Chapter 560

Chapter 560

560 Missed

Luo Xiang’s eyes widened, in an instant, Bei Yau was already standing in front to block the object that was flying fast and almost hit Bai Ying.

The sound of metallic clinks was loud as Bei Yau raised his sword to ward off the secret weapon-like object.

“Your Highness be careful!”

Everyone was shocked by what happened, not to mention Luo Xiang who threw his hand in the air to block another object that flying at them. Throw the weapon back to wherever it came from, and a loud groan was heard.


The participants who were on the sidelines held their breath when the sudden incident slammed one of the competitors who was competing in the middle of the field hard to the ground.

So fast, not even a second, whatever the object was flying back to her and pierced through her shoulder. Making her fall to the ground and vomit blood from her mouth, the tiny object was indeed powerful.

“What happened?”

The voices of the participants were instantly crowded. Bei Yau and several bodyguards from General Po’s residence immediately stood in front of the Crown Prince and Bai Ying, forming a formation to block any further attacks that could occur.


“Presumptuous! Who dared to attack!” cried Bei Yau who raised his sword high towards the participants in the centre of the field who were none other than the Purple Plum clan, the tiny flying object was from them.

One of the clan members had fallen to the ground holding her bloody shoulder, her eyes widened at the sight of the guards who had pointed sharp sword tips at the several young veiled female participants.

The one at the very front lowered her body deeply.

“Please forgive us, our weapons missed, please forgive us!” cried the young woman.

Luo Xiang pulled his lips in annoyance. He looked at Bai Ying who was still shocked by what had happened, how could the tiny dangerous weapon miss that far?

He check on Bai Ying whose eyes were still wide in surprise, not even following what just happened.

“Is Ying Ying all right?” he asked.

Bai Ying nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I’m fine. I didn’t even see anything, Guard Bei was great at it.”

Bei Yau pointed the tip of his sword at the woman who lowered her body in front of everyone.

“There’s no way that object could miss, what exactly are you guys doing?” Bei Yau restrained himself, he couldn’t have shouted that the assailant was presumptuous in pointing their weapon at the Crown Prince. Apart from General Po and Sang Guan Yi Lu, the other participants didn’t know who the Crown Prince and Bai Ying really were.

The young lady raised her head to look at Bei Yau with her beautiful but sharp eyes. Bei Yau’s eyes widened, he seemed to recognize those eyes and especially the face behind the veil that was shown only to Bei Yau.

“Y-You are”

It was Chai Ni, the Princess of Dai Yang who was now smiling widely at the young guard. Bei Yau shifted his position showing the princess to the Crown Prince. Luo Xiang pulled his lips, how could the princess be there? Due to the guards covering the women in the centre, apart from Bei Yau and the Crown Prince, no one could see the princess’s face, but Lo Yi who was standing in his place among his clan members clenched his fists, it seemed he already knew.



Bai Ying and Bi walked slowly back to the villa accompanied by a few bodyguards behind them. The young man seemed to purse his lips while twirling the leaves that were still on the stems in his hands.

“Hemh, but what is that Princess doing here huh? And, she can fight, it looks like her martial arts is not an ordinary figment” thought Bai Ying.

Bi who was walking behind him almost bumped into Bai Ying who stopped suddenly.

“Eh Your Majesty”

Bai Ying turned his body, why did he just obey when the Crown Prince told him to leave?

The Crown Prince asked him to go back to the villa while he was talking with that girl, and why did he just allow that? What was he thinking? Let the two alone. That’s too good for the Crown Prince while the Princess looks so sexy and attractive in those thin layered clothes.

Without thinking too much he walked back towards the entrance hall where the match was.

Bi immediately followed him.

“Your Majesty, where are you going?” she exclaimed.

Bai Ying waved her hand at Bi.

“Come on, sis, let’s see what they are talking about,” said Bai Ying running towards the competition area.

“Your Majesty.”

Bi tries to persuade Bai Ying to stop but the young man looks excited already.

“Your Majesty, we can’t go back there, what if His Majesty see us? He will so angry”

After a short jog, Bai Ying finally arrived at the backyard of the hall.

He was just about to head into the assembly room when he saw a group of young women from Purple Plum exit the hall, one of whom was Chai Ni who even though she was wearing a veil could still recognize her.

“Hey, it’s over, we’re late, sis.”

Bai Ying was going to meet the Crown Prince and accompany him until the event ended, but, he stopped in his tracks. Seeing from a distance Lo Yi who was standing near the tree seemed to be waiting for the princess to pass. Well, it’s not strange, Lo Yi and Chai Ni are siblings they must miss each other after a long time apart. However, Bai Ying was surprised to see Lo Yi who was so rude pulling Chai Ni’s hand towards him to stand behind the big trees.

Bai Ying couldn’t hear what they were talking about but from the expression on Lo Yi’s face, it didn’t seem like it was just a casual greeting. Bai Ying leaned against a nearby tree, he pulled Bi’s hand closer.

“Sis, what are they talking about?” he whispered.

Bi shrugged not knowing.

“I don’t know Your Majesty, we can’t hear anything from here” whispered Bi.

Bai Ying looked around, Lo Yi and Chai Ni were standing near the small room that Grandpa Po used to store all of the soldiers’ equipment. Bai Ying immediately grabbed Bi’s hand and led her to the back of the warehouse.

“Come on sis, let’s find out”

Bi couldn’t resist when Bai Ying’s hand pulled her.

“Your Majesty, what are we going to do?” whispered Bi.

“Moreover, of course, hearing what they have to say, it looks fun.”

The young man, on these couple of days, has new hobbies, that eavesdropping and listening to other people’s business. Staying too long in General Po’s residence with many guests and doing nothing makes him so bored. Although Crown Prince already warns him to not be too curious about what that not his concern, he just can’t help it.

He and Bi stopped behind the wall not far from Lo Yi and Chai Ni, they can hear what they talking about from there.

Lo Yi held Chai Ni’s hand tightly as if to hurt her. His big eyes looked at his sister.

“What are you going to do here?” asked Lo Yi.

Chai Ni pulled her hand from Lo Yi’s large palm.

“What else, my clan and I are joining the match too, can’t you see it, big brother?” she asked back.

Lo Yi stared at Chai Ni with wide eyes.

“You know that’s not what you came here for, I’ll warn you, Ni, all your plans won’t work. What do you think you doing? You do not even win against a quarter of the participants”

Chai Ni smirked, she looked at Lo Yi with big eyes. Not like the Chai Ni he used to show everyone except her brother. Also, Bai Ying was standing behind the storehouse wall now.

“Just give up Ni, you can go back to the palace without any problems, Father will forgive you, you think you can avenge yourself in this way? You have a bright future, you can get a high position without having to try, why bother to seek revenge that you do not fully understand, it’s not even clear what it’s all about.”

“What do you mean not clear? All of this is very clear, I know what I’m going to do and big brother can’t stop it, now, stay away from me and don’t interfere in this matter, or you will suffer the consequences too” Chai Ni exclaimed with a face holding back emotions.

Bai Ying covered his mouth. What had he heard just now?

“Hoh” did they hear what he shouldn’t hear?

He turned his head and pulled Bi away.

“Come on, Sis, let’s just go.”

The young man was about to turn around very slowly so that no one would know until he accidentally stepped on a dry twig that made a loud sound. josei

Bai Ying and Bi opened their eyes wide, they must have heard that right?

“Who is that!” Chai Ni exclaimed.

Bai Ying was just about to turn his head when suddenly something shot towards him. Instantly knocked him and Bi down hard on the ground.


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