Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 471

Chapter 471: Prince Christopher

A table of hot pot sat around Long Fei and the leaders of the five directly subordinate troops.

Ramir said: "I really don't know what happened to the Wanluo Federation. There was a tight fight in the front, but civil strife broke out in the rear. What's even more funny is that it was instigated by the president who was deposed before to make trouble."

Towers said: "I came from a democratic country. I am most qualified to say that ordinary people think that they have a vote in their hands, and they think they are the masters of the country, but they don't know that all this is actually controlled by the capitalists behind. No matter which candidate they voted for, they are just puppets controlled by capitalists, and then ignorantly laugh at the people in other systems and countries as leeks, but they don’t know that they are also leeks. It can even be said that they are livestock raised by capitalists, air taxes and so on. , you should have heard of it."

"I heard that many colonial countries have this tax."

"Pay attention to check, most of the countries with air tax are democratic countries."

Li Xiucheng nodded and said: "I once read a book that satirized capitalism, and the content in it once satirized capitalism. Once capitalism is in power, they will try their best to make money from anything, let alone Air, garbage, and feces can all be found to steal money from ordinary people’s pockets, and capitalist capitalists are vampires who only **** ordinary people.”

Long Fei said at this time: "In fact, if you want to say which system is better, you can't say a result. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. How do people in power deal with it? If I want to say which system is worse, the democratic system is not Worst, it is worse. Some people once said that the most corrupt democracy is better than the cleanest dictatorship. This kind of idiot is only said by people who think they have never seen the world. Once the democratic system rots, it is worse than dictatorship. Worse, the latter will be overthrown by the people, while the former will just be a bunch of people who continue to hold elections, and then go into an endless loop. Every time the president of the government is changed, it may become worse and worse. As for the capitalists who control the government behind It will continue to **** all the resources of the country, and the people will be sheared step by step by those capitalists without knowing it."

Marisa asked Long Fei, "Boss, which system do you think is the best?"

"Which system is best? I don't know either."

Salamanda didn't say anything, and ate the hot pot dishes quietly.

Long Fei continued: "Wanluo Federation, I just want to say that if this country does not come to an end, the common people will only continue to be plundered by the capitalists. If this country comes to an end, maybe these people can still get relief."

Ramir's cell phone rang, and after taking a look, Ramir handed the cell phone to Long Fei.

After Long Fei read the contents of the phone, he handed the phone back to Ramir, and said to everyone: "Everyone, I have received information that there will be other troops from the Dion Army attacking the colony. In the second district colony, the person in charge of leading the army is most likely the eldest prince Christopher of the Dion Empire."

A trace of hatred flashed across Salamanda's eyes, and Long Fei saw all this.

"As for how the eldest prince will fight, we have to wait and see."

Salamanda said at this time: "Christopher is very cruel and ruthless. Sometimes he can even kill innocent people in order to achieve his goals. It is not an exaggeration to call him a cruel pervert."

Ramir asked: "Then this prince will not directly kill the common people."josei

Salamanda replied: "It is possible that this person is more vicious than his father. In his eyes, ordinary humans are just ants that can be manipulated at any time. He does not treat ordinary humans as human beings at all. It can be said that he tramples on ordinary humans. Back then, in order to unify the Martian sphere in the Kingdom of Dion, Christopher even slaughtered many people from the Rhinek Kingdom and the Longzog Kingdom, all of them were ordinary humans, and many of the mass graves were created by him."

Long Fei asked Salamanda, "Are the three princes of the Dion Empire like this?"

"The eldest prince and the third prince, the former tramples on ordinary humans, while the latter just looks down on ordinary humans. As for the second prince, his attitude towards ordinary people is relatively better than his two brothers, and I must say that this second prince Elishod is the best of the three brothers, but he is not favored."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Salamanda continued: "Why is Yelishaud the most unfavored prince? According to the information I have, except for the birth of his mother, he is not as prominent as the mothers of his two brothers. It is said that when he awakened as a new human , slower than his two brothers, but we must tell the truth that among the three brothers, his marching and combat ability is the strongest, and his command ability is also the strongest."

Long Fei demanded: "Lieutenant Colonel, please explain clearly."

"When the united war was fought, many rebels were defeated by him, and the army he was in charge of was not as strong as the army in charge of his two brothers, but it was his excellent command and mobilization ability, with the least To get the most out of his losses, neither of his brothers achieved as much as he did."

Li Xiucheng asked, "Is he the most talented among the three brothers?"

"No, it's the least."

Everyone looked at Salamanda suspiciously.

Salamanda explained: "Although he has the fewest talents, they are all top-notch, and many of these talents come from grassroots backgrounds. The second prince's employment is not based on status, but on talent, so many noble children of noble background It's because he doesn't want to work with the Second Prince."

Long Fei said: "So he has the fewest talents, but those who are arrogant and don't like to flatter are all following him."

"Yes, Boss, the more capable and proud the person is, the less he will disdain to follow the eldest prince and the third prince, because they will never flatter. They prefer to make contributions with the second prince and strive for their own achievements with their ability. The second prince also knows how to attract talents, he distributes all his achievements to his subordinates, but takes his mistakes on his shoulders, he is a very responsible guy, and he can also make the talents who follow him get the most out of it."

"It seems that once we really have a full-scale war with the Dion Empire, apart from the emperor, the second prince will also be a very formidable opponent." Marisa said.

Long Fei asked: "When the rebel army you were in escaped from the Martian circle, was it because they were defeated by the Second Prince that they were forced to escape from the Martian circle?"

"Half of it is his relationship, and the other half is the third prince Alexandre's uncle. He is indispensable for the unified battle of the Martian circle."

Long Fei then asked another question: "This eldest prince Christopher, once war starts, what shall we do with this eldest prince?"

"If there is a full-scale war with the Dion Empire, the eldest prince pushes away my personal hatred for him, and either kills him with a dead hand, or captures him alive as a bargaining chip. Choosing the former is to fight the Dion Empire to the end. If you choose the latter, the premise is that we and the other party have the possibility of taking a step back. If not, then choose the former, because that guy is very vengeful. I once heard that a noble woman accidentally offended him. In the end, he made it miserable, and even the whole family of that noble woman was not spared."

"Hearing what you say, you have to pay attention to this Christopher operation now."

"I strongly suggest that the boss better pay attention to him, God knows what methods this guy will use."

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