Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 849 - Vol V Chapter 209

Chapter 849 - Vol V Chapter 209

Chapter 849: Vol V Chapter 209

The means of a Holy Spirit were essentially the same as those of gods. The only difference lay in the strength of their power.

This meant that, so long as the Holy Spirits were well-prepared and cleverly made use of appropriate means, they would, in fact, be able to deal with the gods and make them fall prey to their tricks.

Take today, for example. Two Holy Spirits had successfully tricked the two great Divine Powers, Sui Xiong and Wenner. Whether it was Sui Xiong or Wenner, none had expected these two Holy Spirits to be resolute to such a degree. These Holy Spirits had immediately launched the means of self-destruction the moment they knew that Sui Xiong and Wenner had found traces of them. So within an instant, the clue was destroyed, thus making it impossible for anyone to further investigate the matter.

These two Holy Spirits had originally prepared several plans in advance. Among which, there were ideal plans where everything went well, but there were also contingency plans if things had not gone well. There were even emergency plans for responding to critical situations.

According to the most ideal plan where things went smoothly, when the aristocratic party’s rapid-mobility troop was done with the last round of cruel massacre of a village, that Holy Spirit who was in the guise of a maidservant would use all the power he had to put his plan into action. He would brave the risk of being exterminated by the Main Plane enchantment and drop a combination of terrifying flames, lightning and storms upon the troop. This was the plan to completely annihilate this bandit troop.

Then some of the gods who had already prepared themselves well and had secretly been keeping a watchful eye on this bandit troop all this time would appear and mete out punishment in the name of the human gods.

The Goddess of Wealth, whom the civilians had worshipped and believed in, had not been able to protect them. On the contrary, despite the fact that the humans had not placed their belief in the human gods, these gods had stepped forth to destroy the ferocious army... This would definitely shake the base of belief in the Goddess of Wealth within the Commonwealth of Gold Coins, making the people who felt that they needed the protection of the gods to reconsider who they believed in.

If they could achieve this, of course, everyone was happy. All the sacrifices would be paid off. Perfect!

The most urgent emergency plan corresponded to the situation where the Holy Spirits were targeted by a powerful good god. In this case, all the original plans would become null and void. The two Holy Spirits needed to destroy all their traces as soon as possible. The most important thing was to ensure that they did not leave behind any trace that could allow the other party to track them down.

Of course, in such a situation, those gods who were observing the situation in the dark would certainly not come forward. They would only pretend that they knew nothing.

In this way, all earlier preparatory work would be in vain. The Goddess of Wealth admittedly failed to protect the people who believed in her. But the human gods did not get to present their worth either. While this dealt a blow to the belief in the Goddess of Wealth, it did little to spread the belief in the human gods and still required the continued efforts of the clergymen of the churches.

And honestly speaking, it was not easy for anyone to completely destroy all traces of themselves.

But nothing was impossible with a willing heart. On the premise that they could actually destroy themselves, then completely destroying all their traces was actually not difficult at all.

After all, the Holy Spirits were essentially not much different from the gods. Whatever the gods could do, so long as they had made ample preparation, the Holy Spirits would also be able to achieve similar things.

Although it was a pity and also a painful thing to die for such a cause, these two Holy Spirits did not hesitate at all. For some reason, they seemed to take their lives lightly. They could simply sacrifice themselves if there was a need to, and they did not find anything wrong in doing so.

Or to put it across in a more straightforward and harsh fashion, they all tended to be a little world-weary. This was why they did not hesitate when they had to bury themselves.

Whether they had completely transformed themselves into different Divine Powers at other camps or shattered their souls to pieces to feed the dragon with abyssal attributes, all these things were ways that could completely eliminate all traces that showed that they once existed. Even the great Divine Powers would not be able to trace them down.

Of course, in this case, they would be dead themselves. That was for sure.

Sui Xiong wore a perplexed look as he looked at that dark red dragon of the panicking aristocratic party’s cavalry troop, which was roaring away in a crazy manner. His brows were locked into a frown.

“Can you see exactly what that guy is?” he asked.

Wenner studied him a little, then said, “The red dragon has been consumed by the power of the abyss. It must have been essentially a chaotic, evil existence to start with. And now, adding on the fact that it has been severely eroded by the power of the abyss—honestly, it’s not even considered a dragon anymore. I feel that it probably makes more sense to say that it’s a devil in the form of a dragon.”

Sui Xiong secretly sighed in his heart and asked, “So, are you able to tell exactly which Holy Spirit could have caused such a change in this dragon?”

“How could that be... the aura of the Abyss is a sworn enemy of the gods of my generation. Though I have studied a little about it, if you want me to trace it back to its origins given the present situation, it’s really impossible.”

Sui Xiong said nothing more. In his heart, he was secretly investigating away. josei

This Holy Spirit, as well as that guy from earlier on, who was presumably also a Holy Spirit, had hastily destroyed their traces. It was obvious that they meant to avoid being traced back to where they came from.

So why would they want to prevent their origins from being traced? There had to be a problem with their background!

If they were the Holy Spirits of a certain evil god, then they had no need to hide their identities even if they had done evil deeds—it was a matter of course for evil gods to perpetrate all kinds of evil. The angrier the heavens and people were, the better proof it was to how utterly evil and crazy they were.

What they had done at present was indeed something that was utterly devoid of conscience. But if they were Holy Spirits of evil gods, then what they had done was not disgraceful. On the contrary, it conformed to their identities or could even be said to be glorious.

This was like how a beast would naturally want to feast on meat. It was nothing to be ashamed of.

But they were extremely deliberate in wanting to destroy their traces so that no one could trace them...

Perhaps this meant that they might be Holy Spirits of some good god?

Sui Xiong was shocked at this thought and then denied this speculation himself.

It was not that good gods would not do evil. It was just they would never ever do something so heartless. Their Holy Spirits, essentially their doppelgangers, could not have possibly done something like that.

To be so utterly evil... they were definitely not Holy Spirits from a good camp. They might even be originally from the evil camp.

So... since they were originally from the evil camp, why would they want to cover up their traces?

Unless... their identities were questionable.

Maybe... according to their identities, not only were they not supposed to commit such a crime, they should, on the contrary, be protecting these civilians...

Sui Xiong’s eyes narrowed as he began another round of mental investigation.

Though there were many gods in the world, there were not many tycoons among them that could sacrifice two Holy Spirits in one go. Screening and selecting from these tycoons according to the two criteria of “evil” and “original stance inclined towards protecting the public,” there would only be a few who could fit the bill.

In this list, of course, the most outstanding one was the Master God of the Human God System, the God of Light.

Strictly speaking, his priesthood did not carry any obligation to protect. Revenge and humanity were his two fundamental priesthoods. Protection was completely absent from the former, and as for the latter... though it could be extended to “protecting humanity,” it was merely from the standpoint of the entire humanity and did not include the protection of all mortals.

Of course, as the Master God of the Human God System, it would definitely be a huge scandal if his Holy Spirits were to do such a thing. So if they were his Holy Spirits, committing suicide in such a way to destroy all traces of themselves was, on the contrary, quite reasonable.

Could it be... that the mastermind behind this was actually the God of Light?

Though Sui Xiong did not say anything aloud, in his heart, he was secretly muttering to himself

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