Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Attack up and down

Murver City began to be invaded by ground troops from the Tianyi Mercenary Group.

The ground troops of the US Tower Lightning Lijian National Army and the ground troops of the Tianyi Mercenary Group fought in street battles.

However, the Tianyi mercenary wearing the Spartan battle uniform turned into an invisible form.

Even if they wanted to snipe the Nationalist Army hiding in apartments or buildings, they would have no way to attack them. The only thing they can attack is the drones that are searching.

Once discovered by the drone, in addition to shooting down the drone directly, you must flee the scene immediately, otherwise the invisible Tianyi mercenaries will find them and kill them.

The Tianyi mercenary regiment's ground stations are not only manned, but also unmanned ground combat vehicles. The unmanned ground combat vehicles are small in size and are responsible for reconnaissance and combat.

These ground combat vehicles can also enter houses and buildings to search, and once the enemy is found, they will launch an attack without hesitation.

Even the Tianyi mercenary group released the machine hounds to search for the enemies in the dark.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A national army in charge of sniping was found by the robot hounds and could only struggle and scream.

Suddenly, the robot hound suddenly stopped biting and sat back on the ground. The National Army was bitten to death.

A Tianyi mercenary appeared, with one foot on the chest of the National Army, and squatted down to ask for information.

At the beginning, the national army was still very tough, unwilling to say a word.

The Tianyi mercenaries greeted him with an electric baton, and after several times of torture to extract a confession, and obtained the information, the Tianyi mercenaries killed the Nationalist Army with a single shot.

Then, the Tianyi mercenaries shared the information they got with their colleagues, and the colleagues relied on the information to find some national soldiers who were hiding, and then tortured some of the captured national soldiers in a series of tortures, and set out more much information.

On the other side, a Jiegang was in a housing complex and was fired by rockets from the National Army on the ground. Although it could not blow up the armor, it also caused the driver's combat pressure.

Jie Gang, the national army on the ground, shot the national army directly to death.

Then several old mobile phones of the border guards appeared on the scene and shot at the Jegan mobile phone.

The old artillery shells of the old ms can't penetrate the new titanium alloy ceramic composite armor of the jegang ms at all, but there are other national troops or border guards on the ground firing rockets towards the jegang ms.

The Jegan MS driver was very annoyed, and asked the ground troops to deal with those annoying enemy ground troops like flies.

As the battle time progressed, some ground troops of the Tianyi mercenaries found that the citizens of Murver City had almost evacuated.

Once it is found that the enemy is hiding in a certain building or apartment, if it is found that there are no ordinary people, then the direct method is to blow up the building or apartment.

Moreover, some Tianyi mercenaries found that the enemy was hiding in the sewer,

Brigadier General Ai Sisi gave an order not to pursue them to the sewers. After the battle, they had their own way to deal with the enemy troops who hid in the sewers.

Taoxiang drove the De Angel to shoot down the raptors and other ms one after another in the sky beam cannon, and the Gn rocket hit the ground battleship, exploding huge fireworks.

Tao Xiang looked at the Gundam Power Angel below, and all the enemy ms it passed by were cut to pieces by the Gundam Power Angel.

Looking at Murver City, many of our ms troops and ground troops have infiltrated.

The regular army and border guards of the American Tower Lightning Kingdom have been beaten to the point of retreating into Murver City to resist stubbornly, while the National Army has been engaged in street fighting in Murver City early in the morning.

However, the national army was also beaten and retreated steadily, and many hiding places or gathering places were taken away by the ground troops of the Tianyi mercenary group.

The place where the regular army and border guards of the United States of America retreated was also the place occupied by the ground troops of the Tianyi mercenary regiment.

It just so happened that the ground troops set up traps, and many mobile suits from the United States stepped into the traps, and the strong current temporarily paralyzed the mobile suits.

Some Tianyi mercenaries jumped to the cockpit of the target with hook clues, forced the cockpit to open the moment the target just activated the mobile phone, and then immediately shot inside, killing the driver.

Then there were also some Tianyi mercenaries who, after killing the driver, threw the driver out of the cockpit and drove the enemy mobile phone by themselves.

Then pretend to meet at the position of other MSs of the enemy, or go to the place where the battle is taking place, snipe at the enemy MS, and then issue the identification code to your companions.

Then, the Tianyi mercenaries also decoded the captured enemy mobile phones, their marching records, received information, etc. to obtain information.

The commander issued a series of strike orders.

Some commanders of the regular army or the border guards, looking at the situation at this moment, also know that they will stay in Murver City to fight, and it will only be a matter of time before the entire army is wiped out.

These school-level commanders secretly fled Murfo City with their troops or cronies, and fled towards other cities.

The National Army, including the commander in charge of the National Army, did not know the regular army and the border guards, and some troops had already fled secretly to other cities.

At this moment, he is still foolishly continuing to resist.

Although the commanders (general level) of the regular army and the border guards knew that some commanders at the school level secretly fled with other troops.

They didn't blame their subordinates, because they were also preparing to flee, and they fled Murver City with their troops without notifying the National Army.

But on the way of their escape, they were already intercepted and captured by the ambushing Tianyi mercenaries.

The commanders didn't understand how the Tianyi mercenary group knew their escape route.

The main reason is that the Tianyi mercenary group intercepted their communication codes and lines, and then secretly hacked into their communication and eavesdropped on their conversations.

The last national army hid in the underground sewer, preparing to fight the enemy in the sewer war.

But Isis was not prepared for such a thankless task.

Murver City never thought of occupying it, nor did it plan to occupy it, but directly destroyed the city.

After all the troops return to the mothership.

The three fleets launched hundreds of ground-penetrating missiles at the same time. After flying into the sky, the ground-penetrating missiles reached their destinations, flew straight up, and immediately fell straight down after reaching a certain height.

Hundreds of ground-penetrating missiles drilled directly into the ground, and then exploded one after another, not only killing all the National Army in the sewer.

All the underground foundations were destroyed, and the high-rise buildings in the whole city tilted and fell directly.

Murver City directly turned into a deserted area filled with gunpowder and smoke, and all that was left on the scene were pieces of wreckage and gunpowder smoke.

Three fleets headed for another city.josei

The citizens who escaped from Merfolk City happened to be watching the Sky Wing Mercenary Fleet flying over their heads due to the traffic jam on the way.

Many citizens of Murver City decided to go back and check.

As a result, when I went back to look, Gege was kneeling on the ground and asking the sky speechlessly, because the city was gone and it had become a ruined land.

On the other side, Long Fei was resting in his room, looking at the uploaded report file.

Tao Xiang happened to finish her work and returned to her room. Earlier, Tao Xiang watched Mofo City turn into ruins in an instant, and wondered if they had gone too far.


"Well, what's the matter?"

"Did what we just did go too far, directly turning a city into ruins."

"Is it too much? If we treat other countries like this, it is indeed too much, but think about it, when the US Army attacked the South American Confederate States, how did they slaughter innocent people in other people's land? What we have done has already Forget it, besides, before attacking Mofo City, we have already asked the local people to withdraw immediately, otherwise we will bear the consequences. After all, we did not massacre the local people. If they insist on staying there and dying there, then It's their business, not ours."

"..." Tao Xiang remained silent, recalling how the United States army brutally slaughtered civilians in South America. If one day, others treat them like this, it will be their retribution.

Long Fei stood up, walked in front of Tao Xiang, stretched out his hand to pinch Tao Xiang's cheek, and said, "Okay, don't think so much, anyway, in these democratic countries, they say a lot of moral words with their mouths, and they do all the worst things with their hands. Dirty things, think about how the Yoda Democratic Republic treated the Rhineman Emirate back then, and when treating these countries, you must use language and actions they understand, which is to treat them in the same way as others."


President Nicholas of the United States of America received the news that the city of Merfolk was in ruins, and he collapsed and sat on a chair, then stood up immediately and ordered the spokesman to hold a press conference to condemn Tianyi. The evil deeds of the mercenary group should use the moral high ground to condemn the atrocities of the Tianyi mercenary group, and punish the Tianyi mercenary group and the Tianyi Group at an international conference.

After finishing the order, Nicholas slumped on the chair again. At present, the country is still being attacked by the Tianyi mercenary group, and the attack is from top to bottom.

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