Crimson Instinct

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: A private interrogation (2)

*Xin Lei*

Fu Ting denied. "No, I had asked him since I thought that he would be tagging along with her. He always follows wherever Meili is. But he said that he saw nothing."

I remembered how Fu Jun looked a little jittery when we met him.

I typed. "Was he scared or nervous when he spoke to you?"

Fu Ting thought about it. "...Yes, I think. Now that you ask me, I remember he seemed really afraid of something. But I couldn't pay attention that time because I was too worried about finding Meili."

Bai Li asked, "Did nobody see you coming back to your room at three? There must be some staff wandering here or there."

Fu Ting gritted his teeth. "There was a woman who was watering the plants. On my way, we politely greeted each other. She was a witness."

"Did she give her testimony?"

Fu Ting frustratedly exclaimed. "She lied! I told the police officers that she had seen me coming to my room in the afternoon, but she refused to acknowledge it. She said that she wasn't even there at that time!"

I knew what was happening. Somebody must have bribed her. The one witness who could have testified in his favor also turned her back.

Then I asked, "What did Dad say?"

Fu Ting pressed his hands together. "He had hired his investigator to find more about it. He said that even if they found her handkerchief in my room, it wasn't sufficient evidence to convict me."

I slowly nodded. Dad was a lawyer so he would sometimes discuss cases with me. I knew what type of evidence needed for a defendant to be convicted in different scenarios.

Bai Li also agreed. "He is right about that. But the prosecution won't leave it."

"But then for the last five days, Xin Nianzu suddenly stopped coming here."

Dad and brother's disappearances always reminded me of how they were in danger every passing second. An unease gnawed my heart.

Fu Ting then alternatively glanced between Bai Li and me. "But why did you two come here in disguise?"

Bai Li said, "That's a long story. But now listen carefully. Three days later is your preliminary hearing and we will try to find Xin Nianzu before that so that he appears in court. But if he doesn't, then remember, whatever happens, don't plead guilty. The prosecution will try to pressurize you but only the evidence of her handkerchief is not enough and the court won't declare it's judgement solely based on that. So, don't plead guilty."

Fu Ting nodded. Once again he teared up. "Please save my Meili. They are wasting time, keeping me here while the real culprit is on the loose. Before he harms my daughter, please save her…" He broke down into sobs.

I patted his hand, trying to console him.

Guard Wu entered. "Are you done? Let's leave from here. The officers would be coming back to their stations any moment."

Bai Li nodded. "Remember Fu Ting. Don't plead guilty at any cost."

He nodded.

"Let's go."

*Duan Deming*

After a heavy lunch with Song, I went back to my desk. There were still many things to do regarding Liao Chuntao and Fu Meili's investigation.

Walking along the corridor, I looked sideways, trying to see if Song was back. He wasn't. As usual, he must be calling his mysterious girlfriend.

I sighed. Here I was a widow and single.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. It was a woman. I steadied myself and saw her and another man with Guard Wu. They had worn police uniforms.

I looked at Guard Wu and asked. "Who are they?"

"Sir Duan Deming. They are new officers from Xiachen headquarters."

"But I didn't get any intimation about new recruits."

Before Guard Wu could say anything, the tall man said, "Sir. It was a last minute call and our chief Meng Bao also sincerely expresses his apologies for the inconvenience. The transfer was a sudden decision."

I had met Meng Bao once when I had visited Xiacheng headquarters.

I nodded. "Alright. Which department?"

"Traffic department, sir."

"But that department is on the fourth floor. This is the third floor where detainees are kept and where the forensic lab is."josei

"Yes, sir. We have already reported over there. Guard Wu was just showing us around the building."

"Alright then. Glad to have you both join us here."

The officers nodded.

We went our opposite ways.

As I was about to reach my desk, the forensic expert, Guozhi called out.

"Officer Duan!"

I turned and saw him running towards me. He seemed nervous and panicked.

"What happened? Why are you running? You are sweating."

"Officer Duan, there is a big problem!"

I got alert. "What?"

"The D…" He was huffing and puffing, inhaling deep breaths. "The DNA sample from Liao Chuntao's body...the sweat sample of the culprit…"


"It has disappeared. The sample is not at the place where I had kept it."

"What!? Did you search the lab?"

"Yes, I have looked for it everywhere. Somebody has stolen the sample right from under our nose!"

"But how is it possible? Who can break in in the police headquarters? Who has the guts? Wait a minute."


I quickly took out my phone and dialed Meng Bao's number.

"Hello." I heard his slightly rough voice.

"Hello, this is officer Duan Deming from Dongcheng district."

"Ah, yes Duan Deming. I remember you. What happened?"

"Did you send any two new recruits from your branch to ours? A man and a woman?"

"Huh? No. I didn't send any officers."


"Thank you Chief Meng."

"What happened?"

"I will tell you later. There is no time now. Thank you for the information."


I cut the call and pulled out my radio.

"Alert! There is a man and woman disguised as police officers. Guard Wu is with them. They have stolen important evidence from the forensic lab. Catch them right now!"

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