Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Chapter 63

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Judging from Steele’s wounds, Sui Xiong thought her condition wasn’t that serious: only an excessive loss of blood and severe poisoning. Sui Xiong thought it would take nothing more than an advanced restoration spell to save her.

But when Sui Xiong tried to save her, something weird happened. Steele’s soul was going through some strange transformation.

The wounds, blood loss, and poisoning weren’t so difficult for him to deal with; all he needed to do was heal her wounds, restore some blood, and remove the poison from her body, which were quite easy tasks for a god.

A magnificent stream of magic flew into Steele’s body, full of abundant nutrition. Steele’s body quickly began to heal as new blood was generated in her body and the toxins were cleansed. Soon her body was revived.

However, Steele still didn’t wake up. Instead, Sui Xiong could feel her soul quaking severely, and it was really unpleasant. Sui Xiong carefully considered this and realized that her soul might be making some sort of connection with a being far away.

Sui Xiong had read about this in the materials from the God of Redemption. This phenomena was called the “conversion to a holy spirit after making connection with a God”.

In this world, one’s belief could be either strong and weak, and there was a certain group of people who were widely admired. These were no frantic believers who were willing to sacrifice themselves for the god they believed in, but those who understood and upheld the doctrine of a specific god, living by his principles in their daily lives. They were like human embodiments of the god living among the masses, even if they themselves weren’t certain of the god’s existence.

They were called Saints, and their unshakeable belief was referred to as Holy Belief.

When a Saint died, his soul would then resonate with a certain god and became a holy spirit. A holy spirit was a creature with the stature of a half-god and had a power that was nearly as strong as a god. Saints were the most powerful followers of that god.

Besides, when a god suddenly vanished, as long as he had a holy spirit, they would help manage his priesthood temporarily and keep his magic power working, so that his Holy Kingdom would not collapse. Then after a while, because the Holy Kingdom still existed, the god could be reborn, or he could be revived via the body of the holy spirit.

All this meant that for a god, a holy spirit was as precious as an extra life or 1-up in a video game.

But Sui Xiong would never have thought that a slutty woman like Steele, who even wanted to have sex with a huge dragon before she died, could be a holy spirit!

Holy sh*t! Was there really such a tolerant god in this world? And the good gods wouldn’t mind or object to this?

Sui Xiong was complaining while looking through the materials, trying to find out which god would have a holy spirit like Steele. However, he could not find the answer.

Seeing Steele’s soul tremble more and more as it prepared to go through the transition, Sui Xiong became very curious and immediately sent a request for help to the God of Redemption, who was very experienced among all the gods.

The God of Redemption quickly answered Sui Xiong’s request. A magical power came from the sky and examined Steele. The God of Redemption recoiled a bit and was rather disgusted by this scene.

“This is really repulsive!” the God of Redemption said. “This woman is just a lunatic who upheld the principles of the King of Sex and Lust! Technically, this woman is a holy spirit, but she is a holy spirit for an evil god.”

The God of Redemption was indeed disgusted by Steele’s soul and left immediately. He simply left a message for Sui Xiong explaining who this God of Sex and Lust really was.

In a word, the God of Sex and Lust was the god version of Steele.

“Your Majesty, what is going on?” Ray was a smart guy, and when he saw Sui Xiong suddenly pull his tentacles back as another magical power quickly appeared and then disappeared, he instantly knew something had just happened!

“There’s been an...unexpected development,” Sui Xiong explained to Ray. “Steele is actually a holy spirit, and her soul began the transition when she almost died. I have managed to fix her body, but I can not stop her soul from transitioning. It seems like you really won’t be able to keep your promise this time.”

“What?! An evil god?!” Ray was surprised and said hurriedly, “Then why haven’t you stopped her!”

Sui Xiong was stunned by Ray’s words and said, “If she is going to become a holy spirit, then let her. Why on Earth should I stop her?”

“But she is a holy spirit for an evil God! Which means there is one more evil God in this world now!”

Sui Xiong finally realized this and explained, “The King of Sex and Lust is actually not an evil being. He simply encourages people to have sex and purports the idea that all happiness and art derives from sex. He also believes that sex should be something pure and holy, something that can live without the feeling of love, something everyone should pursue throughout life. This theory is a bit shocking, but not bad.”

“But...but...” Ray stammered a few times, failing to find a proper reason to contradict him. Either way, he felt something was not right: being the holy spirit of an evil God was not a good thing, yet he couldn’t put his finger on what the problem really was.

As more time passed, Steele’s soul eventually stopped trembling, and it had changed completely. She still looked exactly like she had when she was alive, although the leather armor she’d worn had turned into a black and half-transparent silk which, apart from her most private areas, vaguely revealed her naked body. Since the silk clothing was very tight, the contour of her privates could also be seen. She looked much more attractive than if she had been wearing nothing at all.

On her back, there was a pair of delicate wings. The skeleton of the wings was black, while the wings were red, similar to those of a bat. The wings were half-folded and looked rather cute. Moreover, there was a long black tail coming from her butt, and on the end of the tail, was a heart-shaped awl.

In fact, Steele did not look evil at all; instead she was more attractive and sexy than she was before in life. Steele’s soul gradually stood up from her body, clearly confused about her current situation while looking at her own body.

At this moment, a powerful energy came down from the sky along the path connecting Steele’s soul with the King of Sex and Lust, targeting the new holy spirit.

“Alas!” Sui Xiong was surprised and immediately blocked the energy from harming her. He realized that the energy was indeed powerful, and if Steele’s soul was hit, she would vanish in the blink of an eye. Moreover, Sui Xiong could clearly feel that this power came from the King of Sex and Lust!

“What are you doing? Why on earth do you want to kill your own holy spirit?” Sui Xiong said telepathically along the still-open path.

Soon, a light flashed, and someone said in a very attractive voice, “I do not need a holy spirit!”

“Why?” josei

The King of Sex and Lust did not reply. Instead he initiated another attack on Steele’s soul. This time, the strike was far more intense the the last one, and it took far more strength for Sui Xiong to withstand it.

Sui Xiong became furious and began to curse, “You don’t need a holy spirit, so you want to kill it? Are you insane?! I will teach you a lesson!” Then Sui Xiong transformed his magical power into a icy blue lightning bolt aimed at the King of Sex and Lust.

Since the distance between the two was quite far, Sui Xiong had no idea whether he’d hit the target or not. But later, when he saw the King of Sex and Lust had stopped attacking, he knew he’d hit the bullseye.

After being hit by the icy blue lightning, the King of Sex and Lust stopped, sent a message via telepathy along the path, and then cut the connection all together.

The message was about why he didn’t need a holy spirit: in fact, the King of Sex and Lust had become a god in charge of the priesthood of sex, but he didn’t want to follow the rule of a god—”his individuality must come after the priesthood”— so he gave up his priesthood and became an evil god. For a god, a holy spirit was like an extra life. But for an evil god like him, if he had a holy spirit, when he disappeared and wanted to be reborn, he would have to be reborn with the identity of a god rather than the way he wanted.

The King of Sex and Lust would never allow this sort of thing to happen; he who was proud and stubborn, and he would rather die than sacrifice his freedom! So he made his choice, which was to kill his holy spirit.

He also warned Sui Xiong, “Since you are already involved in this business and have stopped me from killing my holy spirit, it is yours now. If she becomes a barrier for me in the future, I shall see it as a declaration of war from you, and if she does something terrible, you are the one who will be responsible! If you don’t want this to come to fruition, just kill her!”

Sui Xiong was stunned by his words, and had no idea what he should do next. He never thought things would end up like this. He saw that Steele’s soul was gradually waking up and getting weaker and weaker, nearly ready to vanish and become a tiny sand in the river Styx. Sui Xiong felt very sorry and searched for some way to save her.

What should I do?

He had no time to ponder over this, so he immediately changed the energy of his soul into a tentacle and stuffed Steele’s soul back into her body.

“You’d better get back into your body! I can see you vanishing!”

But Steele’s soul had changed its form, and a human body could not hold a holy spirit. As soon as the soul entered the body, the body began to shake, and blood began coming out of her nose, eyes, ears, mouth and so on. A strong energy was working inside her body which seemed ready to explode at any minute.

So Sui Xiong use his magic power to transform Steele’s body.

The body is different from the soul? Then I shall make them the same!

Around half an hour later, Steele was alive again and finally opened her eyes. She stood up, moving her wings, shaking her tail, and becoming accustomed to her new body.

She now looked exactly like a holy spirit, a holy spirit wearing leather armor.

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