Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Negotiations with the Big Three

In the VIP room, three bronze-skinned middle-aged people are sitting on the sofa waiting for someone.

The door of the VIP hall opened, and the Pope brought Long Fei to the scene.

The three middle-aged men stood up.

The Pope introduced Long Fei: "Boss Long, Long, let me introduce you. The one in the middle is Miroslav, the rotating chairman of the South American Confederate States, and the one on the right is Sebastio, the secretary-general of the Confederate States of South America. This is Gabriel, President of the Congress of the South American Confederate States."

Long Fei did not expect to meet the three leaders of the South American Allies who were already in a state of semi-subjugation.

Long Fei shook hands with the three leaders.

"Boss Long, it's an honor to meet you."

"It's also a great honor for me to meet the Big Three of the South American Confederation."

Miroslav smiled bitterly: "The boss is joking, the South American Allies are now in name only."

"The three want to see me because they hope to turn the South American Allies, which exist in name only, back to their names."

"Hehehe, Boss Long is so straight to the point and quick to talk, I like it. We came here to discuss with Boss Long."

The Pope smiled after watching the conversation of several people: "Everyone, sit down and have a good talk first, and I won't bother you."

"I've just thanked His Majesty the Pope."

Pope David withdrew from the VIP room. For David, if Long Fei and the South American Allies could negotiate a cooperation.

For Ouya Cross Country, the next development trend is also in a good situation.

Now, the United States currently has three lines of defense, and the third line is defending against the Han Xia Empire, the Russian Soviet Republic, and the European and Yak Cross Kingdom.

If the Tianyi mercenary group can really expel all the forces and soldiers of the United States of America in the South American continent back to the mainland.

Once the South American Confederate States are formally restored, the southern gate of the United States will face the South American Confederate States directly.

The United States will not be able to sleep peacefully by then.josei

On the Ouya Cross Country side, they can develop their economy and national defense with peace of mind. Gao Zhagu and Marasai will serve more and more as time progresses, as long as they are given a few more years.

The Nemesis plan will at least cost the United States the price of at least ceding territory and paying compensation.

On the other side, Long Fei is negotiating with the Big Three of the South American Allies.

Miroslav said to Long Fei: "Boss Long, if your Tianyi mercenary group can drive all the military forces of the United States of America back to their territory, when Boss Long's Tianyi Group invested in the South American Allies, it would have ten years Full duty free."

The corner of Long Fei's mouth turned up and he looked at Miroslav.

Miroslav was a little embarrassed by Long Fei.

Sebastio continued: "Boss Long's Tianyi mercenary group can also set up sub-bases in the South American Allies."

Long Fei continued to curl his mouth.

Sebastio continued: "Our South American Allies are willing to pay for the remuneration and losses of Boss Dragon's Tianyi mercenary group."

The corners of Long Fei's mouth were still curled up.

It was Gabriel's turn to say, "Boss Long, Tianyi Group's investment and opening of a branch, ten years of tax exemption. We mentioned fifteen years of tax exemption. What do you think?"

"Hmph, the three of you are making wishful thinking, and you are fighting really loudly. If you want us to deal with some countries that are not very strong, such conditions are indeed sufficient, but the other party is one of the three representatives of the democratic camp. The United States and the United States, the conditions you set up are not enough."

Miroslav asked: "Boss Long, what other conditions do you want, you can talk about it, we can discuss it."

"The treatment you said before you gave us, including upgrading to 15 years of full tax exemption, giving your group the right to exploit some energy and resources that your South American allies need, as well as planting and grazing on some land, and I want you to have some fishing in the sea, and we also ask for tax exemption and distribution rights."

The three of Miroslav looked at each other, and Long Feikai's conditions exceeded some of their budget.

Mines, energy, etc. They don't understand what kind of resources and energy Long Fei wants. Oil, natural gas, and coal mines are still needed in some places in various countries including the colonial circle.

As for land, planting, grazing, including fishing in the sea, 15 years of tax exemption and these licenses are absolutely no problem.

Gabriel asked: "I would like to ask Boss Long, can you tell us where the mining you want and where the land and sea farming are located?"

Long Fei took out his mobile phone to perform a three-dimensional projection, and the three-dimensional projection was the South American continent.

There are many red dots or red lines drawn in the continent of South America.

"Red dots and red lines are what I want."

The faces of the three of Miroslav were a bit ugly. Although the resources and energy locations he wanted to mine were not many, he chose the best quality.

On the contrary, Long Fei picked the best and most of the land, especially the land for planting. Most of the land he picked was black soil. Long Fei would take away 80% of the black soil in the South American continent. only 20%

The grazing grassland that Long Fei wants will take 60% of the South American continent, and this 60% grazing grassland is still the most beautiful environment and the most suitable grassland for grazing.

The drawn out sea is also the best fishing spot, where the fish is the best and the most delicious and the place where the most people fish.

If ordinary people dared to make such a condition, maybe the three of them would beat each other up.

But it was Long Fei who made the offer, and he was capable of driving all the American soldiers back to the American country.

As for the client, Long Fei, he knew that it was impossible for the other party to agree to his conditions, and he just opened his mouth on purpose, trying to gamble his luck.

If the other party really agrees, then he is really lucky, and the sky will give him a fortune.

It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't agree, as long as the other party is willing to talk, it can still be discussed.

Gabriel smiled bitterly: "Boss Long, the conditions you set are a bit too much. Even if we are really willing to agree, the members of the parliament (the presidents of the South American Allies) and the people cannot agree."

"Your Excellency, Speaker, don't be so nervous. I just set out my conditions. I don't mean that you must agree to the conditions. Everyone can talk and discuss."

Long Fei discussed with these three giants for some time and got a preliminary agreement.

For the preliminary agreement, the three giants have to bring it back to the members of the original parliament for a round of discussions, if more than half of the members agree.

Then the preliminary agreement can be followed by some detailed negotiations. After the detailed negotiations are successful, the contract is signed.

"I look forward to the news coming sooner."

After Long Fei shook hands with the Big Three of the South American Allies, he left the VIP room.

In the evening, the Pope and Long Fei had dinner with the Big Three of the South American Confederate States.

In addition to thanking the Pope for his hospitality, the Big Three also thanked the Pope for the resources he sent to the South American Allies.

"I look forward to the official restoration of the South American Allies, and the European and Asian Cross Country and the South American Allies will become friendly countries."


After dinner, Long Fei and the Pope strolled in the garden.

While talking, the two discussed the next investment of Tianyi Group in Ouya Cross Country.

Although Pope David wanted to know what tricks Long Fei had discussed with the Big Three of the South American Allies, but it was the internal affairs of other countries, so he couldn't ask too much.

Pope David knew that as long as Long Feikai's conditions were not too excessive, the South American Allies would definitely agree to his request, and the Tianyi Mercenary Group would definitely take action at that time.

At night, Long Fei returned to the arranged VIP room, Tao Xiang sat on the sofa and read a book.

After Long Fei entered the bathroom to freshen up, he lay down on the bed and prepared to sleep.

Tao Xiang puts away the books and goes to bed to massage Long Fei.

Knowing that Long Fei was negotiating with the three giants of the South American Allies today, Tao Xiang couldn't help but asked, "How did the three big figures of the South American Allies talk with you?"

"The preliminary agreement has been negotiated, but it depends on whether the members of their parliaments agree."

"Aren't you afraid that it will be written in black and white at that time, and when they really fully restore the country, won't they admit it at all?"

"If they dare not admit it, it doesn't matter, the worst is to overthrow them directly, and then put a puppet government under our control."

Tao Xiang kept silent and stopped asking. She actually knew what her man was doing outside sometimes, but she just pretended not to know or didn't ask.

She knew about the excessive things Long Fei did to her grandfather and fellow clansmen, but she only remembered that he and his second sister had told them what happened at that time.

Tao Xiang understands Long Fei's extreme revenge.

"Are you thinking in your heart that I have done too much to my own clansmen?" Long Fei asked with his eyes closed.

Tao Xiang stopped massaging her hands.

"You heard what I did from those female mercenaries who have a good relationship with you, right?"

Tao Xiang bit the bullet and nodded: "Yes."

"In the future, there will be some troops or some things, and I will leave them to you to deal with."

"I see, I will share it for you."

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