Chapter 215

Chapter 215

215 Time to Move.

LuoXiang glancing at BeiYau, who grew up in the martial world since childhood and had to give up his family to be killed because of a certain group that attacked and won, BeiYau’s family was in such a losing position that he had to run for his life, and eventually became a disciple of one of the teachers, who recommended him with the royal guards, as what BeiYau thought was his passion all along

Because of BeiYau’s talent and unyielding attitude that could eventually avenge his family, LuoXiang was able to get to know the young man when he was fifteen when BeiYau became his personal bodyguard until now, BeiYau was Sixteen at that time, his ability in martial arts could not be underestimated, even though, he still not his opponent, of course, the Crown Prince, who’s from childhood trained by a divine Master who teaches high-level martial arts to incomparable inner strength, LuoXiang was not even sixteen, when he manages to defeat all of his seniors and even his teacher uncle.

“Heh, there will come a time when they touch the government realm, just waiting for the right time, this is very troublesome, if it’s really a matter of the martial world, most likely the main culprit might not be Governor BaoLi, there is a great person behind him, then, who is he?”


The next morning, the Crown Prince’s entourage was ready to leave Moon village, the horse and carriage were on the way to depart, BaiYing seemed to be standing in front of ManYi, handing something to the young man who opened his eyes wide to see the object in his hand now.

“This, what is it Young Master?” a round plaque with YueYang’s signature engraving and a series of red ropes hanging from it, actually it was a plaque belonging to the special guard of the Crown Prince’s palace, BaiYing had asked the Crown Prince to give it to the young man, who didn’t seem to know what the plaque was.

“Em, this is the capital’s entrance pass plaque, later when you arrive, show the plaque to the guards you meet, and say that if you want to meet BeiYau, they will escort you to him, but, as you promised, you will train very hard to be able to take part in the selection of palace guards, then, we will be able to meet again”

ManYi looked at the plaque in his hand for a moment, barely able to hold his tears, that very important item, and, the young man in front of him, was probably such a powerful person that he could say all of that, ManYi lowered his body to his knees in front of BaiYing.

“My deep regards Young Master” BaiYing was surprised, he tried to help ManYi up.


“ManYi what are you doing?”

But the big man didn’t get up, he knelt down crying.

“Thank you for your help, servant, will practice very diligently, in the future, I will come to the capital and become a palace soldier, and serve you, that is my promise.”

BaiYing smiled, he helped ManYi slowly stand up.

“Hehe that’s good, I’ll be waiting for you, you have to keep your promise,”

ManYi nodded quickly while wiping away the tears that were already running down his cheeks.

“Yes Young Master, servant will come”


Meanwhile, some distance to the east outside the city of MaYang, in a large and spacious cave, it was rather dark with a very quiet atmosphere, almost no sound. In a very large room with a high cave ceiling, a person with a large body and face wearing a mask, in a magnificent wide dress full of black foreign ornaments sat on a large chair at the end of the small stone path, where surrounded by black water, water that was churning as if there was something in it. Guards have seen to be standing tall at the large chair sides.

Footsteps were heard a moment after the large door opened.

A person dressed in white with a white mask half-faced to the nose, patterned by a white raven come to approach, broad luxurious clothes person who from his stature looks like a man with a slender body rather stout, broad shoulders and chest, stopped halfway and bowed his head with one arm crossed, in front of his chest salute.

“Sincerely my King, servant is back.”

The black-masked figure with red eyebrows waved his hand.

“Xing’er, how was it, have you found a suitable youth yet? You know we can’t wait any longer to resurrect TaoLei, it’s been too long.”

Xing’er, the young man standing in front of him raised his head.

“Eh until now, Xing’er hasn’t found it yet Father, but, servant, may have gotten a much better one for TaoLei.”

The round figure who could barely lift himself from his chair straightened his seat.

“What do you mean, better? TaoLei only needs the blood of young adults who have pure Yin energy in their bodies, not all young people have that energy so they are just wasted food for those greedy creatures, this is because the rotten king YueWang, his plan to revive his country was failed, and leave us no choice but to use that monster to fight YueYang, that impudent”

The man standing in the middle of the road smirked.

“Hehe, this time, TaoLei will probably get very good food, father, Yin energy, and blood, of the child who has dragon’s blood”

Hearing this the man sitting on the chair was silent for a moment, as if in thought.

“So, dragons do exist huh? So far the old man hasn’t been imagining things, but, this child with dragon’s blood, is very interesting.”

Laughter sounded as if the man sitting on the chair had already got what he wanted most, and the young man laughed too.

“Hehehehe, Xing’er congratulate Father.”

The pool with dark water on either side of the road was turbulent, occasionally appearing to stick out something slimy and shiny when exposed to the light of an incandescent lamp, resembling tentacles that appeared churning as if laughing along.

“Hahahaha this is great”


The sun is already set when the Crown Prince’s entourage entered Changsan city, their journey will end very quickly, and before dark, they will arrive at the palace, ChangSan is a small town not far from SanPo, it can even be reached in a matter of hours.

BaiYing couldn’t stop admiring the beauty of the sun and the clear sky in accordance with the hustle and bustle of his hometown, where all the faces looked very friendly, smiles and laughter could be heard in every corner of the city, the little children running on the side of the street near the long river that divided ChangSan into two halves, where the shy lovers complimenting each other on the bridge, and not to mention little birds who fly around and perch on the bridge and start singing coquettishly, this was indeed a very beautiful city despite the good and bad memories BaiYing had.

LuoXiang stretched out his hand to spread the curtain of the carriage window where BaiYing was peeking.

“Want to go out?”

BaiYing turned his head to look at the Crown Prince, he nodded quickly.

“Yes, come on, Your Majesty, I know very delicious noodle stall at the end of the road, the stall is selling well, hopefully, there’s still some left for us”

LuoXiang saw BaiYing’s face right in front of him, smiling until his cheeks rounded with a pair of sparkling eyes filled with sparkles stars in it, a face that pleases everyone who sees it.

“Come on, but don’t take too long, we must arrive at the palace before dark.”

BaiYing nodded quickly.

“Emm, of course, Your Majesty”

The group stopped in front of a very busy noodle stall, BeiYau and ShinYa went down first and reserve the tables, before long all the small stalls were filled with his men while the other residents turn their way off, BeiYau stay alert and didn’t want the residents can be near the Crown Prince and BaiYing, no matter how safe the place was, still, everyone had to keep their eyes wide open.

“Wow, it’s very crowded”

BaiYing’s eyes widened, the owner of the stall, AHui approached, a young man in his thirties who was the son of the old man Ye, who owned the stall before, the young man threw a rag on his shoulder while wearing a cheerful face welcoming so many guests who stopped by his shop, it’s a perfect day for his business.

“Customers, please come in, please come in.”

BaiYing, who was currently being led by LuoXiang down the carriage, turned his head, smiling broadly at the young man who greeted him with a slightly bent body.

“Eh ..”

The young man lifted his face just to take a glance at his guest, he stopped his movements seeing a clean shining face smiling at him.

“Young master Hua? This, Young Master?” The man was a bit reluctant to look at BaiYing and the man behind him who had a serious face with an aura that seemed to shine over his head who looked at him intently.

BaiYing smiled widely.

“Hehehe yeah brother Hui, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, how are you?”

Ahui, the young man scratched his head.

“Hehehehe, as you can see Young Master, eh p-please come in, Young Master must come from a long journey, XiaoEr quickly serve the tea!” He exclaimed to the little waiter who helped him, soon a small man ran from inside the stall carrying a medium-sized teapot. josei

“Tea is coming!”


BaiYing and the Crown Prince and the entourage enjoyed their small breakfast, LuoXiang couldn’t help but smile seeing BaiYing enjoying his meal so much.

“You, eat slowly, look at this mess”

BaiYing smiled widely, LuoXiang knew how happy the young man in front of him was to enjoy the little things he missed so much, it didn’t mean much to him, but to BaiYing, those little things were very important.

LuoXiang raised his hand to stroke BaiYing’s top hair which was blown by the wind until it was a bit messy.

“Heh this kid”


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