Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Chapter 67

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Engaging in scientific research was a matter of painstaking labor. Once immersed in their research, scientists tended to be so concentrated that they completely forgot everything else. Once, a scientist mistook his watch for an egg and boiled it, another took a carriage for a blackboard and wrote on it, another didn’t even notice that someone had stacked a bunch of chairs beside him, and another even wanted to finish the last bit of his research when he was about to be executed...

Of course, Sui Xiong could not be compared with these old sages, but when he devoted himself to studying, he was also unaware of what was happening around him. So he did not notice that there was a funny scene in the shelter.

Ray was really tired today: that damn serpent not only had thick skin and flesh but it was actually poisonous too! His body was stained with venom from the battle, and although Steele cast a spell to detoxicate him, his loss of energy couldn’t simply be restored by a single spell. Also, that hard-fought battle was a soul-stirring one—in fact, when the battle ended and he looked at the dead giant snake, which looked like a fallen giant tree in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel an appreciation for this incredible beast.

Such a big creature! Was he really the one who had killed him?!

This hard-fought battle had left him physically exhausted, and he desperately needed rest. So when he finally wrapped himself in his soft quilt and cushion, he fell asleep and began to dream after only a few breaths.

A light flickered before him, and he felt as if he’d returned to his relaxed and secure years from long ago.

“Your Highness! Your Highness of Leon!” An old voice awoke him from the dimness. He opened his eyes and found that now he was sitting at his desk, yawning. The book he’d been reading, Social Analysis: On the Rights, Duties and Obligations of Aristocrats, and the Obligations of Civilians, had fallen off the table and his head had been down.

“I am sorry...” the black-haired boy suddenly flushed and apologized embarrassedly. “I should not be lazy in class...”

“Oh, don’t apologize. I saw that today you got up early to practice wielding a sword. Feeling a bit tired after sword practice is normal,” the white-haired old man smiled and shook his head, wiping his golden glasses with an expression full of kindness. “Your Highness, you are young, and you still have a weak physical constitution. You don’t need to be excessively diligent.”

Leon smiled shyly, but his eyes were shining with a warm light. “Teacher, both you and my father have taught me that we should make decisions and work hard as early as possible. My dream is to be a knight who carries a sword, has a strong sense of justice, and is ready to help the weak. For this ideal I cannot slack off, and I must work hard every day!”

The old man smiled and nodded, gently knocking the blackboard in front of him with his finger. “It may be a good thing that you’ve made such a decision. But the fight over the throne is a bottomless pit which involves countless lives and blood. It is in fact more elegant and unconventional to be a man of great strength who carries a sword, has a strong sense of justice, and is ready to help the weak.”

“A few hundred years later, people may not remember who was the king at this time, but they will remember an overwhelming strongman with a royal background. Even if you cannot step into the realm of the legendary, your legacy might remain when the kingdom no longer exists!”

“Teacher, you are joking. How can I become a legendary strongman...” The juvenile shyly smiled, and a slight red flush came across his face.

“This idea is wrong! If you want to set a goal, make it an ambitious one. That way your future will be bright!” The old man looked a bit more serious, and said seriously, “Even if others do not believe you, you should always believe in yourself! Confidence is an essential quality of a man of great strength! Your Highness of Leon, you have to be more confident!”

The juvenile suddenly looked serious and made a serious promise.

But the old man changed the topic from exercising to learning. “Well, now that we’ve finished chatting, let’s start learning today’s lesson. Today’s lesson is about the use of the second bass in Elven music.”

The juvenile immediately lost his look of perseverance and lamented helplessly, “Teacher, do we have to learn these boring things? Elven music...I’ll never use this information anyway!”

“One’s knowledge of Elven music is required for a royal member. Even if you don’t become the king, I must still educate you according to the standards of the future king!” the old man had a granite-like look, and his eyes seemed to make all his students scared. “Your Excellency Leon, since we’ve wasted some time due to your little nap, today’s class will contain a little more content than usual. ”

“My God!”

Just before the despairingly dull lesson was about to begin, someone gently knocked at the door of the study.

“Excuse me, may I see the owner of this place?”

It was the sound of a woman’s voice, mature and attractive. Just judging by the voice, one couldn’t help but fantasize about how charming the woman must be and how nice it’d be to know her.

However, Leon was shocked for a while, because he knew this sound was inexplicably familiar. He even had a vague aversion to this person.

Neither he nor the elderly man spoke before the door to the study room was impolitely pushed open by the woman. A flirtatious and sexy woman entered, wearing tights that could only be described as enticingly immoral. She also had wings and a tail on her back.

“The style of this room is not right!” the woman said like a natural socializer. “I thought it would be a tavern, a casino or a brothel, or even a temple full of statues of tentacles. But how could it be a study?!”

She had no interest in the old man. She saw Leon’s face, looked at it carefully for a moment, and shook her head. “Who is this chaste and handsome little man? Are you interested in doing something happy with me?”

The old man suddenly turned angry, “How presumptuous you are! What kind of monster are you? Guards come here! Guards, quickly!”

But the woman did not mind the old man’s cries of indignation. She seduced Leon with a tempting look, carefully observing the various decorations in the study.

“A shield, a crown, and an eagle...Wow...I didn’t expect to have a chance to have sex with a prince!”

The old man repeatedly called the guards, but not a person came, and he suddenly became very upset. Pulling out a saber that was more decorative than practical, he stepped in front of Leon.

“Your Highness, you jump out the window! Not far from here there is a tree, and with your skills, you can jump up onto it.” His tone was heavy and tragic. “Hurry! I cannot block her for long!”

However, Leon did not escape but looked like he suddenly realized something.

“It turns out that... I am dreaming ...”

“Dreaming? You are indeed in a dream here, but it is not your dream. It is the dream of a robber who is the least lovely...Ah! So you are she! My God! You changed your look, not to mention your temperament! That’s really incredible!”

The flirtatious woman was certainly Steele, who had broken into Ray’s dream but saw something unexpected, so at the moment she was laughing very happily. “Ah, I couldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it! You, a robber who often boasts about how tyrannical and rampant he was in the western wilderness, and from time to time boasts about how he killed all the members of a chamber of smugglers... you’re actually a prince!”

Leon’s (aka Ray’s) face turned grim. He gently knocked on the desk with his finger, and the old man who was still holding the sword disappeared, and even all the furniture in the study disappeared and turned into an empty room. His own costume also changed immediately: from everyday casual clothes into a full set of armor. He held his long sword with his left hand and his long spear with his right hand, poised to fight.

“Steele...You made a huge mistake!” he said coldly. “In dreams, people cannot die, so I will show no mercy to you.”

“For spying on my secret, I will crucify you on the outer wall of the castle with screws and let you reflect on your deeds!”

“Will this crucifixion be carried out in a vertical way so that the screws go in the lower part of my body and out my mouth?” Steele not only showed no fear but also became excited. “I’ve only heard about this in the bard’s stories, and I always wanted to try it!”

Ray was angry and speechless. He raised his long spear and a cold light flashed across it as he aimed for the slut’s mouth. He was determined to clock her right in the damn mouth first!

However, for unknown reasons, Steele’s strength had improved at an incredible speed. She kept running around to avoid the fast-moving spear, and she avoided every attack even though she was somewhat embarrassed.

At the same time, she kept taunting Ray, saying things like, “Ah, why do you always target my face when you attack me? Especially my mouth...you’d just like to stab my mouth, huh? In fact, I really like it. Why not f*ck me once, and I promise you an enjoyable experience.”

“You slut! You intruded into my dream just in order to say these awful things!” Ray was extremely furious, and he attacked Steele more violently, but he couldn’t hurt her.

“It’s a long story...” Steele smiled tenderly, giving him a flirtatious look. “I was tired and I just wanted to have a good sleep. But maybe because I was too tired, my soul drifted out of my body for unknown reasons after I fell asleep. I felt so bored, and thought that I really need to reward myself because for so many days I haven’t slept with anyone.”

“So you came to harass me?!”

“But there is only one man here, and that’s you!” Steele did not feel ashamed or shy, and smiled as she licked her lips. “To be honest, only one man is too few!”


“Is ‘out’ a sex position? I have not used this position yet...but it doesn’t matter. As long as Your Highness is willing to satisfy me, I am willing to try whatever position,” Steele giggled. “It seems so interesting and worth trying!”

“I mean you! Get! OUT!” Ray roared, and threw his long spear at Steele, which didn’t hit her but changed into a lightning bolt that flew out through the wall.

After throwing his long spear, Ray switched to his sword. The sword was much shorter and lighter than the spear, so of course, he wielded it much faster. As a result, Steele could not keep up with him.

As the light reflected by the sword flashed around the room, only a few minutes passed and there were already a few wounds on Steele’s body. But this woman was really unique, even among the most eccentric people, because the bloody wounds on her body not only failed to scare her but made her more excited. It seemed that she got pleasure from pain.

At this moment, she actually started to groan.

Ray was extremely angry because of this slut who knew no shame and had no rock bottom. So he attacked with his sword more fiercely. At this time he abandoned his plan of crucifying the slut on the outer wall of the castle with screws and letting cold wind freeze her to death. He just hoped to cut Steele in two and expel her from his dream.

However, there was a clear gap between hopes and reality. Although Steele became more embarrassed, she kept avoiding this imminent danger and maintain the status quo in their fight. As more and more wounds appeared on her body, she became more and more agile and strange. josei

What was more incredible was that as her moaning became louder, Ray even saw some transparent and bright suspicious liquid amid the splashing blood.

“You slut! After this dream is over, you will be hung out to dry in the real world!” He was so angry and completely lost his mind, and he attacked her more fiercely. The walls and floor all collapsed as the result of his furious attacks. He seemed to want to demolish the house.

Just then, there was a sudden loud crash, and the sky outside the window was severely fragmented. They saw a giant jellyfish large enough to carry a city.

“You are shouting in the middle of the night! Don’t you have the slightest bit of common sense?!”

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