Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 281

Chapter 281: Share

Chapter 281: Share

Many media outlets in the Wanluo Federation couldn't stand listening to the speech of the President of the Wanluo Federation, Purvi, who said that Long Fei had stolen the country's advanced technology. Even some experts invited by the media couldn't help but criticize the president.

Said that the Tianyi Group has many technologies that are either more advanced than ours, or technologies that we do not have. How could they steal it?

As a result, the president directly stated in his online book that Long Fei stole their future technology.

This directly caused many domestic media and even experts to accuse him of being a president who dared to make such irresponsible remarks and made an international joke.

Other international media didn't know what to say about the remarks of the new president of the Wanluo Federation. This was the first time they saw such a shameless person.

The official website of Tianyi Group also directly complained: "It's really a shameless person, and the world is invincible."

Regarding the remarks made by the new president of the Wanluo Federation, Long Fei remembered a saying, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Long Fei thought about it, if he really wanted to be thick-skinned, Long Fei would immediately surrender at this point.

The adjusters are used to the life of the mother base and the transformation of the meteorite group.

The adjusters who join the Tianyi Mercenary Corps will be taught to indoctrinate the new members with the idea of being loyal to Long Fei. The idea of indoctrination in the Meitadeng Lijian country is the same, but the target is changed.

However, what is slightly different is that here, at least others will treat them as human beings, and they will not use them as props like those in the United States before, and treat them as garbage after they have no use value. Come and lose.

Britney looked at the Gundam hangar in the distance, looked at each Gundam, and felt that each Gundam had an extraordinary aura.

She looks forward to being able to pilot Gundam one day.

At this time, several children passed by her and said to one of the little girls, "Little sister, wait a minute."

Anjelica turned her head and saw that it was the elder sister who said at that time: "Elder sister, it turns out that you have also joined the Tianyi mercenary group."

"Well, are these two your companions?"

"Yes, they are all my companions. Let me introduce for the eldest sister. This is our senior Yue Yangchun. This is Li Xiang, who is my age but joined earlier than me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is An Jelica, what's your big sister's name?"

"My name is Britney."

Britney looked at Angelica and the three of them as if they were going to the airship and asked, "Where are you going?"

"We're going to continue going to school tomorrow. We haven't been on missions for a while. We have to go to school. I hope we can go out on missions and fight side by side with our big sister."


Britney watched the three of Angelica board the airship, remembering that the adjusters of their age also arranged to go to school.

However, the IQ of the adjusters has always been higher than that of ordinary people. Britney wonders if those adjusters can get along well with ordinary children in class?

The three of Anjelica boarded the airship, Yue Yangchun sat on the far right seat, Lixiang sat next to Yueyangchun, Anjielica wanted to sit with them, but was stared at by Lixiang, so she had to sit on the other side .

Alonso also boarded the airship at this time, found a seat and sat down.

Only then did the airship set off for No. 1 Meteorite Residential Area.

Li Xiang was talking to Yue Yangchun, but Yue Yangchun just dealt with Li Xiang perfunctorily.

Anjelica took the storybook given to her by her companion to read, and Alonso took out the handheld game console to play games.

In the No. 1 Meteorite Residential Area, apart from residential houses, there is also a school, some light industrial factories, and some shops and small shops.

When the airship arrived, Cecilia was already waiting for her brother.

Cecilia looked at Lixiang and the children. Some people and children came to the No. 1 meteorite residential area more than a month ago.

Cecilia has read the news and knows some news. Those new children are just like her younger brother and they are different from ordinary children.

Cecilia was a little worried about whether her brother would be able to blend in with those children?

On the other hand, the adult adjusters are arranged in the residential area. These adjusters are unwilling to join the Tianyi mercenary group, so they are arranged to live in the residential area and given them jobs. The adult adjusters all have a house to live in.josei

Moreover, these adjusters also gave money allowances so that they could buy some daily necessities in shops and canteens.

The adjusters who are over 12 years old and under 18 years old will arrange them to live in the dormitory of the school, and they will also send some special personnel to guide them.

Adjusters under the age of 12 also have their own place of residence, and have a special nanny to take care of them.

In more than a month, the adjuster has fully adapted to life.

Alonso and his sister live in a 50-square-meter house with a living room, kitchen, bathroom and a room.

Yueyangchun, Anjielica and Lixiang all have their own houses with an area of 200 square meters.

The three of Yueyangchun also have a special nanny to take care of their diet and daily life.

Tao Xiang would come over to see her sister when she had time.

When Li Xiang came home, a pink Hello said, "Li Xiang, welcome back, Li Xiang, welcome back."

"Hello, I'm back." Li Xiang picked up the pink Hello, this Harrow was a gift from Long Fei, and it was a toy that Li Xiang couldn't put it down.

Alonso was very envious that the three of them could live in such a big house.

In the morning, apart from adults opening shops or going to work, children go to school.

Yue Yangchun is already a freshman in junior high school, and Lixiang, Anjielica and Alonso are in sixth grade.

The school's curriculum is the same as that of ordinary schools, with different subjects.

The teachers in the school are under a lot of pressure at the moment. The children's IQs are all very high, and they even master the knowledge very quickly. Some children's adjustments have already mastered the knowledge without the need for teachers to teach them.

This kind of thing happened in the schools managed by the headmaster of every school. He asked the administrator in charge of the school whether he wanted to open a school for the adjustment of these high-IQ children.

The administrator informed the superiors, and the superiors also passed the matter on to Long Fei. Long Fei felt that it is indeed possible to build a school for children with high IQs to adjust people. It can teach software, science, chemistry, materials, etc., as long as those children are willing. Come and teach them.

To Long Fei, if these children can be used by him when they grow up, it will be a rare and endless wealth.

On the other side, Li Xiang rejected Anjielica intentionally or unintentionally. As long as Anjielica approached or talked to Yue Yangchun, Li Xiang would be very jealous.

Anjelica didn't know why Rika rejected her.

In fact, Angelica only treats Yue Yangchun as a friend, and has no interest in Yue Yangchun at all.

Li Xiang really likes Yue Yangchun, this is probably the first love of the little girl.

Alonso was the youngest child among the four new human children.

Alonso had always imagined that the three of them could drive Gundams to fight on the battlefield, but his sister's relationship prevented him from realizing his wish.

During get out of class, Lixiang was a little bored. She checked her phone and found the video that her sister had sent her, which was BEYOND THE TIME sung by Long Fei.

Li Xiang watched Long Fei's performance, but she didn't expect Brother Long Fei to sing so well, so she directly shared this performance with all her colleagues.

Sisters Zhou Ya, Pani, etc. all jumped when they saw the video shared by Lixiang. They didn't expect the boss to have such a great singing voice and sing such beautiful songs.

As a result, they also took it and shared it. One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands. Long Fei's performance of BEYOND THE TIME spread to all Tianyi Group in less than an hour.

The official website of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps shared Long Fei's performance of BEYOND THE TIME without informing Long Fei, and it spread all over the world.

All of a sudden, the whole world was shocked.

The hit rate exceeded 2 billion in less than two hours.

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