Chapter 537

Chapter 537

537 a Perfect Plan

Hearing Bai Ying’s innocent question, Fan er and Lan er rolled their eyes upwards, the child in front of her was truly vast and innocent.

“Heh this kid, he meant spontaneous, unexpected, in a place he didn’t expect before, and passionately, don’t let him have time to think, let him do whatever he wants with you, all you have to do just seat tight and enjoy the ride”

Bai Ying widened his eyes, can’t believe what his sisters saying now, his cheek red with embarrassment.

“But, why did Ying do it, sis? Ying doesn’t mind if His Majesty has another concubine, it’s His Majesty’s business, just let him do it, after all, doesn’t sister think he will mind if Xiao Ying teases him? That’s what he’s been waiting for right?”

Bai Ying pursed his lips and looked at his two older sisters with a sharp gaze. Both of them looked suspicious, which made both of them say that to him now after yesterday they were still cursing the Crown Prince.

Lan er noticed Bai Ying’s gaze, so she turned to Fan er and pretended to cry.

“Sister, I told you, didn’t I? This is a bad idea, He won’t follow our idea, we’re finished, Sis.”

Fan Er notice that she also wiped the crocodile tears from the corners of her eyes.

“Yeah, that seems to be the case, well, it can’t be helped, if the Crown Prince has grown tired of Ying er and will dump him in Xian Yang, we can only surrender and bide our time to be expelled to that cold palace, that cold and pitiful place, we will spend our old age sadly.”


The two of them burst into tears, leaving Bai Ying stuttering and not knowing what to do.

“Eh, sisters, what do you mean by that? Is His Majesty going to throw Ying er into Xian Yang? Who told you that?” Bai Ying exclaimed.

Fan er wiped her tears.

“Yes sister, the Crown Prince said that if he was getting tired of you and intends to leave you at old general Po’s house, according to him, he has no choice because brother is so boring”

Lan Er nodded.

“That’s right brothers, that’s what His Majesty said yesterday afternoon” josei

Bai Ying pursed his lips, his eyes looking far away sharply.

“That Crown Prince, how could he ever get tired of Ying, you bastard... but, Ying doesn’t matter, sis, after all, Ying er is also going back to Xin Hua, and can’t accompany the Crown Prince to old age right?”

Hearing that, his two concubine brothers cried even louder.

“Akkh, look sis, Xiao Ying doesn’t care about us anymore, what should we do now?”

“Huaaa, we’re finished”

Bai Ying scratches his head. Both look so miserable.

“Then what is Ying have to do? Did Ying know how to seduce people? Just like Ying ever did that.”

Again the two concubines stopped their crocodile cries, and both of them drew closer to Bai Ying.

“Of course,, you can, brother, here, let us teach you how,” whispered Fan Er.

And that was the story until Bai Ying was willing to sacrifice his body so that his two older sisters would not be expelled from the palace, this was an affliction for Bai Ying! Although it turns out that he likes it too, his heart beats very fast with a warm air spreading throughout his body, he loves the Crown Prince’s kiss and the two big hands that touch every inch of his bare skin.

“Ah, Your Majesty slows down,” Bai Ying whispered.

The Crown Prince couldn’t possibly let go of this opportunity, was he a fool? There was such delicious food waiting for him to enjoy, why would he waste it, and, it seemed that his plan to threaten Bai Ying’s two sisters came to fruition too, very fast than he thought.

Fan er and Lan er widened their eyes after hearing what the Crown Prince said after He summoned the two to come to the Eagle pavilion to talk to him towards the evening and said things that left both of them speechless, unable to speak. The two could only look at each other for a moment before turning back to the Crown Prince.

“Eh, Y-Your Majesty mean... uh, leaving Xiao Ying in Xian Yang, and, throw us away, to the cold palace?” asked Fan er.

Luo Xiang who was enjoying his tea casually put the cup back in its place. He turned to the two beauties in front of him who didn’t have to wait for the Crown Prince’s reply to know that he was serious enough with his words.

“B-but Your Majesty, how could Your Majesty do that? Xiao Ying is His Majesty’s favourite, right? What’s wrong with that poor kid?” asked Lan er, daring to look at the Crown Prince even if it meant he would be angry.

There was the sound of a sigh from the Crown Prince.

“Well, it can’t be helped, that kid doesn’t want to live here anymore, he seems to be bored too, lost his love, heh, couldn’t help but let him go as he wished”

Fan er and Lan er couldn’t believe what they heard, and both of them bowed deeply.

Until the Crown Prince’s voice made both of them raise their heads quickly.


“Unless what, Your Majesty,,” Fan Er asked quickly.

Luo Xiang looked at his two concubines for a long time, leaning his back on his chair.

“Unless that kid can remember his love for me, maybe, I won’t leave him there and throw you guys into the cold palace”

While kissing Bai Ying’s lips and neck, Luo Xiang smiled, his plan to threaten the two concubines to persuade Bai Ying turned out to be fruitful. Also, it’s not useless to act in front of the two.

“Chup Chup, emh my Ying Ying, you taste so sweet”


The embers that burned the small building had just been extinguished, still leaving smoke among the bodies lying on the wide field in the middle of the valley that had been the battle arena from the night to before sunrise. The battlefield now looks like a mass grave with the bodies of all young and old men in clothes resembling clan members, there are at least three clans fighting because of different types of clothing.

From the end of the road, several men on horses stopped and looked around, as seen from the flags and clothes worn by the men on horseback were none other than city officials on duty.

The one at the front was probably the leader receiving the report from his subordinates on the horse beside him.

“There are reports from residents about fighting that started last night, residents said all these people gathered from nowhere and did not stop attacking each other from night to dawn. For fear that no one dared to look, until this morning several residents dared to look and found everyone dead here.” said the young man.

The man beside him saw the bodies that all died in almost the same condition, there must be someone who managed to escape right? There’s no way everyone just died there. He raised his hand asking his men to examine the corpse closest to him.

“Try to check which clan they came from. And be careful, from their bodies it looks like they died in the same condition, it could be poisonous.”

Several of his men got off the horse and examined the body carefully, the body of the dead youth with so many wounds on his body, but his face and skin were blackened, like poisoning. Seeing that, the city officials stepped aside.

“It looks like it’s really poisoned, sir, their bodies are black and smell bad,” exclaimed one of the subordinates who immediately returned to his place.

The man who was still sitting quietly on his horse thought, seeing so many fallen corpses, and as far as the eye could see all of them probably died in the same way.

“Heh, they are starting to act, bring reinforcements and burn all these bodies here, use body armour and face covers, I don’t want you to be exposed to residual poison or whatever, we have to go back and report to the General about this matter”

His men answered in unison.

“Yes, sir!”

“This is getting bold, the battle of these clans, they have dared to cross the line,” said the man.

Not long after, at General Po’s grand residence in Xian Yang. General Po received several local officials who had come to discuss their territory’s recent problems, including how the clan battles had begun to spread to the residents’ housing.

The old general with almost white hair stroked his short beard. Thinking out loud.

“Hmm, this is a complicated matter, while we can’t interfere in their affairs”

“But this is already out of line, General, peoples could get hurt of it,” said the old officials who were non-other than the Xian Yang’s border city, Fu An’s regent.

General Po deepn in thought.

“Heh, we have to be careful on how to take care of this matter, this is not what government can deal with, the line is so obvious drew, and if we cross it, they might be trying to do the same, and that’s couldn’t be allowed to happens”


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