Chapter 230

Chapter 230

230 On Bright day

Meanwhile at Plum Pavilion.

The sound of the water flowing in the fish pond filled the tranquility of the pavilion, BaiYing sat with his maids spending time painting that afternoon.

Some paints stain looks messy on BaiYing’s cheeks and nose, Yan and Bi also join the painting and determine who will be the winner of best painting, of course, no BaiYing and his maids are excellent painters, all they have been doing since then is just scribble on white paper with irregular shapes and colors. BaiYing even frowned at the result of his own painting.

“Um, where should I put the nose?”

Yan glanced at Bi’s painting, both of them laughed at the results of their respective paintings, both of them were very clumsy when asked to participate and could not refuse Concubine Hua’s request or he would get sulk because of it.

“Hahahaha look at yours, this is so funny, what is this, Bi?” Yan asked, pointing at Bi’s painting, both of their faces and hands were also stained with paint.

“How about yours? It’s so ugly too.”

BaiYing stood up from his seat, looking at his maid’s paintings.

“What is this sis? Didn’t you say that you wanted to paint XiaoQe and XiaoMei?”


BaiYing’s maids glanced at BaiYing’s painting, but neither of them could tell that the painting was bad or she would be very sad, the message from the Crown Prince, that Concubine Hua was in a volatile condition, so everyone should try to cheer him up and always says nice things to him.

“Hehehehe sorry Your Majesty, we are not experts like Your Majesty, we can’t paint at all” Bi said scratching his head, Yan also nodded.

“Heheheh yes Your Majesty”

BaiYing pursed his lips, of course, it was impossible to beat him, he had been practicing painting for a long time, unlike his servant who didn’t have time to study at all, it can’t be helped


Bored of their activities, they decided to take a walk out of the pavilion, just straightening the waist and walking in the afternoon looking at the beautiful scenery of LuiHe lake.

“Wow, the air is so fresh, Sis, look at the sun, it’s orange, it’s very nice,” said BaiYing, seeing the sky starting to turn reddish, the sun might be setting soon.

He walked accompanied by his servants, and also a few small guards behind him, even though the atmosphere of the Crown Prince’s palace was safe but anything could happen, because no class today, FuLan and LuiFan also spent their time relaxing in their respective pavilions, they only get a day off because of ChaiMa’s tight class schedule.

While walking to LuiHe lake, suddenly several people appeared from behind a large rock and rushed towards BaiYing and others, BaiYing refrained from spontaneously releasing the fire again.

“Hey pretty, where are you guys going?”

Everyone including BaiYing was shocked, how could someone suddenly come out from the rock, the guards immediately drew their swords to ward them off.

“Presumptuous! What are you guys doing by appearing in front of Concubine Hua so impolitely!” Yan shouted, Bi opened his arms wide to protect BaiYing who was standing at the back, four tall and dark-skinned people were standing in front of them, his guards on standby.

The men who looked like guards from NuMen, seeing the clothes they were wearing just smiled while licking their lips, Yan and Bi’s beautiful faces as well as the little maids behind them clearly made all the eyes of the people who looked more like giants drool.

“Emh forgive us, but you are so beautiful, come here sweetie”

How impudent, the soldiers from NuMen charged forward to capture Yan and Bi and others, but the palace guards immediately fought them.

BaiYing who was standing at the very back looked around, where were the rest of the guards? Why is this palace a place where foreigners can enter at will? And he can’t use the fire, it’s too terrible and can hurt anyone, he must seek help.

“Sister Yan, Sister Bi!” he called out for his two maids who were trying to dispel the few but very strong people, so easily knocking down the little guards, BaiYing was just about to seek help when something hit his neck, directly hitting his nerves.


His body fell limply, when someone grabbed him so fast, while the two maids were busy dispelling in front of them they didn’t realize that someone had taken the unconscious Consort Hua away.

“Oh no, Your Majesty!”

Yan realized it too late when she saw in an instant someone took Concubine Hua away.

“Your Majesty!!” As soon as BaiYing disappeared the strangers rushed away quickly, after making several guards fall in pain the big tall people like giants ran away quickly.


Bump bump!!!

The sound of footsteps coming from the gate made the Crown Prince and others turn their heads, their conversation still looked serious but the person who entered very quickly and immediately knelt in front of the Crown Prince made him stand up quickly, it was the little guard from the Plum Pavilion.

“Report Your Highness!”



Headache, BaiYing moved, trying to open his very heavy eyes, a headache that almost killed him, his ears slowly heard a noise, his still blurry eyes could see some shadows not far in front of him.

“Prince should wait for the right time, I just studied the situation, and this is not the time” a young man’s voice, followed by another voice.

“You said I could see him whenever I want? This is why I went there with a lot of bodyguards, you said the Crown Prince wouldn’t mind as they would do anything for this cooperation!”

A foreign dialect that was barely recognizable, but BaiYing understood what the man was saying, they, more than one, though blurry and unable to move but BaiYing seemed to see a black shadow, and another white, two people standing not far from the door, but, where is this? Why does his head hurt so much?

The figure standing in front of the person who was none other than Prince LoYi saw BaiYing moving on the couch, inside the room which was probably a room in the pavilion was still decorated like a palace, so they hadn’t left the palace yet.

“Did Prince really give him the Illusory Flower pill? Why is he still able to wake up so quickly?” said the figure.

LoYi turned around, opened his eyes wide to see BaiYing who was bending his legs trying to get up.

“Oh the medicine might be fake, just get out and leave me alone, don’t ever disturb me for this time, okay?”

LoYi quickly pushed the tall figure out and closed the door tightly.


LoYi approached the limp BaiYing and tried to get up, he pushed the young man’s shoulder and made him fall back hard on his luxurious couch, BaiYing who was half-conscious trying to push the person who from the smell alone he knew was not the Crown Prince.

“Ekh let me go”

His vision was still blurry, but he could see a wide smile on the face that was looking at him so closely, that the person went forward and tried to kiss him.

“Hey sweetie, you are so beautiful, today you are lucky because Prince LoYi has chosen you”

BaiYing tried to restrain the person, it was disgusting, he could feel the person licking his cheeks and neck, and trying to kiss his lips, BaiYing raised his hand to hold the person, but he is weak, all his strength seems to be running out, this, is this real or just a dream? Why was he suddenly there?

“No, heh, let go of me”

LoYi smiled widely, his eyes saw BaiYing’s soft and beautiful face while holding back his saliva that didn’t stop dripping, BaiYing’s face at that time was so seductive to him, sad eyes, gentle face, red lips, it is very delicious food. josei

“Ohh you, where have you been all this time? My very pretty fairy”

BaiYing can’t even move his hand to hit the guys, he has no power at all.

“Ach no”


LoYi tugged at BaiYing’s clothes, took off his outer garments and tore his undergarments, unbuckled the young man’s belt and revealed his innocent and smooth chest, BaiYing clenched his fists, he tried hard to hold back the flames that were ready to shoot out of his palms as his automatic defense, he couldn’t do it, but he couldn’t allow himself to be abused.

“Sir, no, don’t do this, eh.”

He clenched his fists trying to release his yellow aura, pushing the man’s body away from him.


The man was being pushed a bit,

“Ah!” however, it wasn’t strong enough, LoYi just backed away due to the energy pressure, the man with a huge stature like a giant was back again holding BaiYing’s two hands above his head.

“Hehehe sweet child, you are very attractive, how can a soft body like this give off such a strong force, the efficacy of my Illusory Flower is no joke, you shouldn’t be able to move for a while, but, this is interesting, I like your fighting spirits”

BaiYing tried to lift his knees to push the man, but his size which was much bigger than LuoXiang didn’t allow him to push him, unless he let out his fire, he didn’t have the strength to fight back, the man disgustedly kissed his neck, creeping up to his chest, licking his stomach, BaiYing’s body reacted with amusement, he continued to rebel.

“Don’t, please let me go, ekh”


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