Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 102

Chapter 102: frame

In the office where Shrek turned in, a captain reported to Shrek and Long Fei.

"Boss, Colonel, after being tortured for a while, some of these captives couldn't stand it and reported their country, which is from the Guderian Empire."

Long Fei sneered, and Shrek snorted coldly.

The captain understood why the two adults in front of him sneered and snorted.

Colonel Shrek asked the captain: "Captain, do you know which country developed the captives and harvested weapons?"

"I know, it was something developed by the Garth Empire about 30 years ago, and it has been updated ten years ago. These weapons still have some empire equipment."

"The Guderian Empire is at the junction of the Rhineman Emirate, but both countries are in peace. If the Guderian Empire wants to harm the Rhineman Emirate, even if it sneaks in and makes trouble, it is impossible to use its own weapons to mess with them. Even a thief wouldn’t be able to do such a stupid thing.”

"Colonel, we also think so, but some of the other party can't stand the torture and say they are from the Guderian Empire. For this reason, we also used confession agents, and it turned out that these people have great antibodies to confession agents."

Long Fei asked: "What about their voyage records?"

"They've been destroyed."

"Colonel, open the full information map."

Sly pressed the screen button on the desktop.

A full-information image map popped up on the table, and the full-information image map centered on the Rhinemann Emirates.josei

Long Fei pointed to one of the countries and asked, "Colonel, do you still remember the Yoda Democratic Republic?"

"I remember that the fleet that came to the Rheinmann Emirate came from the Yoda Democratic Republic, and brought a group of experts from various countries from the democratic camp to investigate whether the Rheinmann Emirate had weapons of mass destruction."

At this time, Long Fei asked again: "Look at the map, is the Rhineman Emirate between the Yoda Democratic Republic and the Guderian Empire?"

"The Rhinemann Emirate is a sandwich between these two countries."

"In your opinion, could it be that the Yoda Democratic Republic is framing the Guderian Empire?"

"It's possible."

At this time, Long Fei expressed his opinion: "Colonel, this is how I see it. I seriously suspect that the Yoda Democratic Republic is unwilling to give up on the Rhineman Emirate. On the surface, they are unhappy that the Rhineman Emirate is a dictatorship and want to use force." To change their system and become a democratic system like theirs, it is estimated that they want food from the Rhineman Emirate."

Shrek and the captain looked at Long Fei, wondering why the boss had such a view.

"I have such an opinion, the main reason is that when I went to Stunk Country and Parkley Empire, I found that their food prices are much more expensive than our Sixth District, let's take a canned luncheon meat, the same brand, The same amount, but the price is more than five times that of our sixth district. Later, I asked people from the Tianyi Group to help me investigate the price situation in the seventh district. Although the war will cause the prices of many things to collapse, but only The price of food will not only not collapse, but will even increase a lot, so people who have a lot of food in their hands will make a lot of money if they sell the food at this time."

"Is this related to our present matter?" Shrek asked.

"Once a war breaks out, the arms dealers will make the most money. If the war causes a food crisis, those businessmen who specialize in food business will not make a lot of money. The Rhinemann Emirate is a country rich in crops, and the seventh district colony has not yet happened. During the war, the Rheinmann Emirate only accounted for 3% of the grain trade in the colony of the 7th district, but now that the war has been fought, all countries are desperately hoarding grain. In terms of food, the people will have trouble with their government. The grain exports of the Rhineman Emirate have not changed since the war, but at this moment the Rhineman Emirate has accounted for 30% of the grain trade in the colony of the 7th district. The capitalists who want to increase the price of food have no way to do it, just imagine that the bosses of the governments of democratic countries are not those capitalists?"

Shrek immediately understood: "So, boss, what you mean is the Yoda Democratic Republic, maybe it is to plant the Guderian Empire, and then trick the Rhineman Emirate into standing in their democratic camp, so as to control their grain exports and fry up grains from it. price."

"I have this inference, and I always feel that the possibility is very high."

Shrek suddenly thought of a question, and said, "If it wasn't for the Yoda Democratic Republic, if it was the Guderian Empire, it would be bad for the Rhineman Emirate."

"I thought so too at first, but take a look at this map showing the strength of the Guderian Empire. I have investigated the Guderian Empire, and the national power is not very strong. The national power of the Yoda Democratic Republic is more than three times his. If the Guderian Empire dared to take action against the Rhineman Emirate, then the Yoda Democratic Republic would have an excuse to send troops to deal with the Guderian Empire and destroy it, and I suspect that the Yoda Democratic Republic’s framing and framing actually wanted to take the opportunity to destroy it The Guderian Empire, the industrial capacity of this empire is not very strong. On the contrary, their agricultural production is developed. If the Yoda Democratic Republic can destroy the Guderian Empire and occupy all the colonies, then many colonies in the seventh district will still be In the situation of war, they can rely on the original agricultural production capacity of the Guderian Empire, and take the opportunity to fry up the grain to make a fortune."

After hearing this, Colonel Shrek felt that what the boss said was very reasonable.

At this time, a report came from the captain's headset.

"Boss, Colonel, the subordinates just sent a report to find the captured submarine, and found several documents that have not been destroyed. The documents are encrypted, and it will take some time to decrypt them."

Colonel Shrek ordered the captain to ask his subordinates in charge of interrogation to use more violent torture to force the captives to give out information.

In addition to the confession agent with a strengthening agent, some cruel methods were used, such as torture and serving one of the captives in front of several captives, so as to weaken their mental endurance.

Some people brutally tortured and killed one of the prisoners in front of other prisoners, and the tortured and killed prisoners made horrific screams, which hit the mental endurance of other prisoners.

"Don't, don't, don't hurt him anymore, I beg you! I say!" A female prisoner was handcuffed behind her back, kneeling on the ground watching her lover being tortured and killed in such a cruel way. One by one was cut off, and the spirit couldn't bear it anymore, so I could only tell the secret.

A Tianyi mercenary with the hair of a female prisoner warned: "It's better to be honest, some of your companions have used enhanced confession agents to tell us the information we want, if you dare to lie, I will stuff the sliced ​​meat of your lover into your mouth and let you eat it."

The female prisoner told everything she knew in detail. Listening to the female prisoner's words, the Tianyi mercenaries looked at her expression, and from time to time looked at the expressions and bodies of the other prisoners who were tied up, and found out their identity. The flaws in facial expressions and limbs.

The other captives love you captive, and after telling everything they know, they all turn ashen.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." The Tianyi mercenary made a gesture and asked his subordinates to take the other prisoners away, leaving behind the female prisoner and her seriously injured lover. "

After the others left the interrogation room, the Tianyi mercenary pulled out the pistol at his waist, installed the silencer, shot the female prisoner and her lover directly in the temple, and then reported the information he got to his superiors.

Colonel Shrek reported to Long Fei: "Boss, as you inferred, it was the Yoda Democratic Republic who framed it. It will take some time to encrypt the files. All the information has been handed over to the Ministry of Defense of the Rhinemann Emirates. This matter It's up to them to handle things themselves."

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