Crimson Overlord

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

The first two matches were spectacular, ending in the women’s victory.

The next fight was between Kaguya and Leon, a fight that made everyone excited.

The signal to start the match was given by Miss Asmodeus; Leon talked first :

”Greetings, It is the first time we will be fighting each other; people may say that I’m too arrogant for what I will say next, but let me tell you in one sentence easy to understand ‘You don’t stand a chance’ That’s all I have to say,” said Leon with his expressionless face.

”Fucker! Who do you think you are? Talking to our goddess like that, stand still and let me slap you hundred times to be forgiven. ” Someone from the crowd said, enraged; many others also protested, infuriated by Leon’s declaration to their goddess.

”Smack him down, our goddess,” said another one.

Kaguya makes a gesture asking the crowd to quiet down; immediately, everyone had become silent. To tell the truth, Kaguya’s popularity since the start of the new year rose to an almost alarming degree, surpassing even the twin goddess and Nui Yydrassil’s popularity; she already had a huge fan base reaching five thousand men.

”You know, since the start, I never really liked you because of that face of yours. It is not like you are ugly; far from that, you are handsome, but what I’m talking about is the real you behind that fake mask of yours, is hiding a real monstrosity who thinks that women are property that can only be yours, your think nobody has the right to woo them. I bet you will even go to the extreme by caging them, turning them into puppets if you can’t have them.” Kaguya said in ca old tone.

Everyone present was silent, even their teacher.

She added with an ice-cold tone that sent cold shivers to everyone back. For a second, it was as if they were in the presence of a mythical ice beast; any wrong move, and you could be frozen forever.

”I will show you what arrogance is, by getting serious for the first time since the mock battle, then I will trample on that prideful expression of yours; if you see me or hear my name in the future, you will tremble , and lastly let me tell you, you can’t even carry my shoes don’t go daydreaming about getting the twin goddess. Did you think they even look at you when you are plotting in the dark? They didn’t even acknowledge your pathetic existence, and you want them? Stop daydreaming.”

Leon’s expression darkened, and lightning started discharging from his body; Kaguya didn’t seem bothered by this.

Afterward, the match starts, and Leon sends dozens of lightning snakes toward Kaguya, she on the other hand, after the match starts, her expression becomes extremely cold because Leon won’t be an easy opponent.

Snapping her fingers, three ice shields were created to block the incoming lightning snakes; the first two ice shields were quickly broken, showing that these lightning snakes were dangerous; the last ice shield managed to block them, but Leon was already on Kaguya right slashing at her, she just tapped her right leg hard on the ground immediately dozens of Ice Spikes was projected from the ground shooting straight towards Leon, he smirked facing those incoming ice spikes his sword flashed like lightning cutting all of them cleanly in two with one slash. Kaguya had already removed her blue Katana from her sheath, performing a quick draw sending dozens of diagonal one-meter-long ice blades; Leon’s sword, covered in golden lightning, became so fast he executed dozens of slash in matters of second, cutting them down.

They exchange dozens of sword moves, with Leon gaining the upper hand in the end, even injuring Kaguya on her left arm; it was a light sword cut, not deep. Kaguya had already sealed the injury in ice to stop the bleeding; she also left some cuts on Leon’s torso, and you could see light cuts on Leon’s battle armor emitting cold energy.

Suddenly, Leon looks at Kaguya with a smile before saying loudly [Lightning Domain].

Immediately weather became cloudy; loud rumbling sounds could be heard, lightning struck down, and two meters around Leon became a lightning zone.


Even though the stage was slowly becoming a lightning zone advancing towards Kaguya, intending to force her down from the stage, Leon pointed his hand towards her commending the lightning for striking her continuously.

Kaguya took a deep breath, faced the slowly expanding lightning zone, and said.

[Absolute Frost Domain]josei

Ice-cold energy started coming from her body, freezing everything around, advancing directly clashing the Leon lightning zone; there was a stalemate for a moment before,


The two domains offset each other, leaving an almost destroyed stage.

Standing on a piece of the destroyed stage not too far from each other were Leon and Kaguya; they looked at each other before Leon bent slightly to execute his last trump card, his secret technique; he would execute it as the last gift to her, for being able last that long again him.

Kaguya also pointed her index towards the sky, ready to execute her technique, when Leon said his technique name:

[The World]

He disappeared and reappeared before her; he was facing her with his sword striking towards her white neck; it was at that time Kaguya said

[Frozen World: Zero Hour]

The partial giant ice appears with his needle on zero-hours; Leon smirked, thinking, ‘I got you; my technique is faster than yours; I’m already striking towards your neck first; your clock will turn clockwise before everything becomes frozen.’

It was what he thought; however, when his sword almost reached her neck, everything stopped and froze, even the time itself; he couldn’t believe his eyes, something completely out of his expectation had happened; he was beyond shocked.

”How? I was faster’,’ He couldn’t help but mutter.

Truly when the giant ice clock appeared its needle was already on the zero hour; everything fell in place now.

‘What a dreadful woman, better stay far away from her in the future. That was his last thought before he became frozen in an ice statue.

The ice clock disappeared two seconds after, and everything returned to normal only Leon remained frozen, his sword almost reaching Kaguya’s neck; what remained of the stage was already frozen in ice and shattered even the protective shield.

For moments, nobody spoke before thousand of students cheered simultaneouslyhappy with the result (mostly Kaguya fan club).

The principal stood up and applauded her hands, saying she decided to watch today’s fight as the S class students would be the school representative at the end-of-year competition against the Saint Star Academy.

”Truly great fight with displays of amazing techniques, but Kaguya’s technique truly deserves to be classed in the highest tier, continue like that, Kaguya. It seems that the two of you have already taken one step to the next level. It means you are at Level 4, the first step to getting into that level truly, the reason why you could summon a partial domain. Worthy of genius title continues like that. Congratulations to you, miss Asmodeus; your students this year are all exceptional.”

”Thank you, principal.” Quinn Asmodeus smiled while bowing. She was more than proud of her students; she wondered how strong Orpheus would be when Kaguya and Leon were this strong; she did not doubt that Orpheus was the strongest student this year; those that could compete against him were few in number. Kaguya was one of them; there was Lilith, who was also exceptional; Quinn Evelyn Asmodeus was sure that this year’s school’s competition would end up in their victory; after having so many exceptional students, there was no way she would lose.

The crowd erupted in cheers again, Kaguya was standing there proudly with a pale face, but nevertheless, at that instant, she appeared like a goddess of Ice facing her creation of an ice sculpture. She flicked her fingers, breaking the ice surrounding Leon; however, he was not in the condition to continue; his eyes looked dead for suffering that kind of defeat after him boasting like that. He was sent towards the infirmary.

”The winner of the second fight opposing Kaguya and Leon is Kaguya Mio Sakura. Let’s the third fight begin.” Announced their teacher.

Orpheus went on the stage, followed by Daniel Luxor Luxiria.

This would be their first time fighting against each other in the open, the last time Daniel had suffered a defeat, something he wished to correct as losing against would mean losing all face before everyone, especially his cousin Ella.

”This time, I will not lose. Your despicable method will not work on me any longer.” Daniel declared after the signal to start the match had been given.

Orpheus looked at him like an idiot.

Daniel immediately attacked by creating a blue flame around his sword; however, Orpheus caught the sword between his fingers, and with a mocking smile, he asked.

”Is that all?”

Daniel was so shocked that no word could escape from his mouth, and before he could respond, he received a punch in the stomach.


His world became black, and he lost for the second time.

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