not a Comic character!"


The noisy voice coming from children, with the constant cheerful laughter was heard.

Their voice is very weak to the central stand, but for the ninja, this is not a problem.

The Third Hokage took a glance at the scenes and seeing how happy they were, made him proud and satisfied.


Before he could immerse in his happiness, he heard a not-so-cute voice from his side.

"Hey, Teacher, don't forget that you still have money to give me!"

Tsunade gleefully said.

"Third-Hokage, you must not forget the things you promised."

Akabane followed suit.

Isn't he doing things like this just to bring a caravan to Land-of-Wind for him to ride?

Although the Third-Kage didn't forget about it, being reminded by these two really gave him a headache, especially Tsunade who he owned a lot of money.

Jiraiya who was at the side immediately exploded when he heard it and quickly complained. "How can you do that, what about me? I played Naruto to its perfection so I should also have been paid for my effort. And also my masterpiece got torn by the princess need compensation"

Hearing Jiraiya, Tsunade immediately retorted and said with a sneer "Idiot Jiraiya, being naruto is also like being you so what perfection, che. Also speaking of your rubbish painting, painting those kinds of things in public is just a shame on our Konoha Village."

"Ok, you don't need to fight over it, since the benefits for being part of the show will not be less."

The Third-Kage sighed, really a group of unlovable children.

After all of them calm down, Uzumaki Mito smiles faintly at them and said.

"Well, you guys go back and rest too."


Tsunade is very happy hearing it, Uzumaki Mito didn't say anything about her, so it means she won't interfere with her money.

Akabane is curious about the outcome of the negotiation, but he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, he will know about it in the end, so he didn't need to rush knowing about it.

The entire group turned around, ready to leave.

"Then, goodbye."

Murasaki walked at the end, bowed slightly to say goodbye, and followed everyone's footsteps.

Uzumaki Mito looked at them leaving and sighed softly.

At this time, Danzo walked out slowly from the shadows.

"Saru, Danzo, as the protector of the Konoha Village, I can't do a thing about The Land of Uzumaki so I will leave everything to the two of you."

Uzumaki Mito said while sighing.

"Lady Mito, please rest assured, I will try my best."

Danzo answered in a rare and serious voice.

He will spare no effort to help the Uzumaki Clan regardless of interest or emotion since it's Uzumaki Mito who requested it.

"Even if the overwhelming majority can't be a ninja, but at least…"

The Third Hokage smoked halfway through.

In this negotiation, Daimyo finally backed down, he allowed some Uzumaki clansmen to escape into the Land of Fire, but except for the Uzumaki kids in Konoha, the rest must be kept anonymous and can no longer be ninja.

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