Crimson Instinct

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Attacking Gen Gen's base (1)

*Bai Li*

We were now in Xiachen district, 8th Alley, where that minion had pointed as the base of Gen Gen. We took a long cut to that alley so that we didn't alert his men. Xin Lei said that it was a hardware shop on the outside. It wasn't uncommon for bases to look like proper shops on the outside. The inside was a whole different story.

I said, "How big is the shop?"

I heard the tapping sound of her typing. "Three floors. There are two men stationed outside."

I nodded.

"Another two to three men will be on the second and third floor too. Gen Gen should be on the third floor. It's the psychology of the boss liking to sit at the top."

"Do you think Dad will be here?"

"Possible. And if he is, then he would be on the third floor too."

Then she said nothing. I sensed she must be worried about him.

I wasn't very good at consoling people. But still, I had to try. I felt my way to her head and patted her. "If he is there, we will definitely save him."

I heard Xin Lei typing again. "En."


Then I didn't hear anything. There was a pause. I sensed that she wanted to say something more.

"Bai Li."


"You will not like this, but as a doctor, I have to be honest with you."

Oh O.

I squinted my eyes. I knew where this was going.

"We will talk about it later," I said.

"No. I want to say it now. If anytime you feel any sort of panic, then promise me that you will let me know about it. You will not keep it to yourself."

I said nothing.

What could I? I thought I could never break down like that. But I did, in her embrace, when she tightly held me in her arms. I clearly remembered what I mumbled before her, and to be honest, it took me by surprise.

It was my pain that I never wanted anybody to know about it, especially Xin Lei.


Perhaps...I didn't want her to feel less of me. I wanted to be a strong and tough man that she had met, not a weakling who collapsed, who failed to protect her, and who couldn't make that shot because of a past memory.

I felt pathetic. And ashamed.

So, when I blurted it out about my deepest fear to her, I couldn't help but slap her hand away when I woke up. I knew it was not her fault. I couldn't even say sorry, even more pathetic.

I didn't want her to ask me any questions for which I had no answers.

How did she realize that I had decided to keep everything to myself?

"Promise me." Then she paused. "You won't be able to hide it anyway. I'm a doctor."

"Then why are you making me promise?"

"No more questions."

Women were truly difficult species to understand.

I said, "Alright. Let's get to the task in hand. As you said, there are two people outside. Let's finish them off first. Ready?"

I heard the robotic voice. "Yes."

I put on the silencer on my Glock 17 barrel and said Xin Lei to do the same. We were on the same side, left to them, standing a few yards behind a shop that was closed and unused.

"How tall are they?"

She said, "About 5'8. Both are almost the same height."

I nodded. I knew my height. I raised my gun at an angle and height in relation to me. Their heads must lie roughly at a height between my chest and shoulder area. I fired once. The first man must have fallen. Then I fired again. I heard the second man fell too.

"Let's go."

Cocoa guided me, and we walked quickly through the entrance. I could hear no voices or scream.

Was there nobody inside?

But then, a second later, I listened to the soft footsteps of someone coming in. It was probably a woman. Cocoa was sniffing around the room.

Before she could raise the alarm, I felt cold air brush past my side. I understood that Xin Lei pointed her Sig Sauer at her.

"Quiet," I said.

"W-who are you?" I sensed the fear and disbelief from her voice.

"How many men?"

"What happened to those men outside?" She asked me instead.

"In hell. Now answer my question."

"Who are you? Why are you- You! You are that lawyer's daughter!"

She probably recognized Xin Lei.josei

"Yes. The same woman for whom your boss is sending so many minions. Look, we are here now."

"You made a big mistake by coming here. You aren't leaving alive from here."

"We'll see about who lives to tell the tale. Right now, we are in a little hurry, so just answer me."

Then I heard someone's steps coming from upstairs.


Cocoa jumped behind at a distance.

The footsteps grew louder. "Hey Sally, why are you taking so long? Boss Gen Gen is-"

The man suddenly stopped. He must be shocked that we came uninvited.

I heard the shuffling sound of him taking his gun out of his holster. I already had my Glock in my hand. So why waste time?

I heard his voice at almost in a straight line from where I was standing, not from any angle at the side, so the staircase must be in front of me. I shot again, which must have landed right in the chest, hopefully through the heart. He fell from the stairs as he made a thud sound.

The woman gasped.

"Is this enough?" I asked her, "Or you need one shot too? Now tell me. Where is Gen Gen?"

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