Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: Chapter 41

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

While Sui Xiong was busy with the gaming business, the deposit-transfer system of Manissy, the Goddess of Wealth, finally began to work.

Checking the deposits was a very important thing. After the check, Manissy was surprised to find that nearly twenty percent of the deposits of the wealthy people in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth were dead accounts. After calculating the total amount, it made up a huge number that surprised even the Goddess of Wealth.

The deposits of the Goddess of Wealth weren’t preserved inside the temple, but in a space that only the Goddess knew. Over the years, some temples had been broken into. Those who had broken into the temples had all grabbed many treasures. However, actually, none of them had ever grabbed even a single gold coin from the deposits.

To take the money, one had to kill the Goddess of Wealth first.

Although it wasn’t possible to steal the deposits, if all the people who knew the about deposits were dead, or the owner of the deposit and the intended heir were dead, then the deposit would lose its meaning and turn into a dead account.

More importantly, there were quite a lot of secret deposits in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth. The origin of this money was usually a bit problematic. It was either as small as a browbeaten husband’s private money, or as big as a major thief’s fortune that had accumulated for many years, all of which couldn’t be exposed. Although it was said that the bishops of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth wouldn’t reveal their secrets, it was the safest for them that even the bishops didn’t know their identities.

So when they died and didn’t leave clues for future generations, the money was unclaimed.

The money was stored in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, and it was necessary to pay custodian fees, but the fee wasn’t large. It might have been unbearable for merchants, but for many richer people, it wasn’t a big deal, completely acceptable.

As a result, a secret was a secret, and security was security. However, finally, the secret and the security both became dead accounts...

After the Goddess of Wealth had sorted out these dead accounts, she ordered her believers to find the heirs to the accounts after thinking.

Except for the money that had been thieves’ deposits and shouldn’t have been exposed, she obliged the church to start searching, trying to find the legal heirs to the money and delivering the deposits of the rest that were able to be exposed.

This wasn’t an easy task. Some of the accounts that were relatively recent were fine, but the old accounts were hard to track down. It might have taken several years, or more than ten, to find the heir to a deposit. The manpower and material resources spent during it might have even been worth more than the amount of the deposits.

However, the Goddess of Wealth didn’t see it that way. To her, manpower and material resources were nothing. Instead, it was the key to being able to prove her credit and fight to gain faith.

As long as she could prove the reliability of the deposit-transfer system, she didn’t care about the cost!

The higher-ups didn’t care about the costs, so the errand boys naturally worked more efficiently. Not long after, the bishops of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth found the heirs to more than a dozen big and small dead accounts.

Although the world was mostly plagued by natural disasters and man-made crimes, human beings had an equally strong vitality and reproductive ability. Even if the direct heirs were gone, they could still find somewhat suitable heirs.

Thus, the archbishop of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth personally took the lead and held a grand and solemn ceremony to deliver the long-lost deposits to the heirs who knew nothing about them.

Some of those heirs were successful in their careers, but more were poor and downtrodden—this was normal, because their ancestors were so unlucky that even the deposits hadn’t been passed down. Since even the large deposits had been lost, could they expect to gain any help from their ancestors?

The worst one of the heirs had even become a beggar. When the priest of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth found him, he had been lying on the corner in a small town. Several wounds on his body had been infected. He had been so skinny that he wasn’t far from death. There had been even a few mice who had been biting him, intending to eat him alive.

The priest of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth had been shocked, then had hurriedly driven the mice away. First, he had made him drink a valuable potion, then had taken him to the Void Mask Land to clean up his body and give him treatment at the Red Pig Clinic.

The poor beggar had laid in the clinic for a long time and received more than ten divinity treatments before finally recovering. There were a lot of scars on his body, especially on his left arm that had been bitten by the mice. It was a shocking sight.

Although these scars could be eliminated, he refused the suggestion and was determined to keep these scars, which reminded him that he must be careful to spend money in the future and never fall into such a situation again!

He didn’t receive much of an inheritance, only 100 gold coins. It was interesting to say that the money had been left by a businessman called “Boof” by his ancestors. The businessman had been a browbeaten husband, but he had liked philanthropy. He had always tried to save money and had gradually saved up a small amount. Once, he’d had a distant business trip, but he had been afraid that the money might have been discovered by his wife. Therefore, he had stored it in the Church of the Goddess of Wealth. Unexpectedly, he had been so fortunate on this trip that he had become a baron in another country. Therefore, he had hurriedly picked up his wife, children, and servants to go there. Because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t found time to go to the temple to withdraw the money. He had planned to wait for spare time in the future. However, he had been busy all the time... In the end, he had forgotten about it.

The descendants of Boof had not lived well. The final result of the branch of the direct line had been to follow a group of elves and monsters to explore the distant sky, and they had never come back. The distant bloodlines had also been dying, and the only person left was this beggar, who was jokingly called “Weak Bird.”

Weak bird was certainly not his real name, just a nickname. This beggar had originally been called “Big Bird,” but he had been physically weak. Although he had a big frame, he had always been bullied by others. Thus, he had earned the nickname Weak Bird.

One hundred gold coins weren’t worth mentioning to a powerful person like Felix, who was looking for ways to break into the legendary realm. It wasn’t a big number for experienced adventurers, either. However, for poor Big Bird, it was a large number. Fortunately, for good press, the Goddess of Wealth didn’t charge him custodian fees or ask him to pay for the divinity treatments, and even paid for his medical expenses. Otherwise... He might have only kept the money for a few days, and then he would have had to spend all of it, with not even a copper coin left.

The Church of the Goddess of Wealth used the story of Weak Bird as advertising, which had a very good effect. Many people thought that since the Church of the Goddess of Wealth would help a beggar find his money, then their deposits would definitely be safe. The number of deposits increased greatly in a short time. With careful calculations, they could earn much more through custodian fees.

This made both the Goddess of Wealth and her followers happy. Was there anything better in the world than gaining fame and fortune at the same time?

Of course, the Church of the Goddess of Wealth wasn’t likely to use only an insignificant matter such as Weak Bird to publicize, so they quickly found a bigger matter.

It was the deposit of a successful businessman from the the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs more than 300 years before.

The businessman had been evil for many years. When he had grown old, he had suddenly been moved by a priest of the God of Knight, determined to change his evil spirit. He had participated in the movement against the Church of the God of Fear. With his clever methods, the subordinates of the evil God had suffered a big loss that had destroyed their huge conspiracy.

However, in the world, a good person might not always have a good return. The believers of the God of Fear had come back a few years later and looked for an opportunity to kill the businessman, his whole family, and the assistants who had been working in his shop. The Church of the God of Knight had been furious, so they had dispatched two legendary fighters and dozens of advanced priests and knights. It had taken more than half a year to finally kill all the believers of the God of Fear.

Although the murderers had died, the deceased could not be resurrected. The resurrection spells of this world had been severely restricted. After the believers of the God of Fear had committed crimes, they polluted the bodies of every victim with evil spells to cut off the possibility of their resurrection.

This incident had a great influence. However, no one had known that on the morning of the day of the attack, the businessman had suddenly felt a strong warning sign in his heart, so he had hurriedly visited the Church of the Goddess of Wealth and deposited a huge sum of money.

One reason why the believers of the God of Fear had wanted to kill him had been revenge. On the other hand, they had wanted to plunder his wealth. After the attack, the shop and the house were a mess, leaving almost nothing worthwhile. The archbishop who had helped with the deposit had visited the businessman at that time and happened to be involved in the attack by the mob. He had been killed during the fight, so everyone had thought that all the money had fallen into the hands of the mob. No one had thought of going to the Church of the Goddess of Wealth to check. Even the Church of the Goddess of Wealth hadn’t expected that the deceased archbishop had made a transaction before his death.

Therefore, the money had become a dead account. Its existence wasn’t discovered until the Goddess of Wealth checked the accounts more than 300 years later.

This businessman had a distant relative, who had been an adventurer. Later, one of his descendants had lived well and even became an aristocrat. He was now a viscount of the the Kingdom of Thousands of Springs.

The viscount was a believer of a Goddess with weak Divine Power, the Goddess of Flowers. He had won the favor of the church and the Goddess because he liked to donate to the church. When the Church of the Goddess of Wealth had visited him at his home and told him that his ancestor had left him a huge sum of money, his first reaction had been to donate the money to the Church of the Goddess of Flowers to promote the building of the church.

Later, he did exactly that.

The amount of the money had been astonishing, even shocking the Goddess herself. She had specially sent an avatar to land, blessed the devout believer, and promised to protect his family for a long time.

This incident was much more influential than the lucky beggar. It not only spread quickly across the continent of the main plane, but also shook the Gods. josei

No one had expected that the Goddess of Wealth would profit from the Goddess of Flowers, who didn’t have a good relationship with her!

They must have known that the Goddess of Flowers had participated in the alliance of the Gods who had sieged the previous God of Wealth. She had also threatened Manissy to make an oath that she would never seek to “control wealth” when she became a God.

After this, the credit of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth Church had finally been affirmed. Therefore, the deposit-transfer system was finally being promoted.

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