Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 570

Chapter 570: defection

The picture of Osmane being defeated and captured.

Invade the screen in front of Dion's army fighting on the spot.

This was a direct blow to the morale of Dion's army.

What's more, this scene was also transmitted to the field reporters who broadcast live. The field reporters took the photos and videos sent by the Tianyi mercenary group and immediately spread them all over the world.

After receiving the news that Osmane was defeated and captured, Mswati felt a burst of annoyance, melancholy, aggrieved and headache.

Three of the top ten Royal Knights have already fallen under the hands of the Tianyi Mercenaries.

She didn't know how to explain to His Majesty the Emperor.

The battle for Colony 87 continues.

Under the cover of other Ms troops, the combat airship group of the Tianyi Mercenary Group began to enter the port of the colonial satellite, or invade the spaceship to rescue the people who were brought on board.

Some war reporters who were not afraid of death even rode in combat airships with some Tianyi mercenaries who were fighting on the ground.

"Everyone, I am a reporter from the AAA media station of the Wanluo Federation, and I am Amanda." A female reporter held a special mobile phone to report live.

Amanda and a group of Tianyi mercenaries came down from the combat airship, and the camera captured many drones and ground combat vehicles of the Tianyi mercenary group entering the port.

Amanda hid behind the bunker, holding a live broadcast pole so that the mobile phone camera can capture the battle scene, wearing special glasses, which can be connected to the special mobile phone camera, and Amanda can see the battle scene from the mobile phone camera.

"Everyone, where I am now, there are several spaceships in front of me, and the Tianyi mercenaries are fighting with the local defenders."

At this time, several parts of several spacecraft exploded.

"Oh my god, what's going on? There was no missile bombing past, but it exploded all of a sudden." Amanda exclaimed.

"Attention, Tianyi mercenaries have already entered, and the scanner has turned on the anti-stealth function to scan."

Dion's army inside the spaceship is guarding the blasted position.

Several flashbangs were thrown in.

The strong light and the sound of the explosion made Dion Jun's eyes dizzy and deaf for a while, and then the gunfire rang out.

Dion's army died under the guns of the Tianyi mercenaries who rushed in.

The Tianyi mercenaries entered the spaceship one after another from the blasted parts, and then divided into several small teams one after another, spreading out to act.

There was an explosion in the power plant room of the spacecraft.

Then, fire broke out at different locations inside the spacecraft.

A Dion army took a hostage, and the Tianyi mercenary in front of him lowered his gun.

The moment the Tianyi mercenary held the rifle in his right hand, he drew out the pistol in his left hand, and the pistol fired directly at the hostage.

"Madman!" Just as Dion's army was about to let go of the shot hostage, an electric current hit his whole body.

It made his movements a little paralyzed, and the Tianyi mercenary who fired the gun rushed forward, pulled the hostages away, and kicked Dion's army down.

Shooting Dionjun's hands and feet with the rifle in his right hand incapacitated him.

The hostage who had just been shot by him collapsed on the ground, and some hostages next to him squatted against the wall in fright, not daring to move.

Looking at everything just now, he looked at the Tianyi mercenary in front of him with fear in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid that he's not dead. You just used a stun gun. Take care of him." The Tianyi mercenary explained, pointing to one of the hostages.

The hostage who was ordered walked carefully to the person who collapsed on the ground, checked his mouth and nose and found that he was still alive.

"He's fine, he's fine, he's alive."

The hostages at the scene were relieved.

Other rooms in the spacecraft, such as bedrooms, kitchens, etc., began to be controlled one after another.

Originally, when some Dion troops took hostages and forced the Tianyi mercenaries to submit, the Tianyi mercenaries directly stunned the hostages with electric guns.

Then, knock down Dion's army.

Whether it is outer space or the spaceships in the colonial satellites, they have all been controlled by Tianyi mercenaries one after another.

In the sky above the colonial satellite, the drone has already turned on the broadcaster.

"Listen, people below. We have rescued all the spaceships in outer space. Your loved ones are safe. If it is the people of the Wanluo Federation, they will put down their weapons and surrender to us, and promise not to hurt you."

Many Wanluo Federation people who were forced to fight began to lay down their weapons at this moment, and some were still hesitant.

However, Dion's army directly attacked these Wanluo Federation people who put down their weapons.

Some Wanluo Federation immediately opened fire on Dion's army.

At the scene, many Tianyi mercenaries saw the Dion army in the same uniform and the Wanluo Federation fighting. They really didn't know which side was the Dion army, so they didn't dare to open fire to avoid accidental killing.

Some Wanluo Federation people dropped their weapons and ran towards the Tianyi mercenaries with their hands raised.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm from the Wanluo Federation."

The Tianyi mercenaries took the escaped Wanluo Federation people to the back of the bunker and made them lie on the ground.

Some Wanluo Federation people pointed to the place where one of the parties was exchanging fire: "That's the Dion Army!"

The Tianyi mercenaries immediately attacked in the pointed direction, or asked the drones above to bombard them with firepower.

Some Wanluo Federation people wearing Dion Army uniforms took off their uniforms in order not to be accidentally killed by Tianyi mercenaries.

Immediately afterwards, the drone in the sky played a stereoscopic projection video, which showed that the hostages of the controlled spaceships had been rescued, as well as the killed Dion army.

The Wanluo Federation people who were still hesitating put down their weapons and surrendered to the Tianyi mercenaries for protection.

"Everyone, the colonial satellites have gradually come under control. More and more places have stopped fighting. The coerced Wanluo Federation has put down their weapons. The remaining Dion Army is still stubbornly resisting. It is only a matter of time before they are wiped out. Question." Amanda was reporting the current situation live at this time.

The people of the Wanluo Federation who were forced to fight in outer space by driving a corporal, a winged bird, and a monster, were hacked into the channel and saw a picture of their relatives being rescued.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

These Wanluo Federation people immediately turned against Dion's army.

This caused Dion's army to be flanked, and the Dion's army, which was suppressed, could be said to be worse at the moment.

Dion's army could only retreat in embarrassment. After the leader of the Howling Wolf Knights was captured, the morale plummeted, causing more than half of the members to die in this battle. The rest fled back to the mothership and retreated with the army.josei

After the Battle of Colony 87.

Ramir learned from reports from his subordinates that the Bloodthirsty Wolf Regiment had lost a total of nearly 500 mass-produced F91s. Even with the escape pod installed, the pilots were still killed in total around 300 people.

The remaining 200 or so people were rescued.

"Excellent pilots lost 300 people in this battle, and these 300 people are new humans. Li Xiucheng and his shadow mad dog team don't need new humans and don't need to fight with me. Dire Hounds, Doom Angels, Sword and Shield Troops and Crusaders have to compete with them for new humans, it's really nerve-wracking, it's a headache."

At this time, a subordinate contacted Ramir.

"Leader, you have captured another leader of the Knights. With this credit, you may be able to directly ask the boss for a larger allocation, as well as give priority to the selection of outstanding new humans and request to expand the scale."

La Mier's eyes lit up directly, "That's true, maybe you can ask the boss for such credit."

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