Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 881 - Vol V Chapter 241

Chapter 881 - Vol V Chapter 241

Chapter 881: Vol V Chapter 241

After fully mastering his own power, Leon became a powerful Demigod.

Unlike the other Demigods in general, he had an unlimited supply of Divine Power from Sui Xiong. Therefore, he could directly increase his power to the limit where it did not need to be suppressed when he was on the Main Plane.

This was one of the advantages of Demigods. So long as they had enough Divine Power, theoretically speaking, Demigods could directly grow to a level comparable to a weak Divine Power. Such powerful Demigods existed in many powerful God Systems. Usually, they would humbly remain hidden and not make public appearances. But when their God Systems needed to face up to challenges, they often put themselves forward and become an ingenious army that was enough to change the tide of the battle.

The only disappointment of this method was that the maximum level it could allow a Demigod to elevate to was the level of a weak Divine Power. Then ultimately, if they wanted anything higher, they would have to find the opportunity from their own realm of growth. However, so long as there was growth in their realm, their Divine Power could also be directly boosted. Assuming they could ultimately gain an understanding of a realm that was the equivalent of the great Divine Powers, it was also completely possible to directly transfuse Divine Power to the Demigods and enable them to be comparable to great Divine Powers.

Well, so long as he could master this realm, that would do.

In fact, it was much more difficult for Demigods to ascend the realms than it was for real gods. There were many Demigods in this world who had gained power that was comparable to mid-level Divine Power through years of sedimentation and their own accumulation. If a fight really broke out, in the face of mid-level Divine Powers who were truly from the advocating war party, these Demigods were practically vulnerable.

This was the difference in the level of power. It was like one jin of wood compared with one jin of steel. Their weights were the same, but their strengths were completely different.

If Leon wanted to progress from his current level, he had to rely on his own cultivation and growth to break through the bottleneck. This would be a long process. It could even be considered fast if he was able to advance a step forward after thousands of years.

According to what Sui Xiong knew, inside the Water Element Plane, there were some Demigod Masters who were already born before the time where it was merely the beginning of the birth of the Big Circulation. But after so many years, most of them were still at a level that was equivalent to the weak Divine Powers.

However, Leon had no intention of waiting so long. On this trip back to Earth, he was about to begin preparing to be sealed a god.

It was natural for Demigod Masters to be sealed gods, so Leon did not feel that he was going to be unsuccessful—even if he could not obtain any of the few priesthoods he was vying for, at least he still had the position of the patron saint of Garth as his minimum guarantee.

This minimum guarantee was quite miserable, though. It was more or less equivalent to gaining nothing at all after making 10 consecutive draws in a mobile game and then finally, gaining a “rare” card as a gift. Yet no matter how miserably sad it was, he would still be a real god.

God knew how many people in the world could not even become weak Divine Powers, even if they wanted to!

This was apparently the case for Leon’s new colleague, Fira Kenji, who had been practicing painstakingly for more than a year but still had not fully grasped the life form of divine creatures. After Leon returned to Earth, he continued to practice very hard, going without sleep, food and drink. He took himself as a piece of iron and strove to toughen and harden himself into steel.

When Leon returned to Garth, naturally, he was welcomed by all. His wife, Kalisa Riley, in particular, was the happiest.

Kalisa had been pregnant for such a long time that even the heirs of legendary creatures’ bloodline were almost ready to be conceived. According to the doctors and priests’ estimations, she could be considered to have reached her expected date of delivery.

Of course, her “expected date of delivery” was shockingly long. Three to five months was not strange, but neither was six months to a year. If necessary, it could even possibly drag on for a few years.

For legendary creatures, this kind of thing was very common. Some dragons might even have completed the gestation of their child in their bellies. After the eggs were laid, even the process of hatching eggs was no longer required. Just by directly using awakening magic, the young dragon would be able to break out of its shell. josei

That kind of gestation process could take decades or even hundreds of years in general. Upon comparison, Kalisa’s pregnancy merely took a few years. It was considered to be really short.

In the first place, Kalisa had also considered that if Leon had not been able to make it back in time, she would let the child continue to grow in her belly. She would not rush into delivery—this would, of course, be a heavy burden and injury to her. But given her physique and the resources she had ready access to, this would not be much of a problem to her.

Fortunately, Leon returned in time. This was also a relief to her.

After learning about this, Leon was also very happy. The newly-promoted Demigod even paced around the place like a fool for a moment as he incessantly mumbled silly things like “what should I prepare” and such.

Of course, they did not have to go through all this trouble. Everything they needed was already well-prepared.

Now that Leon was back, Kalisa had no intention of delaying further. She asked a legendary-level mage who was good at prophecy spells for a divination. An auspicious day was chosen where she gave birth to the child.

Childbirth was a very painful and dangerous thing for women. Even with the few great supplementary tools that an old midwife of the Church of the God of Medicine invented a few years ago, the chances of a woman dying due to difficult labor during childbirth was nearly 20 percent. That mainly consisted of those women who were not strong enough or those who had internal injuries or hidden diseases. During childbirth, there would be an outburst of all kinds of problems that could catch the midwives and doctors unaware.

It was naturally much safer if there was a priest who knew the healing spell around. But priests were not that commonly seen. Most areas and most people were not entitled to the care of priests.

Fortunately, Kalisa did not have to worry about this. Her powerful physique was able to endure through the delivery, and... it was very easy.

Without much effort, the baby was born. It was a healthy and strong little girl. She had eyes like her mother, and her hair color was the same as her father’s.

“She’s going to be a peerless beauty!” Kalisa said. She held her daughter and spoke of what she looked forward to.

Leon looked at the wrinkled little child that looked like a little monkey. Very wisely, he did not express his thoughts aloud.

To be honest, he was a little worried.

His daughter seemed to look... very average.

Considering that she was his and Kalisa’s child, she would inherit their powerful bloodline and strength. Would she eventually grow up to be like a bandit, find a man who looked decent, then knock him out with a club and drag him home?

He was definitely not just entertaining foolish thoughts by letting his imagination run wild. During his time as the Solitary Robber, Leon had seen female robbers doing such a thing more than once. Even he himself had an encounter with a female robber who wanted to catch him back home to elevate her status in her village.

Good men were as rare as good women. The needs of female robbers for good men were no different from those of male robbers for good women.

Leon could even imagine that in the future, his daughter would ride dragons and hover in the skies to search for a good man, as though she were hunting for prey. Then with a nosedive, she would catch him before the people around could react, put him on the back of the dragon and ride back up into the sky...

(Come to think of it, that isn’t too bad either. It’s skyrocketing to success with a single bound! And my daughter must be very well-educated. She will be someone of impeccable character. Even if she’s not very pretty, so what? After closing one’s eyes, this will not make any difference...)

The great Demigod, the patron saint of Garth City, the Swordsman of the eastern sea whose name was famous throughout the Main Plane, easily threw away his moral integrity as he pondered his daughter’s marriage.

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