Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 95 - 95

Chapter 95 - 95

Chapter 95

Title: Start of the Comic Exhibition ​​

"The layout of the scene should be in line with the picture."

"Don't be dilly-dallying, speed up over there, everyone come again for the last time."

In the location where the Comic Exhibition will take place, Uzumaki Mito's voice sounded again and again without stopping.

Tsunade who was below looking at this scene was very helpless. For two or three days, she saw a completely different side of her grandma for the very first time.

Her grandma that was as gentle as the lake wave suddenly turned into a completely different person.

Her temper became more irritable and she was always mad.

Almost all of them have been scolded, including the Third Hokage clone, who dare not refute it.

"Why is that guy so brazenly lazy, and I…"

Tsunade muttered in a low voice, the more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

"Don't think about it, that kid is more slippery than a loach, he knew something like this would happen so he didn't participate himself.

Jiraiya envied Akabane's state, but unfortunately for him who was caught by Tsuna and got involved in this place.

A group of friends raised their heads, looked at the stands on the mountain, and then looked at each other and sighed with envy.

There is more than one stand on the mountain.

In order to ensure the viewing effect, huge venues are made out on the top of the mountain and the mountain wall behind the mountains. From these stands, you can perfectly see the scene in the exhibition venue.

The stand where Akabane is located in the Central Zone is prepared for Daimyo.

"Fortunately, there is Grandma Mito, otherwise it would be really tiring to have a comic show."

Akabane was very moved and was really thankful for Uzumaki Mito who did it all.

In just three days, Uzumaki Mito has evolved into a decoration designer, director, and is still full of energy.

Her change of attitude was completely unexpected for him, but maybe it was the effect of staying at her house for many years that her switch was flipped when she had something exciting to do like this for the first time in a while.

Akabane looked into the distance and what he saw suddenly made him frown.

A ninja in Chunin clothes coming from the forest rushed over here quickly.

At the same time, in the furthest forest, smoke, and dust gradually filled.

Akabane got up, used a hand-sealed with both hands, and instantly a large Fireball spouted from his mouth.


Uzumaki Mito, who was busy instructing the others, suddenly stopped when she sensed a wave of Chakra, she looked up to see the huge Fireball lit up in the stands.

Great Fireball Jutsu!

This is the signal she agreed with Akabane, and when the Ninjutsu was released, it indicated that Daimyo was coming.

"Everyone cleans the site, handles the site in one minute, and does concealment work."

With a shout, everyone immediately acted.

For three days of baptism, they receive from Uzumaki Mito, every instruction coming from her mouth will immediately be initiated in the said amount of time. Since even if they are just a little second late, they will receive a curse coming from her without stop. josei

In the blink of an eye, the venue was completely empty.

The next second, Uzumaki Mito appeared beside Akabane.

She looked into the distance, smiled, and said, "They seem to be coming soon…that old fellow, I haven't seen him in more than ten years."

"I should go, too. "

Akabane got up and stretched, preparing to withdraw from the stand.

"As the one who comes up with comic exhibition ideas, you are entitled to stay here."

Uzumaki Mito said.

"No, staying with the older generation makes me feel uncomfortable."

Akabane jumped from the stand after he said that.

'There are so many stands here, so why stay in the most troublesome place.' he thought.

He turned around and entered the secret path and entered the stands in the mountain wall.

"Oh! It's Daimyo, Your Majesty!"

"Don't be crowded, it's dangerous."

Most of the stands are for commoners, so it's not the best place to watch the show from their location.

But Akabane doesn't care.

He just wants to watch the comic show, but he doesn't care about these performances, he just joins in the fun.

"Your Excellency Daimyo, I haven't seen you for many years. I am really happy to see that you are healthy!"

Seeing the car coming by, Uzumaki Mito smiled gently.

This remark is very sincere to others, but it's not for the Daimyo who heard her…

"You are... Mito, Time really didn't affect you after many years of absence."

Daimyo answered lightly, but his tone is full of sorrow and jealousy.

The Third Hokage stood awkwardly, afraid to say a word.

The confrontation between the elderly, it's really…

"Of course, Daimyo, you can take the seat."

Uzumaki Mito faintly pointed to the seat, showing no sense of politeness at all.

In this regard, everyone turned a blind eye.

Daimyo was helped to walk down from the carriage to stand up, and he was indeed old enough to need help.

He glanced at Uzumaki Mito, and there was a burst of sorrow in his heart. Obviously, he was of the same generation, but he looked like her grandson.


Daimyo sighed and was helped to his seat.

After waiting for him to take his seat, everyone found their place to also take their seat.

"The comic exhibition is divided into three programs. The first is the opening ceremony performance, the next is a one-hour free performance and viewing, and finally the closing ceremony performance."

Uzumaki Mito faintly smiled while explaining to all the audience that came to watch and continued, " And I am the presenter, Uzumaki Mito."

Her voice is amplified by Chakra and spread throughout the mountain forest.


"I heard that right!"

"Gosh, it turned out to be Lady Mito!"

"Very good didn't expect to see her when I came here."

In an instant, all the stands were full of cheering when they heard Uzumaki Mito's name which is the only living Legend in the Konoha's Legendary era.

This is Senju Clan…

Akabane sighs slightly, if Uzumaki Mito wants to be a Hokage, it's very easy.


The Senju Clan has not participated in politics since the Second Hokage's reign.

"Then next, the show will begin soon."

Uzumaki Mito lightly said with a smile.

In an instant, a flash of dazzling lightning shines in the venue.

Lightning Juts: Go!

The eye-catching scene attracted everyone's attention.

This is the sign of the beginning. Of course, it is not Sakumo that uses Lightning-Style, but the Shadow Clone of the Third Hokage.

After that, Silhouette appeared in the arena.

Because the surrounding trees have been felled and repaired, the situation underneath can be clearly seen from each stand.

"It's Kakashi, grandfather, it's Kakashi!"

On the stand, a young girl immediately yelled in surprise.

With a decadent voice and a mask covering her face, that was also exactly the same as someone from the comic.

After the lightning effect vanished, What appeared on the stage was the scene where Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura encircling Tazuna to protect him.

"This is?"

Daimyo who saw it stood up in surprise, his elderly body forcibly supporting him, his eyes focused may not be clear anymore but he can still see it.


"Your Excellency Daimyo, it's an act."

The Third Hokage explains softly.

"In other words, a ninja was playing it?"

The girl immediately understood.

When she was talking, the situation on the field suddenly changed again–

The puddle in front of them suddenly turned into two silhouettes.

And the next second, a chain was pulled.


Too late to scream, Hatake Kakashi who was at the front was broken into numerous pieces.

Suddenly, the audience screamed.

"This…is this a ninja?"

"It's too dangerous!"

"Is that also acting?"

In the stands, many people cried out in surprise. Fortunately, there was a ninja on the side who kindly explained, otherwise, it would be turmoil.

So far, the effect is very good.

Akabane looked back in the field, and felt a little emotional since what he was currently watching was just like an Anime live-action which is full of memories for him!

Of course…

Jiraiya dare not really take Kunai and poke his own hand.

After all, he is not Uzumaki Clan, he does not have such a perverted life force, instead, he uses a simple blind method.

The subsequent plot is exactly the same as the original plot.

The Daimyo and the princess in the stands have long been stunned. Although they are in the ninja world, they have never seen such a big battle.

The weird Assassination, and different kinds of jutsu that they were using ...

Everything made them frightened, but it also made them excited.

Especially at the end, the two grand waterfalls opposing each other, destroying the surrounding woods, mountains and rocks, are more shocking than all the paintings and words that they see and read in the comics.

"This is the power of ninja?"

The Daimyo sat down, excited but at the same time feeling terrified.

Such a terrifying force, if they really want to kill him, can his own army stop it?

In comparison, his granddaughter appears simple-minded and doesn't care about it, focusing only on the grand scene and Kakashi.

"Elder Sister Haku is here, is it going to end?"

The girl is a little disappointed, she hasn't seen enough.

"Haku is a man."

Daimyo corrected his granddaughter's words.

"No, I think she is an elder sister, the guy named Akabane is purely disgusting to think of it like that."

The Little Princess rebuked firmly.

Hearing it, Uzumaki Mito smiled on the side. Haku is what she played. It will not be announced for the time being, so it will be more shocking later.

"Oh, there will be a show at the end. It's just the opening ceremony now."

The Third Hokage coughed lightly and said.

The Zabuza below is his clone, but in fact, the Great Waterfall Jutsu released by "Kakashi" is also his doing.

Two clones.

Such a costly technique, if the clone goes on, it will be miserable if it disappears automatically.

"It's so amazing."

"It's so good, but it's too short."

"It would be great if all manga plots could be like this."

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