Crimson Instinct

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Time ticking away (3)

*Xin Lei*josei

I paled.

What was Bai Li saying? 

Leave? Leave you here and run away? Leave you here alone to get caught up in the blast?

M-my phone...where is it? I need to talk to him...He is speaking nonsense!

How can I leave you here!?

Where is my phone? I cannot see anything with these damn tears!

I kept wiping them but they refused to stop. My hands were shaking as I was searching for my phone.

"Yusheng! Xiulan! Please take her away. I know she wants to come back. Don't listen to her. Just take her away."

"Damn it!" Zhang Xiulan held my arm and started to drag me away.

I shook my arm away and signed. 'What the hell are you doing! I am not leaving Bai Li and Cocoa alone!'

Yusheng said, "Less than a minute left. Trust Bai Li, okay? He will get out. But we cannot stay here. We will force you if we have to."


Suddenly, Yusheng lifted me on his shoulder and started running away. I froze.

No! Leave me! Let me down! Bai Li! Cocoa!

I struggled and hit him hard with my fists.

Let me down!

"Xin Lei!" Zhang Xiulan spoke, "Please stop resisting! What face will we show your father and brother if we couldn't get you out?"33333

I stiffened.


I bit my lip hard.

I know I am being selfish, but I cannot leave Bai Li alone! If anything happens to him…And we don't have time…

I kept hitting his shoulder, but he wasn't budging at all!

Please let me go…

I cried hard.

I want to be with Bai Li. I don't know how far Cocoa will be able to help him. He cannot see. Just how will he get out of this building?

Bai Li...Bai Li…

We were already outside the building.

I could feel the time ticking away into seconds, and Bai Li was still there.

He is still in that building.

The slab blocked the way ahead.

There is no time to find another way.

He cannot see. is Bai Li supposed to escape…

I kept hitting Yusheng, but he didn't pay any heed.


I could faintly hear Major General's voice, or was it Lin Zihao? I didn't know...I didn't understand anything.

I was watching the building from which we kept going farther and farther. I tremblingly looked at my watch and cried even harder.

Fifteen seconds left…



We were closer to the gate.





I still couldn't see Bai Li or Cocoa.


"Jump, Xiulan!"

Suddenly I felt as if I was lifted in the air. With one huge leap, we escaped outside the gate.



Once again, I felt the gust of strong wind blasting my face.

My heart thudded in my chest. I felt nauseated.

Five seconds and I still couldn't see Bai Li.



The tears didn't stop. I felt paralyzed.

Where are you, Bai Li? I cannot see you…

You cannot do this to me...You cannot leave me. You cannot die!


Bai Li, please…don't do this...


My arm shakingly pointed towards the building.

Bai Li...Bai Li!




The building blasted in a sea of hot fire with a resounding crash. A wave of hot air blasted towards us. I felt Yusheng stumble a bit, but he caught onto his pace.

But I could only watch the building burning and crashing down. Every part of the school started to collapse and catch fire. The flames grew longer and stronger, engulfing the whole building.

I felt my mind go blank.

Bai Li is in there…

He is still in there…

He is there…

Bai Li…

Bai Li…

Bai Li!


I didn't even realize that my throat was burning and hurting. I was calling out his name, which was the only thing spinning in my mind right now.

"BAI LI! BAI LI!!! BAI LI!!!!"

But there was silence.

No answer.

I felt a sharp pain shot in my throat. It felt as if it was on fire. I didn't understand why.

"You...did you speak?"


"You talked…You actually spoke!"

I heard Zhang Xiulan saying something. She sounded... shocked? But I couldn't focus on it. I heard her clearly, yet I was unable to understand her.

My sole focus was only at the school that was turning crisp even though a burning sensation in my throat was bringing more tears to my eyes.

I coughed. "Bai Li...He is still in there...Bai Li...I cannot see him...he...he cannot die on me…please somebody help him…"

My hands shivered as they covered my face. "Please somebody...get him…*cough* out…Bai...Li...Bai…"

I felt my world spinning in front of me.

Huh? Is the ground...shaking? It seems What is happening…?

"Xin Lei? Xin Lei? Are you okay?"

"Xin Lei…"

The voices…

"She is blacking out!"

The voices sound fuzzy…I cannot see anything... clearly…

"Xin Lei. Stay with us!"

Suddenly, the burning pain in my throat intensified, and I coughed hard.


It is so hurts…My hurts so much…

But Bai Li…not seeing you is...hurting me even more…

Where are you, Bai Li? Will I...never see you again?

I can hear the fire crackling, but...I still cannot hear your voice.

Are you still not out? But how is it possible? You are my brave Bai Li. You can fight are my strong Bai Li, aren't you? Then how can you get defeated so easily?

Bai Li, you cannot lose...

I felt as if my chest tightened in pain. As if there was a tight knot in my heart. 

Come back, no Bai Li? This is enough now...look, I cannot hold on any longer...

The darkness was growing blacker and blacker in front of my eyes.

"Help! Xin Lei! She is fainting!"

That was the last thing I heard before I felt nothing.

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