Crimson Instinct

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: Fu Ting's case hearing (4)


High court, Beijing.

Fu Biyu looked at Wen Guiren in utter shock. Her nostrils flared in anger. "What are you saying!?"

Wen Guiren said, "Mrs. Fu. You heard me. Perhaps he asked for a second child because he wanted a son."

"How could you insult my husband like that! Ting never differentiated between Meili and Jun based on gender! He always loved them equally."

"That is not what other witnesses say. It has repeatedly come into attention that Fu Ting indeed favored a boy. Your Honor, if you permit, I would like to call some of Fu Ting colleagues in the witness box."


First came Mr. Yang, who is an assistant teacher in the same school. "Mr. Yang. Can you please tell us about the conversations Fu Ting and your group had?"

Mr. Yang said, "Well, many times, we teachers would go out and grab some drinks after our work was over. We would just usually chat about our lives. Around two years ago, senior Fu started talking about he was planning for a second child."

"What would he say?"

"He wouldn't mention much, but he expressed his desire to have a son. It wasn't so serious. He just said because Fu Meili, who was two at that time, would just sometimes cheekily mumble that she wanted a brother."

Similarly, other colleagues came who said along those same lines.

"Yes. He would talk a lot about having a boy."

Another female colleague said, "I have a son too, and many times Fu Ting would ask me questions about how it was having a boy."

Sometimes he would ask or talk about raising boys. So, quite a few times, Fu Ting spoke about how he wished to have a boy.

Fu Biyu was horrified. She couldn't believe that these people could twist his words like that.

She knew that it wasn't really anything to do with gender. He had no problem even if they had a girl again. It was Meili who would just innocently say that she wanted a brother. And he wanted her to be happy even if it was silly.

She remembered he asked one day what if it was a sister. But Meili was sad, and she started to cry. Apparently, one little girl from the neighborhood had pushed her while playing, and she got hurt. So she didn't want a sister.

Naturally, they tried to make her understand, but she insisted and wanted a cute little brother.

That's why perhaps Fu Ting may have wished to have a son, but only because Meili really wanted it, and he didn't want to sadden her.

Xin Nianzu asked Mr. Yang. "And in any of the conversations, did you feel like my client is talking disrespectfully about Fu Meili, or perhaps you sensed some distaste when he talked about her?"

They hesitated. "Well, he would never say it like that. Sometimes he would even happily show his pictures of Fu Meili having fun or playing in the house."

Wen Guiren said, "That is all an act. Your Honor, it is not just about conversations. There was also an important incident that occurred one day."

He called Mrs. Yan in the witness box again.

"Mrs. Yan. Can you please tell us about the time when Fu Meili came crying to you one day?"

She sighed. "Yes. That day, she was quite zoned out. She didn't pay attention in the class. So after school, I asked her if there was any problem. She said that her daddy punished her by locking in the room for one hour last night. So she was in a bad mood that day. I asked her what was going on, and she said that Fu Ting unnecessarily shouted at her."

Amidst all these accusations, Fu Ting still seemed blank. 

"I talked to Fu Ting about this, but he said that it was just a minor argument."

"No. It was not like that!" Fu Biyu suddenly jumped in the proceedings to defend him. "You misunderstand him! Meili just talked back to me that day. She wanted to have one toy, and I refused-"

"Mrs. Fu. Please calm down. Please come in the witness box if you have to say anything." The judge interrupted her.

Without wasting any time, she hurriedly went.

"L-like I said, I refused to give her the toy. She already had too many. So Meili spoke a little rudely to me. Ting just got angry at her because she disrespectfully spoke to me. That's why he just scolded her a little."

Wen Guiren wasn't ready to leave it. "Who would be so harsh to lock up their daughter in her room? Mrs. Yan said how Fu Meili was crying hard because she was scared of her father! She kept crying and shouting to let her out but he didn't listen."

"That's not true! Ting locked her in the room to discipline her because she didn't apologize for her behavior even if Ting calmly asked her many times. So he just did that so she could reflect on her actions." She looked at Fu Ting. "Ting. Say something! They...they are accusing you of harming our daughter. They think that you never loved her. Tell them that they are wrong!"

But he didn't respond.

Xin Nianzu immediately said, "Mrs. Fu, please."josei

Wen Guiren said, "That was not the case. He was frustrated with her, and that day, he just got the perfect excuse to take out his frustration on Fu Meili. So he locked her up to punish her."

Fu Biyu cried. "No! Ting didn't do it on purpose. He was just fulfilling his duty as a parent to teach their child right from wrong! And everything went fine after school when Meili apologized. Ting was also happy and satisfied."

Xin Nianzu said, "Your Honor, this doesn't make sense. What is the prosecutor trying to prove with all this?"

Wen Guiren said, "Your Honor, there are many such incidents where it is apparent that he favored Fu Jun more or unfairly treated Fu Meili. He attended Fu Jun's every birthday, but twice, he missed Fu Meili's because he despised her. The treatment and partiality is so clear, Your Honor."

Suddenly Fu Ting stirred a bit.

Birthday...My daughter's birthday...There would be no more birthdays…

My daughter would forever be eight…she would never grow up now...

His gaze turned blurry, and his lips trembled.

"No!" said Fu Biyu, "Once he couldn't make it back from his business trip. He was stuck at his place, and he tried his hardest to come back. And another time, he had a small accident while coming back home from office on the way. He was admitted to the hospital! You have no idea how regretful Ting was both times to miss Meili's birthday party."

"And he did everything on purpose!"

She clutched the witness box stand and broke down in tears. " please don't humiliate my husband anymore...we have already suffered enough...please…stop it already..."

Wen Guiren felt smug inside. 

It was useless now to defend him.

"They are just excuses. It's all because he hated her to be a girl. That is why at the school trip in Natural Park, he thought it was the best time to get rid of her."

Everything was beyond the tolerance level of Fu Biyu. She couldn't believe that they could go to this length to frame Fu Ting.

He was always such a loving father to her. He could never even imagine hurting his precious daughter.

Yet, they were accusing him of such baseless and vicious allegations. Her heart broke out for him.

Xin Nianzu took a deep breath.

Whoever he was, was doing his utmost not to let Fu Ting free of charges. They were crossing all lengths not to reopen an investigation but too bad for them that Bai Li and Xin Lei would never give up chasing after the truth.

They were akin to bright torches that no matter how much darkness laid ahead, they would keep walking, illuminating the path with the light of truth.

Xin Nianzu said, "Your Honor. Everything is purposely twisted to paint Fu Ting as the villain. He is just a normal teacher who happily lived with his family and loved both his children."

Wen Guiren smirked. "The defense must have fought so many cases, yet he believes people at their face value. Such normal people are the ones who hide their monstrosity inside them. They look innocent on the outside but are demons in reality."

"I ask the prosecutor to give evidence, not assumptions based on hearsay."

The judge said, "Mr. Wen. Please present your evidence. The court needs facts."

Wen Guiren bowed. "Yes. I have a witness, Your Honor, who confesses to being Fu Ting's accomplice in the happening at Natural Park."

"Who is the witness?" She asked.

Wen Guiren's lips curved into a faint smirk.

The man sitting at the back held the same smug expression as him.

"The same criminal who tried to kidnap Mr. Xin yesterday."

Xin Nianzu squinted his eyes.

No. It couldn't be. Lin Zihao shared the same perplexed look.

"I would like to ask permission to call my witness, Rodey."

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