Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 371

Chapter 371

Chapter 371: Chapter 81

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The gift sent by the night watchman Sleeplessness was not only beyond Yan Xun’s expectation, but it was also exactly what he needed.

For a long time, the lack of high-ranking followers had been a major problem for Yan Xun. It was not only a problem for him but also the most difficult problem for all new gods.

Followers were the foundation of the God’s Kingdom and faith. A god must have as many followers as possible for faith was the quickest source of Divine Powers. Otherwise, he had to take the natural road of strengthening his Divine Powers little by little over a long period of time.

Of course, depending on faith to strengthen their Divine Powers was a very dangerous thing. From ancient times to the present, there were many gods who had suffered great losses or even died that way, thus transforming into ugly appearances dominated by their faith. When they finally died, they often found that if they did not accept so many followers at first, even if their Divine Powers were not as strong as they were now, they would never have died so quickly.

But Yan Xun did not have to consider this at present because he had few followers and they were not enough to form a strong faith. For any god, this was not worth mentioning at all.

Not everyone was qualified to be “dominated by faith.” At least, one’s accumulation of faith had to reach mid-level Divine Power. Who had ever heard of a weak-level Divine Power being dominated by faith? That was totally impossible.

From the perspective of a god, it was imperative for Yan Xun to do the following two things: Firstly, he had to seek a clergy that fit his ideas, and he had already had a good goal for that. No gods in the world had occupied the clergy of “progress” and “development” so there was no need for him to worry about conflicts with other gods. Secondly, he had to gain more followers to strengthen his faith, which was what he was doing now. But he still did not gain many followers even though he was very kind and powerful. Up to now, the number of his followers... the number of extensive followers was quite large... but they were not strong enough to enter the God’s Kingdom.

All right... just don’t count the exact numbers of the followers who were strong enough to enter the God’s Kingdom and give the big jellyfish some credit.

Yan Xun also worried about the second thing, but the piety of his followers was not easy for him to change. He could not think of any better ways for a while. However, the gift sent by the night watchman gave him a new idea.

“Why do I have to wait for more pious followers? Why can’t I collect the soul fragments, gather them together and make new independent souls by myself?” After saying goodbye to Javier, he sat in a secluded corner of the God’s Kingdom, thinking and talking to himself.

Undoubtedly, it was not hard for him. The night watchman’s box gave him great inspiration, and there no encryption technology inside that box. It only took a little time for him to deduce the techniques used inside that box.

Of course, this kind of technique was of little significance to most gods. Only the department of the Night Gods who had failed and revitalized it several times could study this magic. The common gods had to just wait two or three hundred years to accumulate more followers. josei

Yan Xun did not want to wait patiently for two or three years, so at present, it seemed that he had no other choice other than to adopt the techniques.

Therefore, he sighed deeply and began to observe the box carefully, analyzing the wonderful techniques of the artificial souls.

If the basis of essence was the molecule or the atom, then the basis of the soul could be called spirit. Those tiny particles did not contain power themselves, but they could absorb the power of roots in the world and gather together under its impetus, condensing into many soul fragments. Numerous fouls fragments were in the underworld river, running along the world’s circle and were ultimately purified and merged into a sea of souls.

When living creatures were born, the sea of souls would ripple, and there would be souls pouring into it. Sometimes, when there were so many souls pouring into the sea of souls that it would create powerful creatures with strong souls; but sometimes, it would also create some pitiful creatures with weak souls.

The sea of souls was a forbidden zone in the whole world, and almost no living creatures could get close to it. This was not because they were not strong enough but because this zone had been forbidden by the Master of Order. In the past years, some evil gods had tried to get small gains in the sea of souls, but they all ended up with being killed by the Master of Order, leaving only their wails echoing in the sea before they were completely destroyed

No matter which way they adopted to the sea of souls, as long as you got close to it, you would hear the moaning, and that was an obvious warning meaning that “friend, you stepped on the line.”

What would happen if they move forward to the sea of souls? No one knew because none had come back alive.

Of course, Yan Xun did not intend to die in the sea of souls. He just sent his incarnation to the underworld.

He just needed a few soul fragments to finish his research, and he could just collect some from the underworld river. Anyway, there were always exhausted souls that were ready to collapse at any time.

Before going to the underworld river, he made a special circle and looked at the Shadow Devil from a distance.

It had been a decade since they fought with each other. The Shadow Devil who had some problems with Yan Xun and owned Satan a life did not get much better. He still lay there half-dead and was even worse than before, showing a sense of despair.

It was perhaps because of his new neighbor.

The Death Knight, Greg, always held his head, rode on a skeleton horse and muttered philosophical questions like, “Who am I?” He was really nasty.

Since Greg had been sent to the underworld to be a neighbor of the Shadow Devil by Yan Xun’s transmission magic, he had enjoyed a happy and full life every day. He got up very early in the morning, tidied himself up and visited his neighbors.

Facing the Shadow Devil who had lost the ability to move and fight, Greg could not stop talking with this old neighbor whom he had known for a long time. He talked about such magnificent and profound topics such as the world, life, ideals, existences, the future, and the universe. Greg lost his train of thought in the conversations and talked from morning to night without a break.

If he hadn’t retained the basic etiquette of bidding farewell to the Shadow Devil every night and returning to his simple cabin, the Shadow Devil would have been killed by his endless conversation just like some little monsters in the novel A Journey to the West.

No, perhaps the Shadow Devil wanted to die, but he could not die himself.

Yan Xun smiled with satisfaction as he watched the friendly conversation from afar between the Death Knight who was holding his head and the Shadow Devil who was lying down like dead wood.

I’m such a good friend of Greg’s!

Yan Xun silently praised himself from helping Greg becoming a neighbor of the Shadow Devil and left carefully without leaving any traces.

Because he was in a good mood right now, the gloomy and dark underworld river had become a pleasant scene for Yan Xun.

He randomly chose some souls that were collapsing at present, easily collecting sufficient soul fragments for his research, and returned to the God’s Kingdom.

“Now it’s time to witness miracles!” He waved his tentacles and encouraged himself in high spirits.

As for whether it would work or not... even the perverted pedo could succeed so why would he fail?

It was impossible for him to fail because of his good moral quality compared to that perverted watchman.

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